Tag Heptane

Naphtha Price Today March 06, 2023

China Market Trends: As of press time March 06, 2023, the mainstream transaction price of straight run naphtha in Shandong area is CNY 8,188/MT, -28, and the mainstream transaction price of hydrogenated naphtha is CNY 8,268/MT, -82. The international crude oil is fluctuating and finishing, the profit of the reforming unit of the refinery has dropped significantly compared with the previous day 03.05.2023, the market demand is limited, the related gasoline, diesel and gasoline components are operating weakly, and some refineries have cut prices for shipments. Today, the naphtha market in Shandong fell slightly.
March 06, 2023 USD TO CNY TODAY
Naphtha is an important raw material for the production of pentane, hexane and heptane series products. If you need to purchase these hydrocarbon end products, please feel free to contact Junyuan Petroleum Group.

Price trend of n-Heptane in Chinese market – 03.05.2023

Price trend of n-Heptane in Chinese market – 03.05.2023

Forecast of the latest market trend of n-Heptane price, Junyuan Petroleum Group’s exclusive report:

Today, the average price of n-Heptane in China is 13,000 CNY/MT, and the price on the previous quotation day was 12,500 CNY/MT, which is -3.70% lower than the price on the previous quotation day.

The above is the latest price forecast of n-Heptane in China today. The data comes from the data center of Junyuan Petroleum Group Marketing Department and is for reference only.

US Dollar to Chinese Yuan Exchange Rate

US Dollar to Chinese Yuan Exchange Rate is at a current level of 6.910, up from 6.865 the previous market day and up from 6.317 one year ago.

n-Heptane, 99%, for analysis, Junyuan Petroleum Group

Chemical Identifiers

CAS: 142-82-5

IUPAC Name: heptane

Molecular Formula: C7H16



Molecular Weight (g/mol): 100.21

Synonym: heptane N-heptane eptani skellysolve C dipropyl methane gettysolve-C hsdb 90

MDL Number: MFCD00009544


Specification Sheet

GC: >=99%

Bromine number: =<0.5

Copper (Cu): =<0.02 ppm

Total sulfur (S): =<0.001 %

Water: =<0.02 % (K.F.)

Appearance (Form): Clear liquid

Why Buy n-Heptane 99.9% High Purity Grade from Junyuan Petroleum Group

•Price. Don’t worry! We are the largest manufacturer of n-Heptane in China. The price is adjusted and updated in real time according to the cost price every day, and the price is the most competitive. This product is offered at the industry’s lowest possible price.

•Availability. In-Stock. This product is in stock and ready to ship. Orders are usually shipped in 72 hours.

•Deliverability. Fast Shipping! This product is packaged in 137KG steel drums and 16.8 MT ISO Tank container.

•Quality. Our curated products drummed in China match or exceed strict specifications.

Isopentane (iC5) vs n-Pentane (nC5), What’s the difference?

Isopentane (IC5)

  • Description

Isopentane (IC5) is a volatile flammable liquid hydrocarbon (CH3)2CHC2H5 and one of three isomers of pentane. Pentanes are components of some fuels, such as gasoline, and are also used as specialty solvents in the laboratory. Hydrocarbons are a diverse group of organic compounds that are made up of primarily carbon and hydrogen atoms. Hydrocarbons are derived from petroleum, coal tar and natural gas, as well as from plants and animals.

Iso-Pentane (IC-5) is used in the Polyethylene reaction and catalyst for the Gas Phase process in order to increase the production of the PE. Isopentane (iC5) It is supplied in the form of an Isopentane fraction with a base material content of up to 99.8% (grade A), is used for foaming polymers and as a component of motor fuel. Although hydrocarbon foaming using Isopentane (iC5) requires more complex and expensive equipment, it allows to produce polyurethane foam of better characteristics.

  • Boiling point: 81.86°F (27.70°C)
  • Density: 0.62 g/cm³
  • Chemical formula: C5H12
  • Average Molar mass: 72.15 g/mol
  • Classification: Alkane

Why Use Pentane, a Hydrocarbon?

Polyisocyanurate foams were traditionally produced using CFC-11 (a chloro-fluorocarbon) as the blowing agent.When evidence became irrefutable that CFCs destroyed stratospheric ozone, most of the world adopted the ground-breaking Montreal Protocol, which mandated the phaseout of CFCs for non-essential uses by 1996.

Isopentane (iC5) vs n-Pentane (nC5)- What’s the difference?

Isopentane Versus n-Pentane as a Noun. Isopentane differs from n-Pentane (as nouns) because Isopentane means “ an aliphatic hydrocarbon with the chemical structure CH₂CH₂CH(CH₃)₂; isomeric with pentane and neopentane,” while n-Pentane is “ the saturated aliphatic hydrocarbon (CH₃(CH₂)₃CH₃).”


It is supplied in the form of an Isopentane fraction with a base material content of up to 99.8% (grade A), is used for foaming polymers and as a component of motor fuel.

Although hydrocarbon foaming using Isopentane requires more complex and expensive equipment, it allows to produce polyurethane foam of better characteristics compared to analogues. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of the gas formed during Isopentane foaming is lower than when using pure water foaming and, consequently, the panel filled with polyurethane foam on Isopentane provides better thermal insulation. The use of Isopentane as a foaming agent makes working at a lower density possible. The filling density of foam on Isopentane is 42 kg / m3 against 45-50 kg / m3 in the case of water foaming.

This means that holding the dimensions fixed the sandwich panel with the pentane-foamed polyurethane filling is lighter in comparison with the one with a CO2 – foamed polyurethane filling. In the end, it reduces the weight of the entire mobile building envelope as a whole and the load on its elements, making it more reliable and economical to use. Fine uniform porosity of the foam makes it possible to obtain maximum thermal insulation characteristics.

Hydrocarbon foaming allows to achieve the best characteristics of polyurethane foam, and, consequently, to improve the characteristics of sandwich panels, as well as manufactured from them mobile enclosing structures. It provides:

  •     better energy saving due to high thermal insulation characteristics;
  •     high durability thanks to better adhesion to metal sheets of the panel;
  •     efficiency and an advanced technological design due to it being lighter;
  •     durability of the structure.

You can place an order for Isopentane (iC5) with Junyuan Petroleum Group, send email to: info@junyuanpetroleumgroup.com.

Saturated Acyclic Hydrocarbons

Supported by its own manufacturing plants in Shandong and Xinjiang, Junyuan Petroleum Group offers a comprehensive range of solvents and chemicals catering to the range of applications – agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, paints and coatings to name a few.  

chemical structures of hydrocarbons including pentane, hexane and heptane

Saturated acyclic hydrocarbons;Saturated acyclic hydrocarbons (HYDROCARBON PRODUCT) NORMAL PENTANE (95%) (TANK CONTAINER)

Saturated acyclic hydrocarbons;Saturated acyclic hydrocarbons (ISOTANK) PENTANE (ISO-NORMALPENTANE 50/50 (GWT-52360KGS)(ACYCLIC HYDROCARBONS)

Saturated acyclic hydrocarbons;Saturated acyclic hydrocarbons PENTANE (ISO-NORMALPENTANE 50/50 (GWT-88220KGS) (ACYCLICHYDROCARBONS)

Saturated acyclic hydrocarbons;Saturated acyclic hydrocarbons (ISOTANK) PENTANE (ISO-NORMALPENTANE 50/50 (GWT-35360 KGS) (ACYCLIC HYDROCARBONS)


Saturated acyclic hydrocarbons;Saturated acyclic hydrocarbons (ISOTANK) PENTANE (ISO-NORMALPENTANE 50/50 (GWT-88320 KGS) (ACYCLIC HYDROCARBONS)


  • Pentane
  • Hexane
  • Heptane
  • Special Boiling Point solvents
  • Petroleum Ether
  • De-aromatised solvents

What is the generic name of saturated acyclic hydrocarbon?

  • The generic name of saturated acyclic hydrocarbons (branched or unbranched) is “alkane”. Saturated hydrocarbons contain carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen single bonds. If different carbon atoms are joined together to form an open chain of carbon atoms with single bonds, they are termed as alkanes.

Price Trend Chart of n-Pentane in China Market

In the recent month, the price of n-Pentane in the Chinese market generally showed an upward trend. From July 28 to August 3, the price remained at about 6,900 yuan, and on August 5, it rose to about 7,000 yuan. Until August 17, the product price remained at this level. In late August, the price continued to rise, and until August 26, the price remained at about 7,100 yuan.

n-Pentane is an organic compound with the chemical formula of C5H12. It is mainly used as a solvent, a reference liquid for gas chromatography, and an anesthetic. It can also be used to make artificial ice, anesthetics, and synthesize pentanol and Isopentane.

Product Purity Grade (% wt) CAS No. Applications
n-Pentane EPS Grade (95%) 109-66-0 Pentane blowing agent 
General Grade (95%) 109-66-0 Thermacol
General Grade (95%) 109-66-0 Rigid foams for thermal insulation panels in the construction sector
PU Grade (95%) 109-66-0 Sandwich Panel
Polymer Grade (95%) 109-66-0 LLDPE & HDPE
Pharma Grade (99%) 109-66-0 Linear Alkayl Benzene
LAB Grade (99%) 109-66-0 Surfactant

The company carried out the “August 1st” Army Day activities to comfort veterans

The company carried out the “August 1st” Army Day activities to comfort veteransOn the afternoon of August 1, the group company held the “August 1st” Army Day veterans’ condolences activity in the West conference room on the first floor. Yu Rui, deputy general manager of Junyuan Group of Companies, Qiao Huijie, deputy general manager and director of safety and environmental protection, Chen Huimin, general office manager, and all veterans of the company participated in this activity.

At the beginning of the activity, Chen Huimin conveyed the concern letter from Chairman Miao Guangfa, in which he expressed his high praise and gratitude to all veterans, thanked them for their positive contributions to army building and national defense, and hoped that they would continue to carry forward the fine traditions of the army. Yu Rui and Qiao Huijie respectively expressed their high respect for the contributions and sacrifices made by the veterans to protect the country and the people through their speeches, and hoped that they would work hard and consistently in the future, display their demeanour as veterans, and contribute to the company’s career to a new level. At the end of the event, the leaders sent condolences to all veterans and took a group photo.

Dongying liangxin petrochemical technology development limited company

This year marks the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese people’s Liberation Army. This condolence activity has further carried forward the fine tradition of supporting the army and giving preferential treatment to family members, effectively sent the company’s care and warmth to the veterans, and enhanced the Veterans’ sense of honor, belonging and happiness. The company’s veterans said that in the future, they will continue to uphold and carry forward the glorious tradition, always maintain the military’s vigorous and vigorous work style, achieve “no fading after retirement, no desire to retire after retirement”, and make due contributions to the company’s development based on their posts and dedication.

Introduction to Malaysia ASEAN Free Trade Certificate of Origin (FORM E)

Introduction to Malaysia ASEAN Free Trade Certificate of Origin (FORM E)

Malaysia certificate of origin, also known as China’s certificate of origin for export to Malaysia, can also be called Malaysia ASEAN certificate of origin Form E. Malaysia ASEAN certificate of origin Form E is issued by China entry exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau and consists of one original and three copies. The main purpose of applying for ASEAN certificate of origin Form E for export to Malaysia is to obtain the tariff preference of the Malaysian authorities when the goods are imported into Malaysia, so as to enable the smooth customs clearance of this batch of goods.

The Malaysian certificate of origin Form E cannot have double headers. The header of the trader or factory can only be displayed under the description of the goods in the seventh column of the Form E certificate of origin, and cannot be displayed in the exporter column in the first column of the certificate of origin. For export declaration, the header of the trader or factory can be used normally.

The following points shall be noted when exporting Form E certificate of origin to Malaysia:

1. Consignee name and address cannot be bank name.

2. The departure date, ship name, port of departure and port of destination must be correct and consistent with the bill of lading.

3. The amount on the certificate of origin must show FOB amount.

Malaysian import tariff system

As a member of the world trade organization, Malaysia’s tariff level is generally low. Although the tariff rate of most items is lower than 25%, the value range of tariff rate is very wide. The tariff on basic food is very low, no more than 5%. The average tax rate for major goods is about 5%. The average tax rate of intermediate products and transportation equipment is less than 20%. The tax rate of consumer goods is higher, some as high as 60%. The tariff rate for high priced motor vehicles is higher than 100%. In short, of its total of about 600 imported items, only 91 have a tariff rate of more than 50%. As a member of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) under construction, Malaysia’s tariff reduction will implement the “generally effective preferential tariff” (CEPT) plan in the AFTA regulations. The main imported products of Malaysia are divided into three categories. The first category is raw materials and means of production, including electronic components, textiles, plastics, machine parts, oil, chemical fertilizers, pesticides and food, accounting for 42.6% of the total import volume; The second category is mechanical equipment, including metal products, mechanical transport equipment, electronic instruments, heavy machinery and telecommunications equipment, accounting for 34.5% of the total import volume; The third category is daily necessities, including motorcycles, bicycles, jewelry and food, accounting for 21.9% of the total imports. All imported goods from Malaysia shall be subject to a 5% surcharge based on CIF value. Some basic goods such as fish, Cereals, salt, petroleum products, rubber, paper and printed products are exempt from additional tax. Excise taxes shall be levied on beer, alcohol and other beverages, cigarettes, gasoline, mineral oil and sugar, tires, cards, air conditioners, batteries, TV receivers, motor vehicles and motorcycles, matches and other commodities at ad valorem or specific volume.

1. Import documents.

(1) Commercial invoice: the original invoice used for tariff calculation shall be filled in and signed in English. The invoice must include the following items: mark, number, quantity and type of package, detailed commodity name, non-technical name or internal label code, gross weight and net weight, FOB, CIF fee and CIF price (if it belongs to different customs tariff items, each commodity must be separately indicated according to CIF price), delivery place and origin. The commodity description on the package must be consistent with that on the invoice. The invoice must be in triplicate.

(2) Certificate of origin certificate of origin is only for goods from federal countries.

(3) Bill of lading and ocean bill of lading need not be notarized. It is allowed to use the instruction bill of lading, but the address of a notified party shall be indicated.

2. Special provisions.

All details about the commodity description, metric weight and origin must be indicated on the label of the packed goods in Bahasa language. English is only allowed to be used in the second language. All packaged products must be printed with the following instructions: name of manufacturer, importer or wholesaler, origin, packaging content and product name. Food, medicine, livestock and meat must also be marked with health and quarantine provisions, including labeling provisions. Mark the following contents in Malaysian: country of origin, commodity description, weight, storage period, name and mailing address of the importer. The packaging of cigarettes must be printed with clear warnings of damage to health in the Mayan language.

3. Handling of unclaimed goods.

The goods that the buyer fails to pick up within the time limit can be kept in the customs warehouse for 21 days. If the consignee is notified after the time limit, the goods must be picked up within 7 days, or the customs will auction them. The auction proceeds will be used to pay the customs declaration fee, storage fee and all other expenses. The air cargo must be collected within 72 hours, or a high storage penalty will be imposed. If the goods are not received after 3 months, they will be returned.
Malaysia’s output of oil chemicals accounts for 20% of the world

From 2006 to 2020, the target of attracting investment in Malaysia’s chemical industry is US $10.6 billion, with an average annual growth rate of 6.9%. Malaysia is rich in oil and gas resources, with natural gas reserves ranking 14th in the world and oil reserves ranking 23rd in the world. Malaysia is also the third largest producer of liquefied natural gas in the world. Long term reliable and stable natural gas supply can ensure the sustainable growth of Malaysia’s petrochemical industry. Malaysia is currently an importer of petrochemical products and an exporter of petrochemical products. Oil chemicals are important chemicals in Malaysia.

Malaysian chemicals mainly include petrochemical products, inorganic and organic chemical raw materials, fertilizers and agricultural chemicals, food and feed additives, pharmaceutical chemicals, water treatment chemicals, papermaking chemicals, daily chemicals, pigments, dyes, inks and adhesives, catalysts, chemical equipment and instruments;

Cyclopentane in reagent bottle

A Blowing Agent for the Polyurethane Foams

Cyclopentane – A Blowing Agent for the Polyurethane Foams
Cyclopentane is usually used as a new, more environmentally friendly insulation material in the manufacture of select refrigerators and freezers.
Cyclopentane is a blowing agent for the polyurethane foams that are used to insulate refrigerators and freezers.
Unlike some other chemicals used to insulate refrigerators, cyclopentane does not contain hydro-fluorocarbons (HFCs). Using cyclopentane results in significant reductions in equivalent CO2 emissions.
The most common foam-blowing agents currently used in the U.S. are R134a and R245fa. These industry-standard insulations can have a global warming potential (GWP) as high as 1300 (134a) and 950 (245a). In contrast, the foam-blowing agent cyclopentane has a GWP of approximately 10. When it comes to GWPs, the lower the number is, the better it is for the environment, so cyclopentane is clearly the more environmentally friendly choice.
Cyclopentane increases the efficiency of the insulation foam by approximately 4 percent over the R134a foam currently used in most refrigeration products.
Cyclopentane has been very popular as a blowing agent in Europe since the early 1990s, but the cost of retrofitting existing production facilities and the lack of U.S. regulations restricting the use of HFCs has delayed implementation in the U.S. However, there are other manufacturers currently selling refrigerators in the U.S. that use cyclopentane.
Compared to other insulating foams, cyclopentane is competitively priced and relatively easy to produce.
Like many gases, in its pure form, cyclopentane is a highly evaporative and flammable material. However once foamed, the unit is no more hazardous than a unit foamed with other blowing agents. As with any of our manufacturing processes, we’ve integrated a wide variety of redundant engineering and operational safeguards.

To view product details on Cyclopentane, click here.

Common questions about cyclopentane
Q: What is this new material being used in the foam insulation?
A: The new material is called cyclopentane, a highly evaporative gas that is used to apply the foam insulations in refrigeration units.
Q: What is cyclopentane?
A: Cyclopentane is a blowing agent for the polyurethane foams that are used to insulate refrigerators and freezers.
Q: What are the benefits of using cyclopentane instead of other materials?
A: From an environmental perspective, unlike some other chemicals used to insulate refrigerators, cyclopentane does not contain hydro-fluorocarbons (HFCs). Using cyclopentane results in significant reductions in equivalent CO2 emissions.
Q: What foam-blowing agents are most commonly used in the U.S.? How is cyclopentane different?
A: The most common foam-blowing agents in the U.S. right now are R134a and R245fa. These two industry-standard insulations can have a global warming potential (GWP) as high as 1300 (134a) and 950 (245a). Comparatively, the foam-blowing agent cyclopentane has a GWP of approximately 10. When it comes to GWPs, the lower the number is, the less adverse impact on the environment, so cyclopentane is clearly a better choice.
Q: Are there significant insulating advantages, as well?
A: Yes, cyclopentane is approximately 4 percent more efficient than the R134a foam we currently use in most of our products.
Q: Do other refrigerators available in the U.S. market use cyclopentane?
A: There are other manufacturers currently selling refrigerators in the U.S. that use cyclopentane.
Q: Why hasn’t cyclopentane caught on in the United States?
A: It has been very popular as a blowing agent in Europe since the early 1990s, but the cost of retrofitting existing production facilities and the lack of U.S. regulations restricting the use of HFC’s has delayed implementation in the U.S.
Q: Is it more expensive than other insulating materials?
A: It is competitively priced and relatively easy to produce.
Q: Is it dangerous?
A: Like many gases, in its pure form, cyclopentane is a highly evaporative and flammable material. However once foamed, the unit is no more hazardous than a unit foamed with other blowing agents. As with any of our manufacturing processes, we’ve integrated a wide variety of redundant engineering and operational safeguards.

Packing & Delivery
1.Drum: 150kg/Drum
2.ISO Tank: 17MT/ISO Tank Container

Product Description
Colorless and transparent liquid
Density(20℃ g/cm3)
Cyclopentane, %(m/m)
N-pentane,Isopentane, %(m/m)
N-hexane, ppm


Cyclopentane is used as a solvent for solution polymerization such as polyisoprene rubber and a solvent for cellulose ether, as a thermal insulation material for refrigerators and freezers, as a foaming agent for other rigid PU foams, and as a standard material for chromatographic analysis.

Isopentane in brown reagent bottle


Formula: C5H12 or R601A, Isopentane is a colorless, flammable liquid with a mild gasoline odor. Isopentane has a wide variety of uses. It is a major component in gasoline and is used as an energy transfer medium in geothermal power production. It is heated and then vaporizes to drive turbines. Isopentane is used as a solvent capable of dissolving many organic compounds. It is also used as an aerosol propellant, replacing substances that are harmful to the ozone layer or have large greenhouse warming potentials. Isopentane can also be used as a refrigerant, again replacing substances that are harmful to the ozone layer or have large greenhouse warming potentials. And isopentane is used as a foam blowing agent for producing expanded polystyrene. It is used for cleaning of electronics.
Quick Details
CAS No.:
Place of Origin:
Shandong, China
Grade Standard:
Industrial Grade
Colorless liquid
Solvent for catalyst in polyethylene production
Product name:
ISO Tank
5 MT

Product name Isopentane
CAS number 78-78-4
EINECS Number 201-142-8
Purity ≥98%
Achievement Standard Industrial Grade

Solvent,Solvent for catalyst in polyethylene production,Foaming agent for expandable polystyrene,Foaming agent for polyurethane foam system, Deasphalting solvent

Appearance Colorless Liquid
Package T11 ISO Tank
Isopentane, CAS# 78-78-4

Isopentane in brown reagent bottle

ISOPENTANE Formula : C5H12 
Isopentane  95 % % (weight)
Impurities :
n-Pentane content ≤ 2,6 % (weight)
Aromatic content ≤ 50 ppm (weight)
Benzene content ≤ 50 ppm (weight)
Bromine index ≤ 500 ppm (weight)
Non-volatile residue ≤ 10 g/m3
Sulphur ≤ 5 ppm (weight)
Moisture ≤ 100 ppm (weight)
The conformity of the product which is filled into the receptacles with the above mentioned specification is ensured by our quality, environment and safety management system according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.

Why is n-Hexane used for edible oil extraction?

Why is n-Hexane used for edible oil extraction?

The conventional technology used for oil extraction from oilseeds is by solvent extraction. In solvent extraction, n-Hexane is used as a solvent for its attributes such as simple recovery, non-polar nature, low latent heat of vaporization (330 kJ/kg) and high selectivity to solvents. Unlike other solvents, hexane has certain properties that make it the ideal choice for oil extraction processes. Hexane can extract more oil from oilseeds compared to ethyl acetate and ether With its low boiling point, hexane can retain its liquid states even in cold climates.

The distillation range of n-Hexane is short, and the volatilization of harmful substances is relatively clean and thorough, so that the nutritional components of vegetable oil are not destroyed by high temperature, which improves the safety of edible oil, reduces the leaching consumption and residue of edible oil in production, has a high oil production rate, and is convenient for industrial scale production. Hexane is an organic solvent with good viscosity. It is usually used in rubber food, pharmaceutical, perfume, shoe making, adhesive tape, ball making, grinding, leather, textile, furniture, paint industries, or dilution, or cleaning solvent, or viscose.

In addition, it can also be used as a solvent for extracting seed oil (such as soybean oil, cottonseed oil, flax oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, etc.); It can also be used as a raw material for manufacturing polymers; Such as polypropylene and polyethylene.

Solvent extraction technology is a continuous edible oil extraction equipment, which uses the solubility of n-Hexane and oil to improve the oil content through soaking and spray. Solvent extraction technology can be used to extract oil from most oilseeds. The high oil content oilseeds such as rapeseed, peanut, cottonseed and sesame are extracted by pre pressing solvent, and the low oil content oilseeds are extracted by direct solvent.

Food grade n-hexane as solvent for vegetable oil extraction, food grade hexane in blue and red steel drums

Food grade n-Hexane as solvent for vegetable oil extraction

The main advantage of using n-Hexane as extraction solvent to prepare edible oil is low residual oil. In addition, there are eight advantages:

1. In the detection of the final edible oil products, the sulfur and benzene content in n-Hexane is very low, which is almost impossible to detect, and more in line with the international health detection standards.

2. The distillation range of n-Hexane is 63 ℃ – 71 ℃, and the dissolution rate is small.

3. The recovery temperature of n-Hexane is low and the energy saving effect is obvious. Moreover, it is of great benefit to improve the quality of oil products, and the color will be better. The acid value and peroxide in the oil can be reduced to improve the refining yield.

4. The content of n-Hexane is increased, the extraction capacity is improved, and the processing capacity of the device is also improved.

5. n-Hexane has good compatibility with oil and can reduce the residual oil in the filter cake. Increase the output of oil and improve the efficiency of enterprises.

6. The use of n-Hexane can reduce the drying temperature during the cake recovery process, reduce the direct steam supply, and thus reduce the dust intrusion of the condensation recovery system. Prolong the life cycle of the condenser.

7. Due to the extremely low sulfur content in n-Hexane, the corrosion of the system is reduced and the service life of the equipment is prolonged.

8. Reducing the operating system temperature after using hexane can reduce the reduction crystallization of unstable substances in the plant and improve the utilization rate of the whole system.

It can be seen from the above description that n-Hexane is the best choice in vegetable oil plants, which is also the reason why solvent extraction plants are becoming more and more popular in large vegetable oil production plants.

Hexane and oils work quite well together, which makes hexane an ideal solvent for oil extraction. Oil extraction requires fats to be soluble in a material, and hexane is a great match because it allows the oils to dissolve and separate from the original oilseed plant. The solvent extraction plant is the best solution for the project with a capacity of more than 30 tons / day. Because the residual oil amount is more than 5% for the press method and less than 1% for the solvent extraction method. The crude powder extracted by solvent extraction can be widely used in food raw materials with high protein content and high quality because of its low temperature.

We have the latest equipment and technology for the strict checking of raw material at the initial stage only. We ensure that prior to manufacturing the material is checked on the grounds of quality. As quality is our topmost concern, we give maximum priority to the stringent checking of the entire range of products. Junyuan Petroleum Group provides the food grade hexane for edible oil extraction and for pharma industries.

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for Pentanes, Hexanes, Heptanes, Butanes and more

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