Tag Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company

The company visited the local fire brigade on the “August 1st” Army Day

Junyuan Petroleum Group visited the local fire brigade on the “August 1st” Army Day

On August 1st, on the occasion of the 95th “August 1st” army building day, Yu Rui, the deputy general manager of the group company, and Qiao Huijie, the deputy general manager and director of safety and environmental protection, led the team to visit the fire rescue detachment of the agricultural high tech Zone in the yellow River Delta and the fire rescue brigade of Dingzhuang sub district to send food, edible oil, rice and flour to the firefighters.

In the process of expressing concern, Yu Rui and Qiao Huijie, on behalf of all employees of the group company, respectively, paid high respects to the firefighters. He also said that as the main force and national team of emergency rescue, the fire brigade is also the team closest to the people and closest to the people. When there is an alarm, it will go out and act upon hearing the alarm. It will fight where the people most need it, especially in the face of major disasters and accidents. It is not afraid of difficulties and dangers. It is the first to rush forward, save the people from floods and fires, help the people in danger, and create a good fire safety environment for the people in the territory to live and work in peace and contentment and economic construction.

The company carried out the "August 1st" Army Day activities to comfort veterans

On behalf of all firefighters, the relevant comrades of the fire rescue detachment of the Yellow River Delta agricultural high tech Zone and the fire rescue brigade of Dingzhuang sub district expressed heartfelt thanks to Junyuan Petroleum Group, the parent company of Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company for its condolences. At the same time, he said that he will not disappoint the people’s love and high expectations, will turn the concern and support of the enterprise into the driving force of work, and strive to solve the people’s problems with a more perfect style, and continue to escort the social and economic development of the whole region and the people’s living and working in peace and contentment.

The Group of Companies Visited and Studied in Qingdao

The group of companies visited and studied in the military civilian integration zone of the West Coast new area of Qingdao

In the afternoon of July 15, Junyuan Petroleum Group organized a “trip to Qingdao”, and the personnel who participated in the first half of the annual work report went to the military civilian integration zone of the West Coast new area of Qingdao to visit and study.

Strengthen Heatstroke Prevention and Cooling to Ensure Safe Production

Strengthen Heatstroke Prevention and Cooling to Ensure Safe Production

In order to ensure that the fire sprinkler equipment can be put into operation in good condition, on the morning of July 9, all the staff of the storage and transportation team of the quality control operation center carried out fire sprinkler inspection and dredging of sprinkler heads for the 3# Spherical storage tank area and the East-West loading and unloading station. With the arrival of hot summer, the production work is facing greater tests. The materials stored in the spherical tank area of the company are liquid hydrocarbons with light density and high pressure.

Chemical solvent storage tank is a container for storing solvent products. It is the main equipment of petrochemical enterprises. It is mainly used to store pentane, hexane, heptane, petroleum ether and other chemicals and solvents. The tank farm fire has the characteristics of high explosion risk, easy to form large-area combustion, fast combustion speed, great difficulty in extinguishing and great loss. Fire, explosion, poisoning, asphyxiation and other accidents are very likely to occur during the inspection and maintenance of oil tanks. The oil storage tank farm is a typical major industrial hazard source, so it is necessary to conduct a safety analysis on the hot work maintenance of the oil storage tank and put forward corresponding safety measures. Because the safety situation of the tank farm directly affects the safety production and environmental protection of enterprises.

As the temperature rises, the pressure in the storage tank also rises, which has a lot of impact on production safety. In order to ensure the safety of high temperature operation in summer, it is necessary to use fire sprinkler to spray water to cool the spherical storage tank with high pressure. The fire sprinkler inspection and dredging work created conditions for the cooling work of the device and ensured the safe production in summer.

Xiaoqing Zhang, Quality Control and Transportation Center

Meeting for the recruitment of probationary party members

The Party Branch of Junyuan Group of Companies organized a meeting for the recruitment of probationary party membersOn the afternoon of July 8, the Party branch of Junyuan Group of Companies organized the 2022 probationary recruitment meeting. Leaders of the neighborhood Party Working Committee attended the meeting, and all Party members of the company attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Yu Rui, deputy secretary of the Party Branch. The preparatory party members’ recruitment meeting was held in a solemn and serious atmosphere, and the process was standardized and orderly. After the secret ballot of all Party members of the company, comrade Lian Zhenzhen finally passed unanimously and officially became a glorious probationary member of the Communist Party of China. The successful holding of the preparatory Party member recruitment meeting has injected fresh blood into the Party branch of the company. The establishment of the Party member team of the Party branch by the social university is of great significance to correct the attitude of Party members and carry out the work of the Party branch, and has also laid a solid foundation for the company to better carry out the work of Party building in the future. The new probationary party members will also perform well in the next preparatory period with a good style and correct attitude, and give play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members.

One representative of new party members of CNPC participated in the oath of joining the party at Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company

A symposium held for college students who joined the company in 2022

The group of companies organized a symposium for college students who joined the company in 2022

In order to welcome and comfort the new college students and staff, and help them understand the company faster, change their roles and integrate into their work, the company organized a 2022 new college students’ Symposium on the afternoon of July 7. Qi Chunxiao, General Manager of  the Group of Companies, Chen Huimin, HR Manager, and 18 new college students who newly joined the company attended the meeting.

Qi Chunxiao, the general manager, put forward three expectations for new college students: first, we should establish goals, insist on demanding ourselves with “higher standards”, establish a sense of hardship, and complete the identity transformation as soon as possible; Second, we should strengthen the study of business knowledge, base ourselves on our own posts, widely study business knowledge, and consolidate the theoretical basis of business; Third, in the process of daily work, we should carefully summarize experience, grasp work rules, constantly improve our ability to find, analyze and solve problems, strive to be an expert in pentane, hexane and heptane business, and contribute to the high-quality development of the company while realizing our own aspirations.

At the exchange meeting, the new employees introduced themselves in combination with their own experience, and talked about their gains and feelings since their entry. Qi Chunxiao expressed his sincere welcome to the new college students, briefly introduced the development process and basic situation of the company, and put forward hopes and requirements for the new college students to integrate into the work as soon as possible.

The municipal flood control supervision and guidance group came to the company to supervise the flood control emergency work

In the afternoon of July 5, the second flood control supervision and inspection team established by Dongying Chemical Special Action Office and the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology came to our company to supervise the flood control emergency work, and the supervision was carried out by listening to reports, consulting data and on-site inspection. Qiao Huijie, deputy general manager and director of safety and environmental protection of the group company, and Li Gang, deputy factory director, accompanied the inspection.

This supervision focuses on the inspection of the revision and drilling of the flood control emergency plan, the management of flood control material reserves, the operation and maintenance of forced drainage equipment and facilities in the plant area, the dredging of drainage pipelines in the plant area, the protection of chemicals reacting with water, and the investigation and rectification of Yinzhong in accordance with the guidelines for flood control risk investigation of industrial enterprises.

Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company

Dongying Liangxin Passed the Certification and Audit of ISO9001, ISO14001 and 45001

Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company has successfully passed the certification and audit of ISO9001 quality management system, ISO14001 environmental management system and ISO45001 occupational health and safety management system.

From June 28 to July 3, a group of five experts from the certification center of Beijing China Construction Association carried out the supervision and audit of the “three systems” of quality, environment and occupational health and safety management for our company, and the company successfully passed the 2022 audit and certification.

During the five-day audit and certification process, the expert group conducted on-site audits on the headquarters of Junyuan Petroleum Group, the headquarters of Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company and the solvent production department, and made in-depth communication with the company’s top executives.

ISO 9001 quality management system, ISO14001 environmental management system and ISO45001 occupational health and safety management system are by far the most mature management frameworks in the world. At present, more than 850,000 organizations in 161 countries and regions are using this framework. The establishment and implementation of ISO series management system has standardized the company’s management, improved the company’s quality awareness, standardized the company’s project production process, effectively controlled risks, improved enterprise benefits, formed a standardized and standardized management mode for the company’s management, and provided a solid foundation platform for the company’s development and growth.

The establishment and implementation of ISO series management system will help the company continuously improve its management level and establish a good corporate image and reputation in the fierce market competition, which is of great significance to the long-term development of the company. Our company has passed the ISO series management system certification, which marks that the company has made great progress in scientific, refined and standardized production management. It sends a clear message to owners and other stakeholders: This is a company committed to achieving high quality, high standards and continuous improvement, which is trustworthy.

After review, the expert group agreed that the “three systems” working system of our company is standardized and complete, the implementation is effective, and the operation process is smooth. The construction of “three systems” has been continuously optimized, and remarkable work results have been achieved.

Mr. Miao Guangfa, chairman of the company, thanked the expert group for its guidance. Over the years, with the care and support of the certification center of China Construction Association, the company’s management system has been continuously standardized, improved and innovated to ensure the stable and long-term development of the company with high quality. 2022 is the second year of the 14th five year plan, and it is also a crucial year for deepening enterprise reform. Focusing on the theme of high-quality development, how to effectively carry out dynamic change, quality change and efficiency change, enterprises are facing new topics in strategic planning, organizational structure, system construction, etc. thank you for your valuable opinions.

Our Company Profile

Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Junyuan Petroleum Group. Its CEO is Mr. Miao Guangfa, hereinafter referred to as Liangxin Petrochemical. The company was founded in May 2006, headquartered in Dongying City, Shandong Province. As a large enterprise group specializing in the production and sale of petrochemical products, chemical solvents, special chemicals and petroleum products, Liangxin Petrochemical has world-class core production equipment, on this basis, Siemens automatic control system is also introduced for technical optimization. Our company has professional chemical management personnel and professional technicians. At present, there are more than 500 employees. The company’s team is still growing. It has technical exchanges with many technical experts from China University of Petroleum, Tianjin University and Huadong Design Institute all year round, and the product quality is leading in the global chemical market. Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company always pursues the service tenet of “The pursuit of customers is our greatest pursuit, and the satisfaction of customers is our greatest wish”. We sincerely hope to cooperate with global chemical enterprises to provide the best quality chemical products for the global market! Our main products are n-Heptane, n-Butane, Isobutane, Isopentane, n-Pentane, Pentane Blends, Cyclopentane, Isohexane, n-Hexane, n-oCtane, Sodium Methoxide Solution and Sodium Methoxide Powder. Today, Liangxin Petrochemical is among the world’s leading petrochemical companies in terms of sales volume and product diversity.

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100 Days of Safe Production Compaign in 2022 Summer

The Group of Companies held the launching ceremony of the “100 Days of Safe Production Compaign in 2022 Summer”

On the morning of June 30, Junyuan Petroleum Group of Companies grandly held the launching ceremony of the 2022 summer production safety 100 day campaign with the theme of “reinforcing weaknesses, strengthening weaknesses, improving quality and ensuring safety” at the south side of the West conference room on the first floor of the new office building. More than 90 company leaders and employees, including Yu Rui, the Deputy General Manager of the Group, Wei Yu, the Deputy General Manager and Factory Director, and Qiao Huijie, the Deputy General Manager and Director of Safety and Environmental Protection, attended the event. The event was presided over by General Manager Qi Chunxiao. According to the agenda of the event, Chen Huimin, the Personnel Manager of the General Office, and Wei Fuchang, the Director of the Production and Operation Center, made a statement at the meeting. Qiao Huijie made a mobilization speech for the launch ceremony. After the event, the company’s leaders and employees signed the banner of the launch ceremony in turn. In his mobilization speech, Qiao Huijie pointed out that the company held the launching ceremony of the 2022 “100 days of Safe Production In summer”, which opened the prelude for all members of Junyuan Petroleum Group to participate in the 100 days of safe production in summer. This will play a positive and important role in improving safety awareness, improving the quality of employees, improving the construction of the company’s safety culture, and continuously promoting the stability and long-term development of the company’s safety situation.

Qiao Huijie said that this compaign has a long time span, including hot summer, Mid Autumn Festival and National Day important legal holidays. Today, with the increasingly urgent safety situation and the increasingly strict requirements of the state for work environment, we should take work safety more seriously. Although there are criticisms, controversies and unhappiness in our daily work, we will always be a family in dealing with safety issues, because our goal is to “Come to work happily and go home safely”. We all hope to live safely every day, and we hope that the whole staff will work together to pack up and achieve good results.

What products are involved in this 100 day safety production? What are the characteristics of these products?

Pentane is a fine chemical product. There are three isomers, namely n-Pentane, Isopentane and Cyclopentane, which are mainly used in polyurethane foam, EPS foaming agent, new hydrocarbon refrigerant for air conditioners and refrigerators, etc. The upstream of pentane industrial chain is the by-product of natural gas condensate, oil field light hydrocarbon, light naphtha ethylene unit cracking and the main product of C5, cyclopentadiene. The downstream is the application market, which is mainly concentrated in polyurethane foaming agent, EPS foaming agent, linear low-density polyethylene solvent and other fields.

Due to their different structures and properties, n-Pentane, Isopentane, Cyclopentane and Pentane Blend, have different application fields at present. n-Pentane can be isomerized to produce Isopentane, and can also be used as a foaming agent. It can also be used in low temperature thermometers, artificial ice, anesthetics, and the synthesis of pentanol; Isopentane is an important admixture to improve the octane number of gasoline, and it is also an important raw material for the production of isoprene. It can also be dehydrogenated, chlorinated and hydrolyzed to isoprene, isoprene and isopentanol. It is the raw material and solvent for organic synthesis; Cyclopentane is mainly used in organic synthesis and the production of intermediates of fine chemicals. At present, the market demand is low.

Luan Gaifeng / Department of Safety and Environmental Protection


The company went to Dongming Petrochemical Group to carry out technical exchanges

The company went to Dongming Petrochemical Group to carry out technical exchangesAt the invitation of Shandong Dongming Petrochemical Group Co., Ltd., Liu Yangbing, the Manager of the company’s Sales Department, and a delegation of four people went to Dongming Petrochemical Group to carry out technical exchanges on n-hexane products on June 29. The leaders of Dongming Petrochemical extended a warm welcome to the arrival of our exchange group. The two sides had a deep and detailed conversation on our company’s product quality, production technology, production capacity, product consumption and technical requirements of Dongming Petrochemical, and had full communication and negotiation on cooperation matters. Through this exchange and investigation, the mutual understanding between the two sides was deepened, and the cooperation ideas were further clarified, laying a solid foundation for the later in-depth cooperation. Tingting Chang/ Sales Department

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for Pentanes, Hexanes, Heptanes, Butanes and more

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