Tag Hexane

Pentane Blends

Expansion of Expandable Polystyrene (EPS)
Expansion Basics • Heat Is Applied • Beads Expand • Beads Cool • Beads Age
Expansion – Behind the Scenes • Heat Is Applied • Blowing agent(s) vaporizes (28oC iso-pentane, 35oC normal-pentane, 49oC cyclo-pentane) • Blowing agent(s) permeate through the polymer (n-pentane<i-pentane<c-pentane)
Expansion – Behind the Scenes • Beads Expand • Polymer/blowing agent matrix reaches it’s glass transition temperature (Tg) (about 85oC, varies according to Mw & BA type) • Polymer chains become fluid • Internal pressure created by blowing agent vaporization push apart [unfold] polymer chains, creating cells
Expansion – Behind the Scenes
Expansion – Behind the Scenes • Beads Expand (cont.) • Air & steam permeate into the beads • As expansion continues, cell walls become thin and subjection to high heat can cause them to break and rupture
Expansion – Behind the Scenes • Beads Expand (cont.) • Throughout expansion, blowing agent(s) continue(s) to permeate out of the bead at an increasing rate [depending on temperature and thickness of cell walls] (When permeation rate =/> vaporization rate, expansion ceases)
Blowing agents begin to vaporize Polymer/blowing agent matrix reaches its Tg Cell walls begin to rupture Expansion begins after reaching Tg and proceeds rapidly Loss of blowing agent becomes more rapid as temperature increases
Primary Expansion Controls • Temperature • Time
Temperature Affects • Greater the temperature • Softer the polymer • Increased expansion rate • May result in uneven expansion due to inconsistent • pentane content • bead size • cell structure • raw material “carry over” [extreme cases] • Increased permeation rate of blowing agent
Expansion verses Temperature • <100oC • Expansion can be sluggish due to stiff polymer • >120oC • Polymer is too soft, blowing agent loss is too rapid • 110-120oC • Most efficient use of blowing agent, but beads become sensitive to shrinkage and heat • 100-110oC • Best compromise
Steam Quality • Key to Expansion • Consistent utilities are crucial to achieve consistent densities with consistent volatile content
Secondary Expansion Controls • Volume of Expander • Molecular Weight • Blowing Agent • Bead Size
Expander Volume Affects the total heat available to each bead • Things that can change it • Drop/charge weight • Lumps in expander that don’t discharge • Build up on walls or stir blades
Molecular Weight • The lower the molecular weight, • Increased expandability • Increased heat sensitivity • Increased permeation rate of blowing agent • Increased shrinkage • Increased collapse • Structural strength
Blowing Agent • Amount • Higher percentages give greater expandability (to a point) • Too high a percentage causes rapid permeation thus shrinkage, collapse and heat sensitivity
Blowing Agent • Type • The longer the blowing agent stays in the bead, • Increased expandability • Reduced shrinkage rate • Increased prepuff life (from expansion to mold) • Relative retention n-pentane < i-pentane < c-pentane

Blowing Agent • Degree of Distribution (has a direct affect on cell size) • Expandability • Heat sensitivity • Structural strength • R-Factor (insulation properties) • Permeation rate
Poor Distribution of Blowing Agent Blowing Agent Good Distribution of Blowing Agent
Bead Size • The larger the bead, the easier it is to achieve low densities • Less surface area for blowing agent to permeate out of
Expander Equipment • Continuous • Batch • Wet • Dry
Continuous Expanders • Description • Material is fed into the bottom of the expansion chamber where it is subjected to steam under agitation, material expands and as density decreases, material rises to the top and out the exit chute. • Rely on Time & Temperature
Continuous Expanders • Main Controls • Feed rate • Steam pressure (temperature) • Agitation rate • Outlet height • Fresh air introduction (temperature)
Batch Expanders • Description • A pre-weighed quantity of material is dropped (or charged) into the expansion chamber where either the expander walls are jacketed with steam (dry) &/or steam is injected into the chamber (wet). An agitator keeps material moving. Vacuum, purge or water inject may be used to stop the expansion. • Rely on time, temperature &/or volume
Batch Expanders • Main Controls • Steam pressure (temperature) • Volume or height • Time • Charge weight • Vacuum or purge time • Water inject
Density Check • Consistency is the Key • Procedure • Prepuff is overfilled into a known volume (pre-tared) container. The container is vibrated or tapped (vibration is more consistent). A straight edge is used to strike the top level with the canister. The canister is reweighed and the density calculated.
Expansion – Behind the Scenes • Beads Age, a.k.a. Maturing or Stabilizing • Internal moisture [from condensed steam] permeates out of the bead • Air permeates into the bead until internal and external pressures equal • Blowing agent(s) continue(s) to permeate out of the bead (n-pentane>i-pentane>c-pentane)
Why Age Prepuff? • Foam becomes more resilient after it’s stabilized • Internal vacuum makes beads susceptible to deformation • Reduces blowing agent levels • Too high a blowing agent level leads to excessive cool times and heat sensitivity during molding • Dry prepuff • Improves ease of transportation
Volatile Content on Aging
Aging • Key • A consistent environment is important to provide prepuff to mold with a consistent volatile content
Aging Time Controls • Environment • Air flow Time • Temperature Time • Density Time • Bead Size Time • Blowing Agent Type(boiling point & molecular complexity) Time • Polymer Mw Time
Expansion – Troubleshooting • High Density • Insufficient steam pressure/temperature • check traps, valves, accumulator pressure • steam flow restricted Note: by monitoring both steam pressure and steam temperature, you’ll know your steam quality. • Insufficient steam times • Too high a throughput through expander (continuous) gives raw material carry-over • Wet material
Expansion – Troubleshooting • High Density (continued) • Collapsed or over expanded prepuff • Low blowing agent content in raw EPS • Additive problem (block and shape EPS grades) • Increased drop weight • Electric eye level too low
Expansion – Troubleshooting • Low Density • High steam pressure/temperature • Longer steam times • Reduced drop/charge weight • Wet material • Over dried material • High blowing agent content • Surface additives (block & shape grade EPS) • Electric eye level too high
Expansion – Troubleshooting • Density Fluctuations • Inconsistent steam pressure/temperature • Inconsistent steam time • Erratic drop/charge weights • Inconsistent measuring techniques • Inconsistent blowing agent content • High static (affects electric eye)
Expansion – Troubleshooting • Density Fluctuations (continued) • Purge valve sticking • Vacuum problems • Inconsistent water inject volume • Poor additive distribution (block & shape grade EPS)
Expansion – Troubleshooting • Wet Prepuff • Common on expander start up • Wet steam • Purge valve or vacuum not working • Poor air flow through fluid bed dryer • Too much material in the fluid bed dryer
Expansion – Troubleshooting • Bead Collapse • Over-expanded • Excessive steam pressure/temperature • Excessive steam time • Too high an expansion rate • Thermal shock after expansion • Blades too close to walls or bottom of expansion chamber • Wrong additive package (block and shape grade EPS)
Expansion – Troubleshooting • Lumping • Too much moisture (condensate) • Inadequate stirring • Excessive steam pressure/temperature • Anti-lumping agent level too low • Hot spots in expander • Excessive steam time
Expansion – Troubleshooting • Irregular Prepuff (size/appearance) • Poor or irregular steam flow • Hot spots in expander • Insufficient time in expander • Contamination of prepuff in raw EPS (double pass) • Irregular raw EPS


Pentane is a colorless, flammable liquid (the first liquid member of the alkanes) that is lighter than water. It has a pleasant odor that can be detected at 900 ppm, and a moderate odor intensity is observed at 5000 ppm. It occurs as two other isomers, including isopentane [(CH3)2CHCH2CH3] and neopentane [C(CH3)4]. Isopentane (2-methylbutane) apparently has physical and physiological characteristics similar to straight-chain pentane. Neopentane (2,2-dimethylpropane) is similar to butane in physical and physiological characteristics. In air, one part per million of C5 pentane is equivalent to 3 mg m−3.

Modifying Processing Characteristics: Blowing Agents

It is expected that the trend towards use of carbon dioxide will continue but, where it is not possible to achieve the necessary properties, flammable organic compounds will be used. Expensive, partially fluorinated HFCs with their relatively high GWP will only be used where non-flammability is essential. Chlorine-containing compounds, however, must be replaced completely.

Pentane presents itself as a possible solution to finding an efficient blowing agent which also meets environmental regulations, and years of experience in using it have shown that processing can be safe, as long as safety devices are fully implemented. Bayer’s PU machinery subsidiary, Hennecke GmbH, has developed a state-of-the-art system that monitors all critical control points along the processing chain, to ensure safe production. Among the features are:

completely encapsulated machinery and units (including in-line blenders, work tank, and high-pressure reaction casting machine), also aerated and fitted with exhaust devices, pentane gas sensors, and other safety devices;

a metering and blending supervisory system (Pentament), also permanently vented to prevent gas build up;

an electronic security system controlling all safety features, which can shut down operations, if necessary;

pentane gas warning sensors monitoring all critical components; and

an independent decentralized control system, alerted to all trouble indicators from primary and secondary sensors and monitors.

The modifications were designed to add safety checks to all critical points, first pinpointing all potential hazards (such as ignition sources, leakage points, and static charging) and then developing integrated safeguards.

Bayer and Apache Products have discovered that, by extrusion mixing of high levels of fillers and/or diluents in a PU formulation, loadings of 10–50% filler by weight can be achieved while maintaining or improving key physical properties. The technology makes it possible to handle high-viscosity dispersions effectively, which may reduce production costs of rigid boardstock. Use of solid fillers, solid combustion modifiers, and hollow fillers was studied, suggesting that the higher cost of hollow fillers can be offset by density reduction in the foam board and increase in compressive strength.

Use of this more environmentally friendly alternative may be facilitated for manufacturers of domestic appliances following the introduction of new safety features in the CycloFlex and LinFlex systems for refrigerator cabinet production. Hennecke Machinery has developed a comprehensive safety system for pentane-based foam production, meeting many of the reservations of US manufacturers of PU board.

The principle of Pentane Blowing Agent Use

Pentane blowing agent use the principle of foaming agent and foaming agent differentiation physical foaming agent. Chemical foaming agent is break down to form gas at high temperature decomposition ( N2, CO2, NH3, etc. ) Organic and inorganic substances. This is usually a exothermic decomposition process and irreversible. Physical foaming agent can be liquid, also can be in normal circumstances have vaporized material. The physical foaming agent including aliphatic, hydrocarbons ( Pentane, hexane, decane, etc. ) 。 Chlorine hydrocarbon ( A the methane of cl, methylene chloride, etc. ) 。 Chlorine – Fluorocarbon compounds ( Cross-linked with methane, a fluorine dichlorodifluoromethane, etc. ) CO2, N2, rare gas and air. Regular physical foaming is refers to the the physical foaming agent and resin matrix mixing by changing the conditions in the process of operation; According to the principle of thermodynamic instability that changes the physical foaming agent.Then the process of generating bubbles.

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Non–fluorinated blowing agents.

n–Pentane has been used in European countries, e.g., Germany, as a blowing agent for rigid urethane foams. According to Heiling and co–workers’ test results, it has been concluded that there were no indications of higher risks in the case of a real fire. Specifically, the fear concerning explosive–gas mixtures of pentane and air was not confirmed. Explosion–proof dispensing machines have been developed by some companies. Cyclopentane can also be used as a physical blowing agent.

Recently n–pentane–based blowing agents of a blend type have been patented. This patent claims the use of a blend of liquid hydrocarbon and chlorinated hydrocarbon, e.g., a blend of n–pentane and methylene chloride. This method is a convenient way to produce various rigid foams, e.g., polyurethane foams, polyisocyanurate foams, and polyoxazolidone foams. Methylene chloride and pentane have nearly equal boiling points and their blends act like a single solvent. The use of methylene chloride alone results in foam collapse, but a blend of the two solvents does not result in such collapse. A blend of 80/20–90/10 wt % of methylene chloride/pentane is substantially non–combustible, and can be used as the blowing agent for polyisocyanurate–based foams. For rigid polyurethane foams, a blend of about 50/50 wt % is suitable. These blends could solve the disadvantages of 100% water–blown rigid foams mentioned above.

What will be the next generation of blowing agents? Decaire et al. list the requirements for alternative blowing agents as follows: zero ozone depletion potential (ODP), non–flammable or moderately flammable, 50°C boiling point upper limit, and molecular weight below 180. In addition, the cost ($/mole) of a blowing agent is another important industrial factor.

The use of some azeotropic mixtures as blowing agents for rigid urethane foams have been proposed by Doerge. These blowing agents include CFC–11/methyl formate (238), and HCFC–141b/2–methyl butane. Ashida et al disclosed halogen–free azeotropes.

2–Chloropropane as blowing agent for rigid urethane foams has been developed by Recticel.

Mixed gas/liquid blowing agents for rigid urethane foams have also been proposed. The patent claims the use of hydrocarbons having boiling points (a) less than 10°C or (b) 20–30°C, or (c) an inert organic liquid having a boiling point of 35–125°C. Another mixed blowing agent for rigid urethane foams was proposed by a patent which claims the use of a mixture of cycloalkanes, e.g., cyclopentane and cyclohexane, and, if necessary, water The non–fluorinated blowing agents described above can also be applied to polyisocyanurate foams, polyoxazolidone foams, polyurea foams, etc.

Methylene chloride has been used as an auxiliary blowing agent for a long period of time. In some countries, however, due to possible occupational and environmental problems, increased restrictions have been placed on the use of methylene chloride. Therefore, other types of auxiliary blowing agents have been proposed.

Liquefied carbon dioxide is proposed as an auxiliary blowing agent for water–blown flexible urethane foams. Hydrocarbons having a boiling point of 38–100°C are proposed for use in self–skin foam production. Blends of hydrocarbons having a boiling point above −50°C and below 100°C have been proposed as auxiliary blowing agents for water–blown flexible foams.

n-Heptane for Synthesis

n-Heptane for Synthesis

Normal Heptane , Heptyl hydride

Product Size 137kg/drum, 16MT/ISO Tank
Grade Extra Pure
Purity 99% CAS No. 142-82-5
Molecular Formula C7H16 Molecular Weight 100.21
H.S. Code 29011000 Shelf Life 60 months


Minimum Assay 99.0%
Wt. per ml at 20°C 0.680-0.685g
Refractive Index 1.3880-1.3885

Name of the Sample : n – Heptane for Synthesis
Batch No. : 33989563
Date of Mfg : July 2022
Date of Exp : July 2025
Register No. : 2021-22
Qty of Sample : 500ml
Date of Analysis : July 2022
S. No Test Parameters, Observed Values, Standard Values
1. Description, Passes, A clear colorless liquid
2. Assay (GC area %), 99.35%, Min.99.0%
3. Wt. per ml at 20°C, 0.683gm, 0.680-0.685g
4. Refractive Index, 1.387, 1.387-1.388 (20°C; 589 nm)

Oil Production by Hexane Solvent Extraction

Oil Production by Hexane Solvent Extraction

Solvent extraction consists of a sequence of four operations:
(1) physical removal of oil from the seed in the extractor;
(2) desolventizing-toasting of the de-oiled seeds, often combined with drying and cooling of the meal;
(3) distillation to remove the solvent from the extracted oil;
(4) recovery of the solvent, for reuse in the extractor. The solvent is almost always hexane, which satisfies the technical, economical, and operational needs of all oil millers. Several other solvents have been studied but their disadvantages are such that they cannot compete with hexane, which has many compensatory advantages despite being flammable (Dijkstra and Segers 2007).

The industry generally makes a distinction between two types of extractor: percolation type and immersion type. The percolation process, also known as the continuous extraction process, is based upon the principle of uninterrupted passage of the solvent through the bed of oleaginous material; the oil is thus dissolved in the solvent and carried away. In the immersion process, the entire load of seeds is immersed in solvent. The system is static, so it needs to be stirred to balance the differences in the oil–solvent concentration. Stirring inevitably causes abrasion of the extraction material, so the mixture needs subsequently to be filtered out. This method is used when it is not easy to extract the oil from the matrix. Oil extractors can also be classified on the basis of other different criteria, such as basket or belt operation, rotary or straight, or other shapes, full or partial countercurrent operation, etc.; however, it must be underlined that today the systems available in the market are becoming more and more similar to each other (Fils 2000). The oil-saturated solvent obtained from the extraction process is referred as “miscella.” All commercial extractors are today based on the principle of countercurrent extraction. Fresh solvent encounters previously extracted material, whereas new seeds, flakes, or collet encounter solvent already containing some oil. This method is able to remove a high level of oil using a little solvent quantity (Anderson 2011). Temperature is one of the key variables to keep under control and to optimize the extraction process. The boiling point of hexane is about 69°C near ambient pressure. However, it becomes an azeotrope in the presence of water or steam, with a boiling temperature of 61.6°C. It would be desirable to operate close to the temperature point of this azeotrope; it is the hottest temperature reachable before hexane evaporation, thus it would allow to obtain the lowest viscosity of both solvent and oil and consequently to promote a rapid oil solubilization (Anderson 2011). The length of the extraction process is determined by several factors that affect the contact time between the solvent and the oleaginous material, required for a best extraction yield. Among these factors, the oil concentration, the viscosity of solvent and oil, the shape and size of solid particles and their resulting specific internal structure after pretreatment, are essential to calculate the residence time of the solvent in the extractor. Simulations reported that the greatest amount of oil is extracted during the first minutes, being the oil less accessible to the solvent in the last phase due to equilibrium phenomena (Anderson 2011).

After oil extraction, the meal contains 25%–35% of solvent, which must be evaporated and recovered for reuse (Nagaraj 2009). On the other hand, the de-oiled meal is toasted to reduce anti-nutritional factors such as glucosinolates or trypsin inhibitors, which act as antigrowth factors in monogastric animals if the meal is incorporated into animal feed. Moreover, the meal should be dried to minimize the risk of biological contamination and cooled close to room temperature to remain flowable during storage and transport. The process known as desolventizing, toasting, drying and cooling process (DTDC), invented by Schumacher (1985), combine all these operations in a single piece of equipment (Kemper 2011). The most widely used equipment today is the vertical stack consisting of a number of chambers separated by trays. The meal enters at the top and is conveyed downward while being mixed by agitating sweeps anchored to a central rotating shaft. The heat needed for increasing meal temperature and evaporating the solvent is supplied by steam, which is directly and indirectly introduced into the meal via the trays. When indirectly heated using a steam jacket, hexane will evaporate and the temperature will not rise above the boiling point of hexane. Moreover, in this way, live steam will not condense on the flakes, thus allowing a control of the moisture level during the next steps. The reduced moisture, however, provides less protection against overheating, which may lead to a significant decline of the nutritional value during toasting. Subsequently, the material is heated with live steam, which will condense and raise the temperature above the boiling point of hexane that will be completely vaporized. Additionally, the condensed steam humidifies the meal to a point where a good toasting is possible. In the next chamber, the desolventized meal is cooled and dried by air. Heated air is passed over the material to dry it, at the same time, outside air is blown through the material to cool it. Furthermore, the hot air, while drying, also cools the material and the cold air, while cooling, also dries the material (Kemper 2011).

The miscella leaves the extractor with a 25%–30% oil content, which is separated from the solvent by evaporation of the latter. The miscella evaporator, also referred to as economizer, utilizes the latent heat contained in the vapors leaving the desolventizer to evaporate the solvent till an oil concentration of 65%–75%. The concentrated miscella may then undergo to a second step of solvent evaporation, which utilizes the sensible heat of the condensate steam coming from the DTDC. The residual hexane is then removed by vacuum stripping. The evaporated solvent must be cooled in a condenser and cleaned into a mineral absorption system before being reused in the extractor (Dijkstra and Segers 2007).

Junyuan Petroleum Group donated money to help Heze fight epidemic

Junyuan Petroleum Group donated money to help Heze fight epidemic

The epidemic situation is merciless, but people are sentient and work together to tide over the difficulties. In August, the situation of epidemic prevention and control in Heze City was extremely severe. In order to help Heze City win the sniper battle of epidemic prevention and control, on August 2, Junyuan Petroleum Group, the parent company of Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company actively supported Heze City and donated 50,000 yuan to the Red Cross Society of Heze City for the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic in Caoxian county and Mudan District. It practiced the responsibilities and responsibilities of private enterprises with practical actions, and gathered the positive energy of working together to overcome difficulties.

In recent years, Junyuan Petroleum Group, the parent company of Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company, has made positive contributions to social welfare undertakings while achieving rapid development. Participated in the educational activities organized by Dongying Civil Affairs Bureau, and donated 100,000 yuan at one time; Participated in the targeted poverty alleviation and Charity Day donation activities in Dingzhuang Town, Guangrao County, and donated 130,000 yuan; In response to the targeted poverty alleviation activities of Guangrao County Charity Federation, donated 200,000 yuan; In the year of COVID-19, the company donated 500000 yuan to Dingzhuang sub district Charity Federation and donated prevention and control materials to surrounding villages and epidemic prevention and control points under the condition that its production and operation were seriously affected.

Next, Junyuan Petroleum Group, Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company’s parent company, will continue to practice the responsibilities and responsibilities of private enterprises and make positive contributions to social development.

The company is participating in the enterprise forum,Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company

The Group of Companies Participated in the Symposium on a Financial Project

The Junyuan Petroleum Group of Companies participated in the Symposium on project docking between financial leasing companies and small and medium-sized enterprises

On the morning of July 29, Dongying local financial supervision bureau held a symposium on the project docking between financial leasing companies and small and medium-sized enterprises. At the symposium, a number of financial leasing companies in Shandong Province were invited to carry out project face-to-face exchanges and interactions with small and medium-sized enterprises to carry out financing docking. Che Xiaojing, executive deputy general manager of the asset management company, attended the meeting and introduced the company’s projects.

The meeting pointed out that all financial leasing companies should take serving the real economy as the starting point and foothold, put forward reasonable financing plans and suggestions according to the financing needs of enterprises, help enterprises finance, and achieve steady development in the process of promoting local economic development. Small and medium-sized enterprises should further understand and be familiar with the financing method of financial leasing, effectively use financial leasing to alleviate capital problems, take the initiative to strengthen the connection with financial leasing companies, and invite financial leasing companies with promising cooperation to visit the enterprise on the spot to strive for cooperation.

Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company
Dongying Junyuan Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company

The company is holding a video conference,Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company

The EMD Held a Quarterly Video Conference on Safety Management

The emergency management department held a quarterly Video Conference on centralized management of safety risks of hazardous chemicals

On July 29, the emergency management department held a quarterly video promotion meeting on the centralized management of safety risks of hazardous chemicals nationwide to report progress, analyze problems, exchange practices, strengthen measures, promote the implementation of key tasks, effectively prevent and control major safety risks, and create a stable safety environment for the success of the 20th CPC National Congress. Sunguangyu, member of the Party committee and vice minister of the emergency management department, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Qichunxiao, the general manager of the group, and Qiao Huijie, the deputy general manager and director of safety and environmental protection, attended the video conference at the venue of the agricultural high-tech division in the Yellow River Delta.

However, from the mid-term evaluation results of centralized governance, there are still problems of uneven progress between regions, lagging progress of some special projects and low quality.

The meeting emphasized that we should have a clear understanding of the severe situation faced by the current safe production of hazardous chemicals and strengthen the sense of mission and urgency of doing a good job in centralized management. We should adhere to the problem orientation, anchor the goal of centralized governance, and make every effort to overcome difficulties. We should quickly wake up, be nervous, and take action. If there is a deviation in the direction of work, we should correct it in time. If the progress of work lags behind, we should pay close attention to make-up lessons, and accelerate the completion.

The meeting required that we should adhere to both the symptoms and root causes, accurately grasp the relationship between major risk prevention and control and centralized governance, promote major risk prevention and control and centralized governance as a whole, and prevent “two skins”. We should organically integrate centralized management and annual key work, integrate the requirements of centralized management tasks and measures into the major inspection of production safety and special safety actions, strengthen supervision and inspection and open and secret visits, do a good job in production safety in summer and flood seasons, strictly implement the main responsibility of enterprises, and resolutely prevent and contain major accidents and accidents with great impact.

At the meeting, Beijing, Liaoning, Zhejiang, Ningxia and other four provinces and CNPC made exchange speeches respectively, and the heads of relevant departments and bureaus, institutions and industry associations of the emergency management department and the main heads of relevant central enterprise safety management departments attended the meeting at the main venue; The heads of the emergency management departments at the provincial, municipal and county levels, as well as the relevant chemical parks and the main heads of enterprises attended the meeting at the branch venue.

Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company

Latest Price of Petroleum Ether

Latest Price of Petroleum Ether – Junyuan Petroleum Group

Listed Price of Solvent Oil of Junyuan Petroleum Group

Unit Price: USD/MT

Yesterday’s Price ($)
(EXW Dongying, China)
Today’s Price ($)
(EXW Dongying, China)
Up and Down Specifications
Petroleum Ether
I 1,215 1,215 0.00 Distillation Range 60-90 ℃
II 1,215 1,215 0.00 Distillation Range 80-120
1,215 1,215 0.00 Distillation Range 140-200

Petroleum Ether

Petroleum Fraction
Petroleum ether is the petroleum fraction consisting of aliphatic hydrocarbons and boiling in the range 35–60 °C, and commonly used as a laboratory solvent. Despite the name, petroleum ether is not classified as an ether; the term is used only figuratively, signifying extreme lightness and volatility.
  • Average Molar mass: 82.20 g/mol
  • Density: 0.65 g/cm³

    Alternate Chemical Names
    BP 2
    BP 2 (SOLVENT)

HR director is interviewing, Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company

Graduate Students from OUC Come to Our Company for Exchange

Graduate students from Ocean University of China come to our company for exchange and visit

On the morning of July 22, a group of 5 graduate students majoring in Applied Chemistry from Ocean University of China came to our company for exchange and visit. Sun peisheng, the assistant general manager of the company, Wei fuchang, the director of the production and operation center, and chen huimin, the manager of the general office, attended the exchange.

Chen Huimin extended a warm welcome to the exchange students of Ocean University of China and introduced the company in detail. The graduate students listened carefully to the introduction and watched the company’s promotional videos. Wei fuchang led the exchange students to visit the factory and gave relevant explanations. Sun Peisheng had in-depth exchanges with students in the company’s products, research directions, cooperation fields and other aspects. This activity created opportunities for communication and learning between the company and the school, and laid a good foundation for the next step of school and enterprise cooperation.

Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company

The director of human resources department is talking with the presidents of major universities, Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company

DVCST Visited Our Company for Exchange and Investigation

Dongying Vocational College of Science and Technology visited our Company for Exchange and Investigation

On the morning of July 13, Miao Jin, Dean of the school of Economics and Management of Dongying Vocational College of Science and Technology, and his delegation came to our company for exchange and investigation. Chen Huimin, Manager of the General Office of the company, participated in this exchange activity. Chen Huimin extended a warm welcome to the leaders of the college, and the two sides had an in-depth exchange and Discussion on how to deepen school and enterprise cooperation. Miao Jin expressed the hope to reach long-term practical training friendly cooperation with the company.

Through this exchange activity, the communication and understanding between the company and the school have been strengthened, the friendly relationship between the two sides has been enhanced, and the foundation has been laid for further cooperation.

Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company, a subsidiary of Junyuan Petroleum Group, has been engaged in the export of butane, pentane, hexane and heptane since 2006. More than 15 years of experience enables you to rest without worrying about goods transportation.

Major customers include PetroChina, Sinopec, Shell, BASF, Saudi Basic Industries Corporation, China Coal, geothermal power plants and other foaming plants.
SGS, CIQ, BV, Rosh, ISO certificates are available.
Production Capacity: 1000,000 tons / year
After Sales Service: Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company enjoys a good reputation in the alkane industry. You can trust us completely.
Quality Assurance
As a quality-oriented company, we spare no effort to provide customers with the best range of products. In addition, we have hired a team of quality analysts to ensure that our industrial chemicals series meet international standards. Our quality analyst team maintains strict monitoring of the handling of chemicals and ensures that the range of various parameters is checked before sending chemicals to the client. The various parameters of our csindustrial chemical series tests are as follows:
PH value
Precise composition
For more information: info@junyuanpetroleumgroup.com

Isohexane Sales FAQs

Product Name: Isohextane
CAS No.: 107-83-5
Packaging Type: in 137kg steel drum or 16MT Isotank
Main Applications of Isohexane: polymerization solvent, precision instrument cleaning and oil dilution. It can be used as fuel. Chinese name of Isohextane: 异己烷 (#Isohexane)

Physical and Chemical Properties

Appearance and Properties: colorless transparent liquid, slightly flavored, volatile liquid.
Melting point (℃): – 153 ℃ relative density (water = 1): 0.65
Boiling point (℃): 59 ~ 63 ℃ relative vapor density (air = 1): 3.0
Saturated vapor pressure (kPa): 23kpa (20 ℃) combustion heat (kJ / mol):
Critical temperature (℃): critical pressure (MPA): 3.03
Logarithm of octanol / water partition coefficient:
Flash point (℃): – 23 ℃ upper explosion limit% (V / V): 7.0%
Spontaneous combustion temperature (℃): 306 lower explosive limit% (V / V): 1.2%
Solubility: insoluble in water, soluble in ethanol, ether, benzene and other organic solvents.
Hazard category: class 3.1, low flash point flammable liquid.
Skin contact: wash immediately with soapy water.
Eye contact: rinse immediately, rinse with normal saline for more than 15 minutes, and seek medical advice.
Inhalation: move the patient to a place with fresh air for artificial respiration.
Ingestion: seek medical advice and do not induce vomiting.

Isohexane in 137kg steel drums,Isohexane with CAS No and   Synonms

Why use steel drums instead of plastic drums for flammable materials?

Plastic barrels have their own advantages, especially the convenient transportation and stacking of plastic ton barrels, which are more and more widely used.
Whether plastic barrels can be used for flammable materials (such as gasoline) is known to those with some experience. But why not, and whether not at all, is still unclear to many people.

What harm will ordinary plastic barrels bring when they contain flammable liquids?

First of all, when ordinary plastic barrels are in contact and friction with the outside world, especially during the handling of movable plastic barrels, static charges are accumulated on the surface area. When the static electricity accumulates to a certain extent, brush type power generation may occur. The maximum energy of brush type discharge can reach 10mJ. If this brush type discharge is right near the barrel mouth, it may ignite the flammable steam emitted from the barrel mouth and backfire, resulting in flash explosion in the barrel;
Secondly, when filling the ordinary plastic barrel with liquid, static electricity will be brought into the barrel due to the friction between the liquid and the filling pipe wall during filling, and static electricity will accumulate in the barrel. Brush discharge may occur between the liquid and the conductor, so as to ignite the flammable vapor cloud in the barrel and cause flash explosion in the barrel.
Junyuan Petroleum Group has 200ml and 500ml sample trial packages, 20L small drums and 200L large iron drums. The iron bucket will be sealed with a waterproof cover on the basis of the metal cover to ensure that the oil will not be polluted. If customers have other product packaging requirements, our company can provide them on demand.
Where does aromatics come from?

Where does aromatics come from?

Aromatic hydrocarbon, also known as aromatic hydrocarbon or aromatic oil, refers to the hydrocarbon with benzene ring structure in the molecule. It is one of the basic products and basic raw materials of petrochemical industry, mainly including benzene, toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene, etc. It is the general name of a series of solvents composed of isomers of C9 and C10 heavy aromatics.
Where does aromatics come from?

  • 1. Extraction from coal

The light tar produced in the process of coal coking contains a lot of benzene. This is the initial method of producing benzene. The generated coal tar and gas are passed through the washing and absorption equipment, and the coal tar with high boiling point is used as the washing and absorption agent to recover the coal tar in the gas. After distillation, crude benzene and other high boiling point fractions are obtained. Crude benzene can be refined to obtain industrial grade benzene. The purity of benzene obtained by this method is relatively low, and the environmental pollution is serious, and the process is relatively backward.

  • 2. Extraction from crude oil

This method is a general method for extracting aromatics. Crude oil refining reforming here refers to the process of cyclization and dehydrogenation of aliphatic hydrocarbons to form aromatics. This is a craft developed during the Second World War. At 500-525 ° C and 8-50 atmospheres, various aliphatic hydrocarbons with boiling points between 60-200 ° C are transformed into benzene and other aromatics through dehydrogenation and cyclization with platinum rhenium catalyst. Benzene is separated by distillation after aromatic products are extracted from the mixture. These fractions can also be used as high octane gasoline. Now, more than 90% of the world’s total production comes from oil.

Therefore, aromatics are the product of petrochemical industry, which also means that the market trend of aromatics fluctuates with oil.
The storage of Junyuan Petroleum Group is the largest manufacturer of Hexanes in China, with a manufacturing plant located in Shandong Province, the hometown of Confucius, with an storage area of 10,000 square meters and a storage capacity of 2,000 cubic meters. Sales inquiries: info@junyuanpetroleumgroup.com

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Junyuan Petroleum Group – Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company | Address: No. 117, Guangqing Rd., Guangrao County, Dongying 257345 China.
Junyuan Petroleum Group is China’s largest manufacturer of blowing agents to the foam insulation markets. We have continued to grow with the development of next generation blowing agents, offering a variety of hydrocarbon products for the PIR, PUR and EPS markets, available in ISO tanks and drums. For more information, or for pricing please contact us: +86 178 1030 0898 Email: info@junyuanpetroleumgroup.com Web: www.junyuanpetroleumgroup.com.
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