Tag Heptane

Connecting Central Asia and Russia

Did you know that n-Hexane, n-Pentane, Cyclopentane, n-Heptane, and Isohexane can be transported by road to various countries in Central Asia and Russia? These hydrocarbons play a crucial role in energy production and industrial processes. 🚚🌏 #Hexane #Heptane #Pentane #Cyclopentane #Isohexane #ChemicalTransport #EnergyIndustry

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The application of n-Heptane in the rubber industry

The application of n-Heptane in the rubber industry is indeed extensive. Here are some specific cases:

1. Rubber processing: n-Heptane is used as a solvent in the rubber processing process. It helps in the mixing, plasticization and molding of rubber.

2. Rubber product manufacturing: n-Heptane is used to manufacture various rubber products, such as tires, seals, rubber tubes, rubber pads, etc. It can improve the fluidity and processing properties of rubber.

3. Rubber adhesives: n-Heptane is also used as one of the ingredients of rubber adhesives. It helps to bond different parts together.

In short, n-Heptane plays an important role in the rubber industry and supports the manufacturing and performance of rubber products. If you need more detailed information or other help, please feel free to let us know!

Dimethyl Disulfide (DMDS): Catalyst Sulfiding and Advantages

Dimethyl Disulfide (DMDS): Catalyst Sulfiding and Advantages

What is n-Heptane and why is it important for chemistry?

n-Heptane is a pure form of heptane, a common solvent and fuel component. It has a special role in measuring the octane rating of gasoline and in separating chiral compounds.

Heptane is a simple organic compound with the chemical formula C$_7$H$_{16}$. It is a colorless liquid that smells like gasoline and is highly flammable. Heptane is widely used as a solvent in laboratories and industries, as it can dissolve many non-polar substances. It is also a component of gasoline, as it can be easily refined from crude oil.

However, not all heptane molecules are the same. There are different ways to arrange the seven carbon atoms and the 16 hydrogen atoms in a heptane molecule, resulting in different shapes and properties. These different forms of heptane are called isomers, and there are nine of them in total.

One of the isomers of heptane is n-heptane, which stands for normal heptane. This is the simplest and most symmetrical form of heptane, where the seven carbon atoms are arranged in a straight chain. n-Heptane has some unique characteristics that make it important for chemistry.

First, n-heptane is the standard for measuring the octane rating of gasoline. The octane rating is a measure of how well a fuel can resist knocking, which is a phenomenon where the fuel ignites too early in the engine, causing damage and reducing efficiency. n-Heptane is very prone to knocking, as it burns very quickly and explosively. Therefore, it is assigned a octane rating of zero, meaning the worst possible fuel for an engine. On the other hand, iso-octane, another isomer of octane (C$_8$H$_{18}$), is very resistant to knocking, as it burns more slowly and smoothly. Therefore, it is assigned a octane rating of 100, meaning the best possible fuel for an engine. Other fuels are compared to these two extremes, and their octane rating is calculated as the percentage of iso-octane in a mixture with n-heptane that has the same knocking behavior. For example, a gasoline with an octane rating of 87 means that it behaves like a mixture of 87% iso-octane and 13% n-heptane.

Second, n-heptane is useful for separating chiral compounds. Chiral compounds are molecules that have two forms that are mirror images of each other, like your left and right hands. These forms are called enantiomers, and they can have different effects on living organisms. For example, one enantiomer of a drug may be beneficial, while the other may be harmful. Therefore, it is important to be able to separate and identify the enantiomers of a chiral compound. One way to do this is by using a chiral column, which is a tube filled with a material that can distinguish between the enantiomers. The chiral compound is dissolved in a solvent, such as n-heptane, and passed through the column. The enantiomers will interact differently with the material, and will come out of the column at different times. This is called chromatography, and it is a widely used technique for separating and analyzing mixtures.

n-Heptane is a good solvent for chiral chromatography, as it is non-polar and does not interfere with the interactions between the enantiomers and the material. However, n-heptane alone is not enough to separate the enantiomers, as it may not have enough eluting power, which is the ability to push the compounds through the column. Therefore, n-heptane is often mixed with other solvents, such as ethanol or isopropanol, which have more eluting power and can affect the selectivity and resolution of the separation. The choice of the solvent mixture is a key step in chiral analysis, and it depends on the properties of the chiral compound and the column material.

In summary, n-heptane is a pure form of heptane, a common solvent and fuel component. It has a special role in measuring the octane rating of gasoline and in separating chiral compounds. n-Heptane is an example of how a simple molecule can have important applications in chemistry and beyond.

How Much Hydrocarbon Can You Fit in a 200-Liter Steel Drum?

Abstract: Hydrocarbons are organic compounds that are widely used as fuels, solvents, and raw materials. In this article, we will explain how to calculate how much hydrocarbon you can fit in a 200-liter steel drum, using four examples: n-pentane, n-heptane, cyclopentane, and isohexane. We will use their densities and a safety filling factor of 95% to account for possible expansion or contraction due to temperature or pressure changes.

Keywords: hydrocarbons, density, net weight, safety filling factor, steel drum


Hydrocarbons are organic compounds that consist of only carbon and hydrogen atoms. They have different shapes and sizes, which affect their physical and chemical properties. Some hydrocarbons are straight chains, such as n-pentane and n-heptane. Some are rings, such as cyclopentane. Some have branches, such as isohexane. These hydrocarbons are widely used as fuels, solvents, and raw materials for various industries.

But how much hydrocarbon can you fit in a 200-liter steel drum? This is an important question for storing and transporting hydrocarbons safely and efficiently. To answer this question, we need to know two things: the density and the safety filling factor of the hydrocarbon.

The density of a substance is the mass per unit volume. It is usually expressed in grams per milliliter (g/mL) or kilograms per liter (kg/L). The density of a hydrocarbon depends on its molecular structure, temperature, and pressure. For this article, we will use the density values at 20°C and 1 atm, which are available from various sources¹²³⁴.

The safety filling factor is the percentage of the drum volume that can be safely filled with the hydrocarbon. We cannot fill the drum completely, because the hydrocarbon may expand or contract due to temperature or pressure changes. This could cause the drum to leak or burst, which could be dangerous and wasteful. Therefore, we need to leave some empty space in the drum to allow for possible expansion or contraction. For this article, we will use a safety filling factor of 95%, which means that we will fill the drum with 95% of its volume.

The net weight of a hydrocarbon in a drum is the mass of the hydrocarbon that fills the drum. To calculate the net weight, we need to multiply the volume of the drum by the density of the hydrocarbon and by the safety filling factor. The formula is:

$$W = V \times D \times F$$

where W is the net weight in kilograms (kg), V is the volume of the drum in liters (L), D is the density of the hydrocarbon in kilograms per liter (kg/L), and F is the safety filling factor as a decimal number (0.95).

The volume of a drum is the space that it occupies. It is usually expressed in liters (L) or cubic meters (m^3^). The volume of a drum depends on its shape and size. For this article, we will assume that the drum is cylindrical, with a height of 0.9 m and a diameter of 0.6 m. The volume of a cylindrical drum can be calculated by multiplying the area of the base by the height. The area of the base is the area of a circle, which can be calculated by multiplying pi (π) by the square of the radius. The radius is half of the diameter. Therefore, the volume of the drum is:

$$V = \pi r^2 h$$

$$V = \pi (0.3)^2 (0.9)$$

$$V = 0.254 m^3$$

$$V = 254 L$$

Now, we can calculate the net weight of each hydrocarbon in the drum, using the formula and the density values from the sources. The results are:

  • The net weight of n-pentane in the drum is:

$$W = 254 \times 0.626 \times 0.95$$

$$W = 150.7 kg$$

  • The net weight of n-heptane in the drum is:

$$W = 254 \times 0.679 \times 0.95$$

$$W = 164.1 kg$$

  • The net weight of cyclopentane in the drum is:

$$W = 254 \times 0.746 \times 0.95$$

$$W = 180.1 kg$$

  • The net weight of isohexane in the drum is:

$$W = 254 \times 0.659 \times 0.95$$

$$W = 159.1 kg$$

In conclusion, we have explained how to calculate how much hydrocarbon you can fit in a 200-liter steel drum, using four examples: n-pentane, n-heptane, cyclopentane, and isohexane. We have used their densities and a safety filling factor of 95% to account for possible expansion or contraction due to temperature or pressure changes. This article can help us understand how to store and transport hydrocarbons safely and efficiently.

Pharmaceutical-grade Heptane: Production Process and Applications

Abstract: Heptane is a hydrocarbon with the chemical formula C7H16. It is a colorless, volatile, and flammable liquid that is widely used as a solvent, fuel, and chemical intermediate. Pharmaceutical-grade heptane is a high-purity heptane that meets the standards of the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and the European Pharmacopoeia (EP). It is mainly used as a solvent for the extraction, purification, and crystallization of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). This article introduces the production process of pharmaceutical-grade heptane and its applications in the pharmaceutical industry.

Keywords: heptane, pharmaceutical-grade, solvent, extraction, purification, crystallization, API


Heptane is one of the simplest alkanes, a class of hydrocarbons that consist of only carbon and hydrogen atoms. It has seven carbon atoms and 16 hydrogen atoms, arranged in a straight chain or a branched structure. There are nine possible isomers of heptane, which differ in the way the carbon atoms are connected. The most common isomer is n-heptane, which has a straight-chain structure. Other isomers include isoheptane, methylhexane, dimethylpentane, and ethylpentane.

Heptane can be obtained from natural sources, such as crude oil and natural gas, or from synthetic sources, such as the catalytic cracking of petroleum or the Fischer-Tropsch process. Heptane is usually separated from other hydrocarbons by fractional distillation, a process that exploits the different boiling points of the components. Heptane has a boiling point of about 98°C, which is lower than that of octane (125°C) and higher than that of hexane (69°C).

Heptane has many industrial uses, such as a solvent, fuel, and chemical intermediate. As a solvent, heptane can dissolve or extract various organic compounds, such as fats, oils, waxes, resins, rubber, and plastics. As a fuel, heptane can be blended with other hydrocarbons to produce gasoline, jet fuel, and diesel. As a chemical intermediate, heptane can be used to synthesize other organic compounds, such as alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, and carboxylic acids.

Pharmaceutical-grade heptane is a special type of heptane that has a high purity and meets the specifications of the USP and the EP. These specifications include the limits of impurities, such as water, sulfur, aromatics, olefins, and other hydrocarbons. Pharmaceutical-grade heptane also has to pass certain tests, such as the assay, the density, the refractive index, the acidity, the peroxide value, and the residue on evaporation.

Pharmaceutical-grade heptane is mainly used as a solvent for the extraction, purification, and crystallization of APIs. APIs are the substances that are responsible for the therapeutic effects of drugs. They can be derived from natural sources, such as plants, animals, or microorganisms, or from synthetic sources, such as chemical synthesis or biotechnology. APIs have to be isolated and purified from the raw materials or the reaction mixtures, and then crystallized into solid forms that have the desired properties, such as purity, stability, solubility, bioavailability, and polymorphism.

Heptane is a suitable solvent for these processes because it has a low polarity, a low toxicity, a high volatility, and a good compatibility with other solvents. Heptane can dissolve or extract the APIs from the impurities, such as water, salts, sugars, proteins, and other organic compounds. Heptane can also be used to recrystallize the APIs by changing the temperature, the concentration, or the addition of other solvents. Heptane can be easily removed from the APIs by evaporation, filtration, or centrifugation, leaving behind a dry and pure solid.

Some examples of APIs that are extracted, purified, or crystallized with heptane are:

  • Aspirin, an anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug that is synthesized from salicylic acid and acetic anhydride. Heptane is used to wash and dry the crude aspirin crystals, and then to recrystallize them with ethanol.
  • Ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug that is synthesized from isobutylbenzene and propionic acid. Heptane is used to extract the ibuprofen from the reaction mixture, and then to recrystallize it with ethanol or acetone.
  • Paracetamol, an analgesic and antipyretic drug that is synthesized from phenol and acetic anhydride. Heptane is used to extract the paracetamol from the reaction mixture, and then to recrystallize it with water or ethanol.
  • Caffeine, a stimulant and diuretic drug that is derived from coffee beans or tea leaves. Heptane is used to extract the caffeine from the raw materials, and then to recrystallize it with water or ethanol.

Pharmaceutical-grade heptane is an important solvent for the production of APIs, as it can ensure the quality, safety, and efficacy of the drugs. However, heptane also has some drawbacks, such as its flammability, its environmental impact, and its potential health hazards. Therefore, heptane has to be handled with care and disposed of properly, following the regulations and guidelines of the authorities and the industry.

The Challenge of n-Heptane Supply: A Popular Solvent with a Volatile Market

n-Heptane is a chemical compound with the formula C7H16, consisting of a chain of seven carbon atoms and 16 hydrogen atoms. It is a colorless, flammable liquid that belongs to the group of alkanes, which are the simplest and most common type of hydrocarbons. N-Heptane is widely used as a solvent in various industries, such as paints, coatings, adhesives, pharmaceuticals, and oil extraction. It is also used as a reference fuel to measure the octane rating of gasoline, as it has the lowest octane number of zero. This means that n-heptane burns more easily and causes engine knocking, which is a problem for gasoline engines. Therefore, gasoline is blended with other hydrocarbons that have higher octane numbers to prevent knocking and improve engine performance.

N-Heptane is mainly produced from the refining of crude oil, which is a complex mixture of different hydrocarbons. N-Heptane can be separated from crude oil by a process called fractional distillation, which involves heating the crude oil and collecting the different fractions that boil at different temperatures. N-Heptane is one of the components of the light naphtha fraction, which boils between 30°C and 200°C. N-Heptane can also be synthesized from other hydrocarbons, such as ethylene, propylene, and butane, by a process called oligomerization, which involves combining smaller molecules into larger ones.

The supply and demand of n-heptane are influenced by various factors, such as the price and availability of crude oil, the demand from downstream industries, the environmental regulations, and the geopolitical situations. The price of n-heptane is closely linked to the price of crude oil, as it is one of the main raw materials for its production. The price of crude oil is determined by the balance between the global supply and demand, as well as the market expectations and speculations. The supply of crude oil depends on the production capacity and output of the major oil-producing countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Russia, and the United States. The demand for crude oil depends on the economic growth and energy consumption of the major oil-consuming countries, such as China, India, and the European Union. The price of crude oil can also be affected by unexpected events, such as natural disasters, wars, and sanctions, that disrupt the normal production and transportation of oil.

The demand for n-heptane is driven by the demand from the downstream industries that use it as a solvent or a fuel additive. The demand for n-heptane can vary depending on the season, the region, and the industry. For example, the demand for n-heptane as a solvent for paints and coatings can increase in the summer, when the construction and renovation activities are more active. The demand for n-heptane as a solvent for oil extraction can increase in the winter, when the viscosity of the crude oil is higher and needs to be reduced for easier pumping. The demand for n-heptane can also differ across regions, depending on the local preferences and regulations for gasoline quality. For example, some countries, such as China and India, have stricter standards for gasoline octane rating, which require more n-heptane to be blended with gasoline to lower its octane number and reduce its emissions.

The supply and demand of n-heptane can also be influenced by the environmental regulations and policies that aim to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and improve the air quality. These regulations and policies can affect the production and consumption of n-heptane in different ways. For example, some regulations, such as the Clean Air Act in the United States, can limit the amount of n-heptane that can be used as a solvent or a fuel additive, as it contributes to the formation of ozone and smog, which are harmful to human health and the environment. On the other hand, some policies, such as the Renewable Fuel Standard in the United States, can encourage the use of n-heptane as a solvent or a fuel additive, as it can help to increase the blending of biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, with gasoline and diesel, which are more environmentally friendly.

The challenge of n-heptane supply is to balance the supply and demand of this important chemical compound in a volatile and uncertain market. The producers and consumers of n-heptane need to monitor the market trends and dynamics, and adjust their production and procurement strategies accordingly. The producers of n-heptane need to optimize their production capacity and output, and diversify their sources of raw materials and markets. The consumers of n-heptane need to secure their supply contracts and inventories, and explore alternative solvents and fuels. The governments and regulators need to provide clear and consistent policies and regulations, and foster cooperation and coordination among the stakeholders. The researchers and innovators need to develop new and improved technologies and processes, and discover new and better applications and uses of n-heptane.

What is the use of n-Heptane UV absorption?

Heptane is an organic compound with the molecular formula C7H16, which is a type of alkane. It is a colorless liquid with a slight gasoline smell, flammable, insoluble in water, but soluble in organic solvents.

Heptane has some industrial applications, such as being used as a solvent, fuel, or raw material for synthesizing other chemicals.

Heptane can absorb ultraviolet rays, so it can also be used as a UV absorber, such as in sunscreen or plastic. The function of UV absorbers is to prevent UV damage to the skin or materials, such as sunburn, aging, discoloration, or degradation.

The reasons for the rise of n-Heptane prices in January 2024

The global n-Heptane prices have surged recently due to various factors, such as:

  • The increase in crude oil prices, which is the main feedstock for n-Heptane production. Crude oil prices have risen due to OPEC+ production cuts and geopolitical tensions¹².
  • The strong demand from the paints and coatings industry, which uses n-Heptane as a solvent and a thinner. The paints and coatings industry has grown due to the recovery of the automotive and construction sectors after the pandemic³⁴.
  • The limited supply of n-Heptane in some regions, such as Europe, where the production capacity is low and the imports are restricted by trade barriers and logistics issues³.

These factors have created a tight market situation for n-Heptane, leading to higher prices and margins for the producers and suppliers. However, the prices may vary depending on the region, the quality, and the availability of n-Heptane.

One minute to understand the classification of products in the petrochemical industry

[Energy] Crude Oil Zone Crude Oil Condensate Diluted Bitumen Natural Gas Liquefied Natural Gas Pipeline and Compressed Natural Gas Ethane Refined Oil Gasoline Diesel Kerosene Local Refinery Naphtha Liquefied Gas Civil Gas Olefin C4 Propane Butane Alkylate MTBE Fuel Oil Imported Fuel Oil Residue Oil Wax Oil Slurry Shale Oil Heavy Oil Marine Oil Marine 120cst Fuel Oil Marine 180cst Fuel Oil Bonded Marine Oil Marine 4# Fuel Oil Marine 0# Diesel Asphalt Heavy Duty Asphalt Construction Asphalt Modified Asphalt Petroleum Coke Calcined Coke Prebaked Anode Silicon Metal Electrolytic Aluminum Graphite Electrode Uncalcined Petroleum Coke Needle Coke Lubricating Oil Base Oil Recycled Oil White Oil Rubber Oil Line Reduction Oil Hydrogenated Tail Oil Bidding Information Light White Oil Normal Paraffin Isoparaffin Oil Comprehensive MTBE Alkylation Oil Mixed Aromatics Kerosene Changchai Catalytic diesel Coal-to-diesel Coal-to-naphtha Light cycle oil Gasoline diesel Biodiesel Ethanol gasoline and component oil Oil additive paraffin zone Liquid wax Microcrystalline wax Chlorinated paraffin Paraffin Fischer-Tropsch wax Polyethylene wax Special wax solvent oil National standard solvent oil, high boiling point aromatic solvent, n-hexane, petroleum ether, n-heptane, isohexane, tetramethylbenzene, diesel aromatics, trimethylbenzene, aromatics heat transfer oil, aromatics plasticizer, aromatics residue/raffinate, polymethoxy dimethyl ether, isoheptane cracking C5 and downstream C5 Petroleum Resin Dicyclopentadiene Isoprene Piperylene Rosin Essence Dicyclopentadiene 1-Hexene (α-Olefin) C5 Light Component Raffinate C5 Raffinate Oil Pentane Blowing Agent N-Pentane Isopentane Cyclopentane High olefin C5 Mixed C5 Cracking C9 and downstream C9 petroleum resin Dicyclopentadiene Hydrogenation C9 Refined dicyclopentadiene Ethylene tar Cracking naphthalene fraction Ethylene tar resin (coumarone) Indene segment resin material Petroleum naphthalene Coated asphalt[ Chemical Industry] Olefins Ethylene Propylene Butadiene Isobutylene Ethane Propylene Glycol Dipropylene Glycol Tripropylene Glycol Aromatics Pure Benzene Toluene Xylene Styrene Para-Xylene Ortho-Xylene Mixed Aromatics Hydrogenated Benzene Mixed Styrene Ethylbenzene Isophthalic Acid Meta-Xylene Benzoic Acid Chlorine Benzene organic alcohol ethanol diethylene glycol dimethyl carbonate propylene glycol isopropanol n-propanol methanol and downstream methanol formaldehyde dimethyl ether methylal dichloromethane dichloropropane chloroform pentaerythritol paraformaldehyde urotropine monochlor Methanol Ketone Phenol Acetone MEK Cyclohexanone Bisphenol A MIBK Phenolic Resin Acetone Cyanohydrin DIBK Salicylic Acid Isophorone Plasticizer Butyl Octanol n-Butanol Octanol Isobutanol Phthalic Anhydride DOP DOTP DBP DIBP DINP Epoxy Soybean oil Other plasticizers Chlorinated paraffin acetic acid area Glacial acetic acid Methyl acetate Ethyl acetate Butyl acetate Sec-butyl acetate Chloroacetic acid Vinyl acetate Polyvinyl alcohol n-Propyl acetate Acetic anhydride VAE emulsion acrylic acid and ester Acrylic acid Methyl acrylate Ethyl acrylate Butyl Acrylate Isooctyl Acrylate M MA Acrylic resin Special ester Acrylic emulsion Methacrylic acid Butyl methacrylate Superabsorbent resin synthetic fiber raw material MEG PTA Acrylonitrile Caprolactam Other organic Aniline Propylene oxide Dichloromethane Chloroform Dichloroethane Epichlorohydrin Cyclohexane Acetonitrile Acrylamide Polyacrylamide Epoxy Resin Tert-Butanol Inorganic Chemicals Liquid Soda Flake Soda Soda Liquid Chlorine Hydrochloric Acid Calcium Calcium Calcium Salt Sulfuric Acid Sulfur Titanium Dioxide Nitric Acid Hydrogen Peroxide Cracking C5 and Downstream C5 Petroleum Resin Dicyclopentadiene Isoprene Piperylene Rosin Refined dicyclopentadiene 1-hexene (α-olefin) C5 light component raffinate C5 raffinate oil pentane blowing agent n-pentane isopentane cyclopentane mixed C5 high olefin C5 cracking C9 and downstream C9 petroleum resin Dicyclopentadiene Hydrogenation C9 Refined Dicyclopentadiene Ethylene Tar Cracked Naphthalene Fraction Ethylene Tar Resin (Coomalon) Indene Segment Resin Material Petroleum Naphthalene Coated Asphalt Heavy Aromatics Reforming C9 Industrial C10 Crude Aromatics Trimethylbenzene Dimetetra Toluene Pyromellitic dianhydride Mesitylene High boiling point aromatic hydrocarbon solvent Ethylene oxide and downstream Ethylene oxide Polycarboxylate superplasticizer monomer Surfactant Ethanolamine Anionic surfactant Choline chloride Polyethylene glycol carbonate Special Area Electrolyte Solvent Dimethyl Carbonate Epoxy Resin Industry Chain Bisphenol A Epichlorohydrin Epoxy Resin TGIC Chloropropene Alcohol Ether Ethylene Glycol Ether Acetate Propylene Glycol Methyl Ether Propylene Glycol Methyl Ether Acetate Ethylene Glycol Butyl Ether Diethylene Glycol Alcohol Butyl Ether Unsaturated Resin and Raw Materials Unsaturated Resin Neopentyl Glycol Styrene Diethylene Glycol Propylene Glycol MEG Phthalic Anhydride Dicyclopentadiene Maleic Anhydride Phenolic Resin Area Phenol Phenolic Resin Salicylic Acid Furfural/Furfuryl Alcohol Hexatropine [Rubber] Natural Rubber Dry Rubber Natural Latex Futures Butadiene Butadiene Butene-1 MBS Polybutene-1 Synthetic Rubber Styrene Butadiene Rubber Butadiene Butadiene Rubber SBS SIS SEBS Synthetic Latex Solvent Polystyrene Butadiene Low Shun Rubber Specialty Rubber Butyl Rubber Nitrile Rubber EPDM Rubber Neoprene Isoprene Rubber Fluororubber Other Specialty Rubber Tire Zone Tire Automobile Rubber Accessories Carbon Black Silica Zinc Oxide Rubber Auxiliary Accelerator Antiaging Agent Other Auxiliary Insoluble Sulfur Flame Retardant Silane Coupling Agents Downstream Products Shoe Materials Conveyor Belts Rubber Gloves Latex Sponge Products Latex Balloons Rubber Mixed Rubber Regenerated Rubber Waste Raw Materials Rubber Granules and Rubber Particles Butyl Reclaimed Rubber Tire Reclaimed Rubber Latex Reclaimed Rubber EPDM Reclaimed Rubber Tire Oil Elastomer Materials TPR TPE TPV [Plastic] General Plastic PE PP PP Powder PVC PS EPS ABS Polymer EVA PVC Paste Resin Metallocene POE Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Transparent PP TPO Engineering Plastic Nylon Chip PC Polyester Bottle Chip PMMA POM PBT Modified Plastic PC/ABS Alloy Modified PP Plastic Products BOPP BOPET CPE CPP Plastic Woven Agricultural Film Tape Master Roll PE Packaging Film PP Non-woven Fabric PE Hollow PVC Profile PVC Gloves Plastic Auxiliaries Plastic Foaming Agent Plastic Pipe PE Pipe PP Pipe PVC Pipe Recycled Plastic Recycled PE Recycled PP Recycled PET Recycled ABS Recycled PVC Recycled PA Degradable Materials PBAT PLA PBS PGA PHA PPC PCL Special Engineering Plastics PPS[Chemical Fiber] Polyester Zone Paraxylene PTA MEG Polyester Chips Polyester Bottle Chips Polyester Staple Fiber Polyester Filament Polyester Industrial Yarn PTT BOPET Nylon Zone Caprolactam Nylon Slices Nylon Fiber Nylon Cord Cloth Cyclohexanone Recycled PA BOPA Adiponitrile Fiber Zone Acrylonitrile Acrylic Fiber Acetonitrile Carbon Fiber Acrylic Yarn Recycled Polyester Regenerated Hollow Recycled Common Fiber Recycled PET Regenerated Yarn Hair Bottle Bottle Brick Viscose Zone Dissolving pulp Viscose staple fiber Viscose filament Rayon yarn Rayon cloth Lyocell Modal Refined cotton Yarn area Pure polyester yarn Polyester yarn Rayon yarn Polyester viscose yarn Pure polyester sewing thread Pure cotton yarn Cotton area Cotton Pure cotton yarn Pure cotton spandex Special Area Spandex Polypropylene Area Weaving Area Pongee Polyester Taffeta Pure Cotton Polyester Cotton Rayon Spunlace Non-woven Fabric Jeanskin Dye Area Disperse Dyes Reactive Dyes High Performance Fiber Area Carbon Fiber [Polyurethane] Soft Foam Area TDI Propylene Oxide Soft Foam Polyether POP Polyether High Resilience Polyether Elastomer Polyether Hard Foam Zone Polymerized MDI Liquefied MDI MDI-50 Modified MDI Rigid Foam Polyether F141B Foaming Agent Ethylene Oxide Curing Agent Zone L-75 TDI TMP HDI IPDI AA And Related Products AA Pure MDI DMF Butanone Slurry Sole Liquid BDO and Downstream BDO THF PTMEG PBT NMP Zone NMP GBLTPU Zone TPU CPU Polyester Polyol Polyester Resin Zone Neopentyl Glycol TMP TMA Isobutyraldehyde N-Butyraldehyde Dodecyl Carbon Alcohol Esters [Coal Chemical Industry] Coal Anthracite Thermal Coal Coking Coal PCI Coal Coking Coke Semicoal Crude Benzene High Temperature Coal Tar Medium Temperature Coal Tar Ammonium Sulfate Crude Benzene Refining Hydrogenated Benzene Hydrogenated Toluene Hydrogenated Xylene Non-aromatics Heavy Benzene Maleic Anhydride Mixed Deep processing of benzene, succinic acid, coal tar, coal tar pitch, industrial naphthalene, refined naphthalene, 2-naphthol, phthalic anhydride, water reducer, anthracene oil, washing oil, phenol oil, crude phenol, coal-fired fuel oil, light oil methanol and downstream methanol, formaldehyde, dimethyl ether, methylal, methylene chloride, dichloromethane Propane Chloromethane Pentaerythritol Paraformaldehyde Urotropine [Salt Chemical] Chlor-Alkali Zone Liquid Soda Caustic Soda Yuanming Powder Liquid Chlorine Hydrochloric Acid Soda Ash Hydrogen Peroxide Raw Salt Baking Soda PVC Zone Calcium Dichloride VCM PVC PVC Paste Resin PV C Pipe PVC Profile PVC Glove Glass Area Float Glass Photovoltaic Glass Glass Fiber Boron Chemical Boric Acid Borax Bromine Chemical Bromine Flame Retardant [Fluorine Chemical Industry] Fluorine Chemical Raw Materials Fluorite Anhydrous Hydrofluoric Acid Refrigerant R22 R32 R134a R125 R410a R142b R143a R152a R404 R507 R290 R600a Trichlorethylene Tetrachlorethylene Fluoride Salt Aluminum Fluoride Cryolite Fluorine Resin PTFE FEP PVDF Hydrofluoric Acid Electronic grade hydrofluoric acid [oil chemical industry] palm oil acidified oil stearic acid glycerin fatty alcohol oleic acid dimer acid oleic acid amide palm kernel oil palmitic acid fatty amine soap grain lauric acid monoglyceride AKD hardened oil [fertilizer] sulfur sulfur powder Food Grade Sulfur Carbon Disulfide Sodium Pyrosulfite Sulfuric Acid Ferrous Sulfate Refined Sulfate Pyrite Desulfurized Iron Concentrate Powder Nitrogen Fertilizer Urea Vehicle Urea Synthetic Ammonia Ammonium Chloride Ammonium Sulfate Melamine Ammonium Bicarbonate Ammonium Nitrate Phosphate Monoammonium Phosphate Diammonium Phosphate General Calcium Heavy Calcium Industrial Grade Phosphate Monoammonium Compound Fertilizer Potassium Fertilizer Potassium Chloride Potassium Sulfate Potassium Nitrate [drug] Herbicide Organophosphorus Herbicide Cyclohexenone Herbicide Amide Herbicide Sulfonylurea Herbicide Aryloxyphenoxypropionic Acid Herbicide Diphenyl Ether herbicides Imidazolinone herbicides Other herbicides Insecticides Nicotinic insecticides Organophosphorus insecticides Biogenic insecticides Pyrethroid insecticides Carbamate insecticides Acaricide Pyrazole fungicides Other fungicides Triazole fungicides Benzimidazole fungicides Other azole fungicides Methoxyacrylate fungicides Morpholine fungicides Amide fungicides Pyrrole fungicides Other fungicides Raw material intermediates Glycine Hydrazine hydrate Triethylamine Other intermediates Plant growth regulators Paclobutrazol Ethephon Brassinin Vitamins Vitamin C Vitamin E Vitamin B Vitamin A Antibiotics Amoxicillin Penicillin Bactericides Sodium hypochlorite Trichloroisocyanuric acid Dichloro Sodium isocyanurate [lithium battery] lithium, lithium ore, lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide, lithium chloride, lithium metal, lithium fluoride, cobalt, cobalt sulfate, cobalt chloride, cobalt oxide, tricobalt tetroxide, cobalt intermediate, electrolytic cobalt, cobalt powder, cobalt carbonate cathode material, ternary precursor, ternary Materials Iron Phosphate Lithium Iron Phosphate Lithium Manganate Lithium Cobalt Oxide Manganese Dioxide Oxalic Acid Negative Material Artificial Graphite Natural Graphite Mesophase Carbon Microspheres Flake Graphite Natural Spherical Graphite Silicon-Based Negative Electrolyte Zone Electrolyte Lithium Hexafluorophosphate Vinylene Carbonate (VC ) Dimethyl Carbonate (DMC) Ethyl Methyl Carbonate (EMC) Ethylene Carbonate (EC) Diethyl Carbonate (DEC) Propylene Carbonate (PC) Lithium Battery Separator Diaphragm Accessories Copper Foil Aluminum Foil Aluminum Plastic Film NMP PVDF Batteries and Recycling Area Lithium-ion Batteries [New Energy] Hydrogen Energy Hydrogen Fuel Cell Hydrogen Refueling Station Photovoltaic Polysilicon Silicon Wafer Cell Photovoltaic Module Photovoltaic Power Station Photovoltaic Glass [New Materials] [Industrial Gas] Oxygen Nitrogen Argon Carbon Dioxide Rare Gas Helium Neon Krypton gas Xenon gas Special gas Acetylene Ultrapure ammonia [silicon industry] monomer and intermediate Silicone DMC D4 polysilicon Silicone oil Silicone rubber 107 gum Raw rubber [paint] resin and emulsion Acrylic emulsion Acrylic resin Epoxy resin Petroleum resin Alcohol ether Propylene glycol methyl ether Ethylene glycol ether acetate Propylene glycol methyl ether acetate Ethylene glycol butyl ether Diethylene glycol butyl ether acrylate Acrylic acid Methyl acrylate Ethyl acrylate Butyl acrylate Isooctyl acrylate MMA Special ester Methacrylic acid Butyl methacrylate solvent Toluene Xylene Butyl Octanol Solvent Oil Butyl Acetate Acetone Butanone MIBK MEG Propylene Glycol Dimethyl Carbonate Ethyl Acetate Titanium Dioxide [Paper Making] Waste Paper Pulp Packaging Paper Corrugated and Container Board White Board White Cardboard Kraft Paper Cobb Paper Gray Board Household paper Cultural paper Wood chips [Agricultural products] Grain Corn Wheat Rice Miscellaneous grains Fruit and vegetable Potato Pepper Garlic Onion Apple Jujube Cotton Cotton Cotton Yarn Oil Seed Soybean Peanut Rapeseed Sesame Sunflower Vegetable Oil Soybean Oil Palm Oil Rapeseed Oil Peanut Oil Corn Meal Coconut Oil Sunflower Oil Starch Corn Starch Tapioca Starch Potato Starch Sweet Potato Starch Wheat Starch and Gluten Pea Starch Sugar Industry Starch Sugar White Sugar Feed Soybean Meal Rapeseed Meal DDGS Protein Powder and Fiber Miscellaneous Meal Fish Meal Feed Additives Pig Industry Live Pig Pork Piglet Breeding Pig Pig Vice Layer Hen Egg Broiler White Feather Broiler 817 Small white chicken, green-footed hemp chicken/yellow feather chicken, white feather chicken seedlings, duck industry food additives, sugar alcohol, monosodium glutamate, citric acid

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