Tag solvent

Isohexane: A Cleaner and Safer Solvent for HPLC

HPLC, or high-performance liquid chromatography, is a widely used technique for separating and analyzing different components of a mixture. HPLC is often used in pharmaceutical, environmental, and food industries, as well as in research laboratories. HPLC requires a solvent, which is a liquid that dissolves the mixture and carries it through the system. The solvent plays an important role in the efficiency and accuracy of HPLC, as well as in the safety and environmental impact of the process.

One of the most common solvents used in HPLC is n-hexane, which is a simple hydrocarbon with six carbon atoms and 14 hydrogen atoms. n-Hexane has some advantages as a solvent, such as low cost, low polarity, and high volatility. However, n-hexane also has some serious drawbacks, such as high toxicity, flammability, and environmental hazards. Exposure to n-hexane can cause nerve damage, respiratory problems, skin irritation, and even cancer. n-Hexane is also highly flammable and can cause fires and explosions. Moreover, n-hexane is not biodegradable and can contaminate soil and water sources.

To overcome these problems, some researchers and manufacturers have developed alternative solvents that are safer and cleaner than n-hexane. One of these alternatives is isohexane, which is a structural isomer of n-hexane. This means that isohexane has the same molecular formula as n-hexane, but a different arrangement of atoms. Isohexane has five carbon atoms in a straight chain and one carbon atom attached to the middle carbon atom, forming a branch. This slight difference in structure makes isohexane much less toxic, less flammable, and more biodegradable than n-hexane.

Isohexane has been shown to be an effective solvent for HPLC, as it has similar properties to n-hexane, such as low polarity and high volatility. Isohexane can dissolve and separate a wide range of compounds, such as fatty acids, steroids, and pesticides. Isohexane can also be mixed with other solvents, such as ethanol, to adjust the polarity and selectivity of the solvent. Isohexane has been used in HPLC for various applications, such as analyzing herbal medicines, essential oils, and biodiesel.

One of the leading manufacturers of isohexane is Junyuan Petroleum Group, a Chinese company that specializes in producing high-quality solvents and chemicals. Junyuan Petroleum Group has an ISO certified manufacturing facility with a well-equipped laboratory to maintain global quality standards. Junyuan Petroleum Group offers isohexane with a purity of 99% and a low content of n-hexane (<5%). Junyuan Petroleum Group also provides customized services and products to meet the specific needs of customers.

Isohexane is a cleaner and safer solvent for HPLC, as it reduces the health and environmental risks associated with n-hexane. Isohexane is also a versatile and efficient solvent that can be used for various HPLC applications. Isohexane is a promising alternative to n-hexane that can improve the quality and safety of HPLC.

Pharmaceutical-grade Heptane: Production Process and Applications

Abstract: Heptane is a hydrocarbon with the chemical formula C7H16. It is a colorless, volatile, and flammable liquid that is widely used as a solvent, fuel, and chemical intermediate. Pharmaceutical-grade heptane is a high-purity heptane that meets the standards of the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and the European Pharmacopoeia (EP). It is mainly used as a solvent for the extraction, purification, and crystallization of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). This article introduces the production process of pharmaceutical-grade heptane and its applications in the pharmaceutical industry.

Keywords: heptane, pharmaceutical-grade, solvent, extraction, purification, crystallization, API


Heptane is one of the simplest alkanes, a class of hydrocarbons that consist of only carbon and hydrogen atoms. It has seven carbon atoms and 16 hydrogen atoms, arranged in a straight chain or a branched structure. There are nine possible isomers of heptane, which differ in the way the carbon atoms are connected. The most common isomer is n-heptane, which has a straight-chain structure. Other isomers include isoheptane, methylhexane, dimethylpentane, and ethylpentane.

Heptane can be obtained from natural sources, such as crude oil and natural gas, or from synthetic sources, such as the catalytic cracking of petroleum or the Fischer-Tropsch process. Heptane is usually separated from other hydrocarbons by fractional distillation, a process that exploits the different boiling points of the components. Heptane has a boiling point of about 98°C, which is lower than that of octane (125°C) and higher than that of hexane (69°C).

Heptane has many industrial uses, such as a solvent, fuel, and chemical intermediate. As a solvent, heptane can dissolve or extract various organic compounds, such as fats, oils, waxes, resins, rubber, and plastics. As a fuel, heptane can be blended with other hydrocarbons to produce gasoline, jet fuel, and diesel. As a chemical intermediate, heptane can be used to synthesize other organic compounds, such as alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, and carboxylic acids.

Pharmaceutical-grade heptane is a special type of heptane that has a high purity and meets the specifications of the USP and the EP. These specifications include the limits of impurities, such as water, sulfur, aromatics, olefins, and other hydrocarbons. Pharmaceutical-grade heptane also has to pass certain tests, such as the assay, the density, the refractive index, the acidity, the peroxide value, and the residue on evaporation.

Pharmaceutical-grade heptane is mainly used as a solvent for the extraction, purification, and crystallization of APIs. APIs are the substances that are responsible for the therapeutic effects of drugs. They can be derived from natural sources, such as plants, animals, or microorganisms, or from synthetic sources, such as chemical synthesis or biotechnology. APIs have to be isolated and purified from the raw materials or the reaction mixtures, and then crystallized into solid forms that have the desired properties, such as purity, stability, solubility, bioavailability, and polymorphism.

Heptane is a suitable solvent for these processes because it has a low polarity, a low toxicity, a high volatility, and a good compatibility with other solvents. Heptane can dissolve or extract the APIs from the impurities, such as water, salts, sugars, proteins, and other organic compounds. Heptane can also be used to recrystallize the APIs by changing the temperature, the concentration, or the addition of other solvents. Heptane can be easily removed from the APIs by evaporation, filtration, or centrifugation, leaving behind a dry and pure solid.

Some examples of APIs that are extracted, purified, or crystallized with heptane are:

  • Aspirin, an anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug that is synthesized from salicylic acid and acetic anhydride. Heptane is used to wash and dry the crude aspirin crystals, and then to recrystallize them with ethanol.
  • Ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug that is synthesized from isobutylbenzene and propionic acid. Heptane is used to extract the ibuprofen from the reaction mixture, and then to recrystallize it with ethanol or acetone.
  • Paracetamol, an analgesic and antipyretic drug that is synthesized from phenol and acetic anhydride. Heptane is used to extract the paracetamol from the reaction mixture, and then to recrystallize it with water or ethanol.
  • Caffeine, a stimulant and diuretic drug that is derived from coffee beans or tea leaves. Heptane is used to extract the caffeine from the raw materials, and then to recrystallize it with water or ethanol.

Pharmaceutical-grade heptane is an important solvent for the production of APIs, as it can ensure the quality, safety, and efficacy of the drugs. However, heptane also has some drawbacks, such as its flammability, its environmental impact, and its potential health hazards. Therefore, heptane has to be handled with care and disposed of properly, following the regulations and guidelines of the authorities and the industry.

The Price of n-Hexane in the Chinese Market Today- March 07, 2023

The Price of n-Hexane in the Chinese Market Today- March 07, 2023
Market Price: CNY/MT
n-Hexane Purity: 60%
Currency: CNY
Mainstream Price: 9,400
Highest Price: 9,500
Lowest Price 9,300
Average Price This Week: ▼9,400
Change Value : ▼-300
Change: ▼-3.09%
Average Price This Month: ▼9,625
Change Value: ▼-25%
Change: ▼-0.26%
Data Date: 03/07/2023

US Dollar to Chinese Yuan Exchange Rate
US Dollar to Chinese Yuan Exchange Rate is at a current level of 6.910, up from 6.865 the previous market day and up from 6.317 one year ago.

Chemistry Table
CAS Number: 110-54-3
Molecular Formula: C6H14
Formula Weight: 86.18
Synonyms: n-Hexane, Hexyl hydride, Skellysolve B, Gettysolve-B, Hexan, Hexanes, Dipropyl, Normal hexane, n-Hexan
Grade: High Purity Grade
Percent Purity: 60-99%
Chemical Name or Material: Hexane
UN Number: 1208
Solubility Information: Miscible with alcohol,chloroform,acetone and ether.
Formula Weight: 86.18
Density: 0.659
Boiling Point: 69°C
Quantity: 50 mL
Flash Point: −23°C (−9°F)
Odor: Weak, Characteristic
Packaging Type: ISO Tank/Steel Drum
Payment Terms: T/T, L/C
Manufacturer: Junyuan Petroleum Group
n-Hexane is used as a solvent to extract edible oils from seed and vegetable crops. Commercial grades of hexane are used as solvents for glues, varnishes, and inks, cleaning agent (degreaser) in the printing industry, liquid in low temperature thermometers. Other uses are as fuels and fuel additives, intermediates and laboratory chemicals.
n-Hexane is used as a solvent to extract edible oils from seed and vegetable crops. Commercial grades of hexane are used as solvents for glues, varnishes, and inks, cleaning agent (degreaser) in the printing industry, liquid in low temperature thermometers. Other uses are as fuels and fuel additives, intermediates and laboratory chemicals.
Miscible with alcohol, chloroform, acetone and ether.
Incompatible with dinitrogen tetraoxide. Store in a cool and dry environment.

As the one of the largest manufacturer of specialty solvents, Junyuan Petroleum Group is equipped to handle chemicals shipping in any required form, including bulk, steel drums, containers, ISO tank containers. With exclusive rates from many of the worlds major shipping lines and ISO tank owners, we are able to provide competitive and reliable deliveries of solvents and chemicals on CFR and CIF terms.

Junyuan Petroleum Group is committed to being a premier solvent manufacturer of pentanes, hexanes, heptanes and butanes to our customers. If you would like to know more about a product or technology, or how we can help you be more successful, please contact us. Your inquiry is important to us, email us at info@junyuanpetroleumgroup.com to request technical information and documentation about particular products, ask questions, or receive a catalog.

Isopentane Properties

Material Safety Data for: Isopentane   
Name                                            Isopentane   
Synonyms                                     2­methylbutane, butane, 2­methyl­ CAS#                                            78­-78­-4   
Product Uses                               solvent, blowing agent for foams,
gasoline ingredient, chlorinated hydrocarbon synthesis
 2.                            INGREDIENTS                  %                 TWAEV / TLV   
ppm / mg/m3   
LC50 ppm   
n­Pentane           100%                  600 / 1750                    10,000             
not known                  51,000
 3.  (a)                    HAZARDS   SUMMARY    
 Hazards,  Quick  Guide  : extremely flammable liquid, heavy vapour
travels, distant ignition and flashback are possible; central
nervous depressant & anaesthetic   
Canada – WHMIS                                                       B 2   
Key:     B 2 – Flash Point <38oC, B 3 – Flash Point >38oC & <93oC   
D 1 – Immediately Toxic, D 2 – Chronic Toxicity   
C – Oxidising Substance, E ­ Corrosive   
U.S.A. – HMIS                                                            Health – 1, Fire – 4, Reactivity – 0   
Key:                                                                                        0=minimal, 1=slight, 2=moderate, 3=serious, 4=severe   
 3.  (b)                     HAZARDS  –  TOXICITY    
 Effect s,  Acute  Exposure    
Skin Contact                                    little to no effect – rapid evaporation reduces likelihood of irritation   
Skin Absorption                               no toxic effects likely by this route – rapid evaporation reduces likelihood of absorption   
Eye Contact                                     slightly irritating – rapid evaporation reduces likelihood of irritation   
Inhalation                                         may irritate above 5000ppm; headache, dizziness, drowsiness, intoxication, anaesthesia   
symptoms may be partly due to hypoxia as isopentane vapour displaces oxygen in the air   
Ingestion                                          probably impossible to ingest as isopentane boils at 28oC – well below body temperature   
 Effect s,  Chronic  Exposure    
General                                            no known effects   
Sensitising                                       not a sensitiser in humans or animals   
Carcinogen/Tumorigen                   not considered a tumorigen or a carcinogen in humans or animals   
Reproductive Effect                         no known effect in humans or animals   
Mutagen                                           no known effect on humans or animals   
Synergistic With                              thought to sensitise heart to effects of adrenalin (epinephrine in U.S.A.) LD50 (oral)                                       10,000mg/kg (rat);   
LD50 (skin)                                       not known   
LC50 (inhalation)                             95,000ppm (rat), 51,000ppm (mouse)   
 4.                          FIRST   AID    
SKIN:                  Allow to evaporate. Remove contaminated clothing and do not reuse until dry – assuming isopentane is the only   
substance present!  If other substances may be present, wash thoroughly with soap and water and launder clothing before wearing again.   
EYES:                 Allow to evaporate – assuming isopentane is the only substance present!  If other substances may be present, wash eyes with plenty of water, holding eyelids open. Seek medical assistance promptly if there is irritation.   
INHALATION:  Remove from contaminated area promptly. CAUTION: Rescuer must not endanger himself! If breathing stops, administer artificial respiration and seek medical aid promptly.   
INGESTION:      Give plenty of water to dilute product.  Do not induce vomiting (NOTE below). Keep victim quiet. If vomiting occurs, lower victim’s head below hips to prevent inhalation of vomited material. Seek medical help promptly.   
Inadvertent inhalation of vomited material may seriously damage the lungs. The danger of this is greater than the risk of poisoning through absorption of this   
relatively low­toxicity substance. The stomach should only be emptied under medical supervision, and after the installation of an airway to protect the lungs.   
 5.                          PHYSICAL   PROPERTIES    
Odour & Appearance                      clear, colourless liquid with pleasant gasoline­like odour   
Odour Threshold                             not known   
Vapour Pressure                              595mmHg / 79kPa  (21oC / 70oF) Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate = 1)    14 – extremely volatile   
Vapour Density (air = 1)                2.5   
Boiling Range                                  28oC / 82oF Freezing Point                                 ­160oC / ­256oF Specific Gravity                               0.62 (20/20oC) Water Solubility                              insoluble   
Also soluble in                             most organic solvents   
Viscosity                                          not known – very mobile liquid   
pH                                                    none – (does not liberate hydrogen ions when dissolved) Conversion Factor                           1ppm = 2.95g/m3   
Molecular Weight                            72grams per mole   
 6.                          FLAMMABILITY   &   FIRE  FIGHTING    
Flash Point                                       ­51oC / ­60oF (closed cup) Autoignition Temperature               260oC  /  500oF Flammable Limits                           1.5% – 7.8%   
Combustion Products                      carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, smoke, part oxidised hydrocarbon fragments   
Fire Fighting Precautions                foam, dry chemical; water is ineffective; CO2 discharge may produce static which could re­   
ignite fire; cool intact containers with water spray; fire fighters must wear SCBA   
Static Charge Accumulation           readily accumulates a static charge on agitation or pumping which can cause ignition   
 7.                          STABILITY  /  REACTIVITY    
Dangerously Reactive With             strong oxidising agents; chlorine and fluorine   
Also Reactive With                          halogen compounds Stability                                           stable; will not polymerize Decomposes in Presence of             not known   
Decomposition Products                  none apart from Hazardous Combustion Products   
Sensitive to Mechanical Impact      no   
(Isopentane,  cont’d)                                                                                                                                                          Page 3   
 8.                          PROTECTIVE   EQUIPM ENT  /  EXPOSURE   CONTROL    
TWAEV / TLV   600ppm  / 1750mg/m3   
STEL (OSHA)    750ppm / 2200mg/m3 (not currently enforceable); PEL – TWA (OSHA) 1000ppm / 2950mg/m3   
Ventilation          mechanical ventilation required to maintain airborne titre below TWAEV; depending on handling procedures   
NOTE: Due to extreme volatility, product should only be used in sealed equipment.   
Respirators with organic vapour cartridges must be available in the work place for “escape” purposes in case of a release. These respirators should be kept in air­tight containers (eg: Tupperware) to preserve “freshness.   
Hands                  not required; “Viton” gloves recommended – other types may also protect; consult supplier   
Eyes                     safety glasses with side shields – always protect the eyes   
Clothing              no special protective clothing required   
 9.                          HANDLING   &   STORAG E    
Store a minimum quantity in a cool (below 30oC / 86oF), away from sources of ignition, heat and oxidising agents.   
Always use non­sparking bronze or aluminium hand tools. All electrical and mechanical equipment (including lighting, switchgear and forklift trucks) used with or around this product must be explosion­proof.  Al way s  ground or electrically bond both the source container and the receiving container, and transfer pump before transferring contents. Avoid splashing by ensuring that the product nozzle is below the surface in the receiving container.   
Bulk storage should be outdoors under a roof to prevent exposure to the sun. Tanks must be vented, and the vents equipped with spark arrestors. Drums must be kept away from oxidisers and corrosives. Drums should have pressure/vacuum relief venting. Drums should be bonded or grounded – contact with an appropriately conductive concrete floor may be adequate. Drum storage area must be well ventilated – with floor level venting! Storage area should have raised sills to contain spills. Storage area must be kept clean and free of rags, mops, and similar equipment.   
Never use a cloth dampened with this product for wiping or cleaning surfaces!   
Avoid breathing product vapour. Use with adequate ventilation. If dealing with a spill, and ventilation is impossible or impractical, wear a suitable respirator (see Part 8).   
Never cut, drill, weld or grind on or near this container. Avoid contact with skin and wash work clothes frequently. An eye bath and safety shower must be available near the workplace.   
 10.                        SPILL   PROCEDURES    
Serious Fire Potential: blanket spill with foam as a precaution against accidental ignition. Take extreme care   
to avoid sparks – do not operate (turn on  OR  off) electrical appliances near spill, unless explosion proof.   
Leak Precaution  dyke to control spillage and prevent environmental contamination   
Handling Spill    ventilate contaminated area; recover free liquid with suitable pumps; absorb residue on an inert sorbent, sweep   
& pick up using plastic or aluminium shovel, & store in closed containers for recycling or disposal   
 11.                        DISPOSAL    
Waste Disposal       do not flush to sewer, recycle solvent if possible, if local regulations permit, may be put in sanitary landfill,   
may be incinerated in approved facility –  a spill may well “clean itself” by rapid evaporation   
Containers              Drums should be reused. Recondition and pressure test by a licensed reconditioner prior to re­use.   
Pails must be vented and thoroughly dried prior to crushing and recycling.   
IBCs (intermediate bulk containers): polyethylene bottle must be pressure tested & recertified at 30 months. Replace at 60 months (5yrs). Steel containers must be inspected, pressure tested & recertified every 5 years.   
Never cut, drill, weld or grind on or near this container, even if empty   
(Isopentane,  cont’d)                                                                                                                                                           page 4   
 12.                        ENVIRONMENTAL   INFORMATION    
Bioaccumulation               this product is rapidly eliminated by metabolism and lungs and cannot bioaccumulate   
Biodegradation                  this product appears to degrade readily in the presence of oxygen, however, volatilisation is likely to be the major means for a spill of this product to disappear from either soil or water   
Abiotic Degradation          this product reacts with atmospheric hydroxyl radicals; its estimated half­life in air is 4.2 days   
Mobility in soil, water       this product is water insoluble and cannot move readily in soil and water; evaporation is rapid, reducing the likelihood of soil or water contamination   
 13.                        TRANSPORT   REGULATIONS    
Canada TDG PINUN­1265
  Shipping Namepentanes, liquid
  Packing GroupI
U.S.A. 49 CFR PINUN­1265
  Shipping Namepentanes
  Packing GroupI
Marine Pollutant  not a marine pollutant
 14.                        EMERGENCY  INFORMATION    
CanadaCall CANUTEC (collect)  
 15.                        REGULATIONS    
Canada DSL                                   on inventory   
U.S.A. TSCA                                  on inventory   
Europe EINECS                             on inventory   
Atmospheric Standards: This action promulgates standards of performance for equipment leaks of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in the Synthetic Organic   
Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI). The intended effect of these standards is to require all newly constructed, modified, and reconstructed SOCMI process units to use the best demonstrated system of continuous emission reduction for equipment leaks of VOC, considering costs, non air quality health and environmental impact and energy requirements. Isopentane is produced, as an intermediate or final product, by process units covered under this subpart.   
 16.                        PREPARATION  INFORMATION    
File Name: isopentane   
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