Tag chemicals

A Chemist Chats With ChatGPT. How Does It Do?

AI. Blah blah blah. You can’t turn on the news without hearing about it constantly. So I decided to see if it knew chemistry. With a few exceptions, it did very well. Even when I tried to trick it.

AI or Aluminum?

When it comes to chemistry, how does AI perform? The best way to find out is to ask questions, but I threw some doozies in there to see if it could handle odd or trick questions. Bottom line: It did very well, with some notable exceptions.

1. Basic Chemistry.

I expected it to do very well here, but it really bombed on one question. Let’s start with the easiest.

Q: What is the boiling point of toluene?

A: The boiling point of toluene is approximately 110.6 degrees Celsius or 231.1 degrees Fahrenheit at standard atmospheric pressure

Grade: A. It also knew that the boiling point is dependent upon atmospheric pressure.

Q: How many isomers have the chemical formula C5H12?

A: There are three structural isomers with the chemical formula C5H12… They are Pentane,  Isopentane, and Neopentane

Grade: A. Perfect

[Time for a trick]

Q: How many isomers are there with the formula C4H14

A: There are two structural isomers with the chemical formula C4H14. They are: Butane and isobutane.

Grade: F. Uh oh. There are no chemicals in the universe with that formula. ChatGPT’s answer is even worse when you consider that butane and isobutane both have the formula C4H10. I don’t know how it screwed this up. It should have been trivial.

Q: Which is more acidic? Acetic acid or benzoic acid?

A: The pKa values (a measure of acidity) for benzoic acid and acetic acid are 4.20 and 4.76, respectively. This means that at the same concentration, benzoic acid is more acidic than acetic acid.

Grade: A

[Time for another trick!]

Q: Which is more acidic, butyric acid or butanoic acid?

A: Butyric acid and butanoic acid are two names for the same compound.

Grade: Bravo! A. It didn’t bite.

Q: What is dimethylmercury?

A: Dimethylmercury is an extremely toxic and dangerous substance. It is a colorless liquid that can easily pass through latex gloves and skin, making it highly toxic even in small amounts. Due to its extreme toxicity, dimethylmercury is considered one of the most dangerous chemicals known to mankind

Grade: A (I think it quoted me, so let’s make that A+)

2. Somewhat off-beat chemistry

I wanted to test its ability to answer odd or stupid questions here.

Q: Should I eat potassium?

A: While potassium is an essential nutrient for the human body, it is not recommended to eat pure potassium metal. Potassium metal is highly reactive and can react violently with water or moisture, potentially causing burns or explosions.

Grade: A+. I wanted to see if it could distinguish between potassium metal and potassium salt since they are both called potassium. It did. I like the “it is not recommended” – a mastery of understatement. Potassium metal will blow your head off.

Q: How do you pronounce phenol?

A: The pronunciation of phenol is “fee-nawl” or “fee-nol,” with the stress on the first syllable.

Grade: C. I knew it! That is how doctors pronounce the word. Chemists, who know better (and discovered it), pronounce it with the accent on the second syllable. When a chemist uses the doctor’s pronunciation, it is socially acceptable to throw potassium at them.

More controversial stuff

I needed to ask it a few ACSH-like questions just to see.

Q: Is aspartame bad for you?

A: Aspartame is an artificial sweetener used in food and drinks since the 1980s. It is composed of two amino acids, phenylalanine and aspartic acid, and a small amount of methanol. The safety of aspartame has been studied extensively by regulatory agencies, and it is generally considered safe for human consumption in normal amounts.

Grade: A+. No nonsense from EWG, Joe Mercola, or Oz.

Q: Do vaccines cause autism?

A:There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that vaccines cause autism. The overwhelming majority of scientific studies conducted over the past two decades have found no evidence of a causal link between vaccines and autism…The idea that vaccines cause autism originated from a now-debunked study published in 1998 that has since been retracted due to serious flaws and ethical violations. Numerous subsequent studies have failed to find any evidence to support the claims made in the original study.

Grade: A+. Whew! I was a little worried there

Q: Is Andrew Wakefield a fraud?

A: Andrew Wakefield is a former British medical researcher who became infamous for publishing a fraudulent study in 1998 claiming a link between the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism. The study has since been thoroughly discredited and retracted by the journal that initially published it. Wakefield has been stripped of his medical license due to ethical violations related to the study.

Grade: A+. Excellent. No conspiracy nonsense.

And finally…

Q: Is homeopathy real science?

A: The scientific community generally does not consider homeopathy a legitimate form of science…the principles of homeopathy are not supported by scientific evidence, and numerous studies have failed to demonstrate its efficacy beyond that of a placebo. Homeopathic remedies are often heavily diluted to the point where they contain little to no active ingredient and no plausible scientific mechanism by which they could work.

Grade: A+. I couldn’t have said it better.

Bottom line

My first experience with ChatGPT was much better than I expected. It answered straightforward science questions perfectly (except for that abomination about isomers of C4H14) and was also able to handle strange and tricky questions quite well. It did especially well with controversial questions, such as the vaccine-autism myth, and even opined that Andrew Wakefield, the perpetrator of the myth, was indeed a fraud. Likewise, it didn’t go down the rabbit hole and give wishy-washy answers about aspartame or homeopathy. This is what I found to be most impressive.

In the end, I couldn’t resist:

Q: Will I get a raise from the American Council on Science and Health?

A: As an AI language model, I don’t have access to information about your personal circumstances or any specific information about your job performance, so I cannot predict with certainty whether you will receive a raise from the American Council on Science and Health.

That’s odd. We can all predict that one.

By Josh Bloom

Director of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science

Dr. Josh Bloom, the Director of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science, comes from the world of drug discovery, where he did research for more than 20 years. He holds a Ph.D. in chemistry.

About Junyuan Petroleum Group
Junyuan Petroleum Group engages in the production of specialty hydrocarbon products. It operates through the following segments: Specialty Products, Chemical Products and Corporate. The Specialty Products segment produces Pentanes, Hexanes, Heptanes, Butanes and other products.

The latest price trend of Cyclohexanone – 03.06.2023

The latest price trend of Cyclohexanone Junyuan Petroleum Group exclusive report:
The average price of Cyclohexanone in the Chinese market today 03.06.2023 is CNY 9,650/MT, and the price on the previous quotation day was at CNY 9,550/MT, an increase of 1.05% from the price on the previous quotation day 03.05.2023.
The above is the latest price of Cyclohexanone in the Chinese market today. The data comes from the data center of the marketing department of Junyuan Petroleum Group and is for reference only.

US Dollar to Chinese Yuan Exchange Rate
US Dollar to Chinese Yuan Exchange Rate is at a current level of 6.910, up from 6.865 the previous market day and up from 6.317 one year ago.

The opportunity of China’s chemicals and solvents to enter the Russian market must be sized

The Russian transportation line is blocked. Is the China Europe train still safe?

After Russia launched military operations in Ukraine, western countries led by the United States began to encircle Russia in various fields, and major container liner companies also began to suspend container liner services to Russia. At present, Mediterranean, Maersk, ocean Union, Yangming, Hyundai and other liner companies have successively issued notices to suspend liner services to Russia.

Introduction to Russia’s foreign shipping routes

Russia has a long coastline, and the ports that can be connected to container liners are mainly distributed in three regions, one is St. Petersburg in the Baltic Sea, the second is novorossisk in the Black Sea, and the third is Vladivostok and Dongfang port on the Pacific coast of the Far East, which are navigable to the world through the world shipping network of liner companies.

Since the Black Sea is located in the war zone, many merchant ships have been hit by missiles or sunk by mines, and Russian troops may enter the Odessa port of Ukraine at any time. Therefore, it is reasonable for the liner company to suspend the service of novorossisk in the Black Sea for the sake of safety. For example, COSCO Shipping Company of China announced that it would stop docking with Ukrainian ports for safety reasons, and took certain measures for the goods that had been shipped to Ukraine, so as to facilitate the cargo owners to properly handle and avoid losses.

Container liner shipping industry is a subsidiary industry of international trade, and international trade is dominated by Europe and the United States. Therefore, among the world’s top ten liner companies, except COSCO Shipping Company of China, all belong to the European and American system.

As the European and American sanctions against Russia are so outrageous that even cats are not spared, the customs in Hamburg, Germany and Rotterdam, the Netherlands refuse to transit goods to St. Petersburg, and it is no surprise that various liner companies cancel their attachment to Russia. Because the transit center is built for a long time, it cannot be changed in a short time.

Then, has Russia’s foreign cargo transportation been interrupted due to the sanctions of liner companies? Answer is No.

Generally speaking, Russia’s dependence on foreign trade is not very high, mainly exporting oil and gas, grain and timber to foreign countries, and importing some equipment and consumer goods. Among them, the exported oil and gas are transported by pipeline, and the exported grain is transported by bulk carrier. The suspension of liner companies mainly affects exported timber and imported consumer goods.

In addition, the road and railway transportation between Russia and its neighboring countries has not been affected. It should be pointed out that some large logistics companies in European and American countries have voluntarily stopped accepting the business of China Europe Express, but the China Europe express itself has not stopped operating. The railway from Europe to Russia via Poland and Belarus is still unblocked, but the possibility of interrupting this railway line in Europe cannot be ruled out.

The first leg of the voyage is the Asia Europe route from China’s coastal ports to European basic ports

The second leg of the voyage – the branch line from the European basic port to St. Petersburg, Russia

Although COSCO ships provide part of the transportation capacity on this route, the whole route is jointly operated by COSCO and other liner companies. Each shipping company sends ships to carry out transportation tasks in turn according to the established schedule. Therefore, if other shared shipping companies refuse to ship goods to Russia, COSCO will have no choice, and even endanger the cooperative relationship between COSCO and other shipping companies in the alliance.

According to the shipping schedule from COSCO to the basic ports in Europe, we can see from the ship name that there are EVA and France Dafei ships

COSCO can’t be expected to ship alone to carry out transportation tasks. In the case of the world shipping crisis, all shipping companies, including COSCO, have no idle capacity. The construction of container ships is based on years, and it is too late to build now. Even if COSCO sea pulls out ships to carry out the whole transportation task to St. Petersburg under all pressure, the sea freight will definitely be sky high and lose its economic significance.

However, this line is only nominally interrupted, in fact, it will not be completely interrupted. Since Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the Baltic Sea were former Soviet republics, they have close relations with Russia. These three countries have ports and feeder ships to connect with the basic ports in Europe, and some goods will be transported to Russia through the three Baltic countries. Some of this mode belongs to the gray space zone, which is somewhat similar to the goods entering the mainland through Hong Kong after the founding of the people’s Republic of China and before the reform and opening up. It can be predicted that some goods originally directly transported to St. Petersburg will be transferred to this kind of transportation.

People engaged in such transportation in the Baltic countries often wander on the edge of nominal laws, and sanctions will even increase their interests. I don’t think the anti Russian sentiment of the three countries can stand the test of money, and I don’t have much confidence in the integrity of the law enforcement personnel in the three countries. As long as it is not too excessive, this kind of transportation will not be stopped due to sanctions, so the route through the European basic port will not be completely interrupted.

The second line is the railway that China leaves the country through Manzhouli, Erenhot, Alataw pass and other ports, and may reach Moscow directly or through Mongolia and Kazakhstan. These railway lines are part of the extension line of the Eurasian Continental Bridge in Russia and the China Europe train. The whole journey takes about 15-40 days. Many railway stations in China, such as Shenzhen, Shenyang and Suzhou, can start transportation.

This line is the safest because it is all overland. As long as the governments of Kazakhstan and Mongolia are sane, nothing will go wrong. Even if the governments of these two countries have problems in their minds, Russia is believed to be able to cure them.

The third route is from the coastal ports of China to Vladivostok and Dongfang port on the Pacific coast of the Far East of Russia through the Strait of Kumar between Japan and South Korea, and then to Moscow through the Siberian Railway of Russia. This route is mainly operated by Russian Far East Ocean Shipping Co., Ltd.
It takes less than a week from China’s coastal ports to Vladivostok and Dongfang port, and about 20 days to Moscow. Judging from the current ship navigation trajectory, the operation has not stopped. In terms of routes, Russian ships may theoretically face the threat of the Japanese and Korean navies and the seventh fleet of the United States. However, as Russian bombers travel around Japan all year round, the author believes that there is little possibility of problems.

There is also air transportation between China and Russia, and road transportation at ports such as Heihe River and Suifenhe River on the Sino Russian border. The traffic volume and radiation range are not very large. Someone once considered the Arctic route through the Bering Strait. Because the voyage is too long, it needs to break the ice, and there is no supply capacity along the way. The author believes that it is not of practical significance at present.

China’s chemical products should seize this opportunity

Originally, factories all over the world could use containers to transport products to Russia through the liner company’s world shipping network. Now the liner company cancels its attachment to Russian ports, which means that the maritime traffic from all over the world to Russia has been interrupted. If the transportation from China to Russia is still smooth, European and American chemical brands that have not quit Russia may increase the orders of Chinese factories to make up for the lost supply of factories in other parts of the world.

Previously, the products manufactured by China may take the first route, from China to the European basic port by sea, and then to St. Petersburg by feeder ship. Now there is no need to turn from Europe to pretend to be European origin. It may become to take the second and third routes, which can be directly sent by railway or transported by sea to Vladivostok / Dongfang port, and then transferred by railway to Moscow.

Tens of thousands of containers and transport vehicles are waiting to be sent to Europe at the origin of the China Europe train

At the same time, China has the opportunity to become a transit station for products from all over the world to Russia. The sea transportation from all over the world to Russia is broken, while the sea transportation from all over the world to China is still smooth, so some foreign chemical brands that do not give up the Russian market may first transport their products to China, and then use the transportation channel from China to Russia to repack and transport them to Russia.

China has bonded warehouses in almost all coastal ports, and products transferred in bonded warehouses do not need to pay tariffs, which can save costs for these foreign products. However, as long as products enter China, China can earn income from various links such as warehousing, loading and unloading.

In terms of capital flows, China is also a suitable transit place. Russia is restricted in the international capital clearing system (Swift), but there is no restriction on the settlement between Russia and China, and there is no change in the settlement between China and other countries in the world. At the same time, the RMB exchange rate is basically stable, so China may also receive some financial settlement dividends and expand the scope of use of the RMB.

It should be pointed out that there are also many difficulties for China to expand its economic influence in Russia. For example, many Russian manufacturers favor European and American chemical products and are biased against Chinese products; Russia’s legal system and business environment are poor, and grey customs clearance and other problems need us to overcome. The state may have to play a more important role in protecting China’s economy.

In terms of engineering capacity, China’s chemical production capacity is basically no different from that of foreign chemical giants. Especially for bulk chemicals, due to the assistance of the Soviet Union and the subsequent purchase of process packages and design packages from abroad, independent design and construction can be basically achieved in combination with the digestion and absorption of the design unit for many years. Compared with foreign countries, fine chemicals are indistinguishable, because most of them are new products, and everyone has no experience. In fact, the process of fine chemicals is more important, which is why China has more advantages. For some chemical equipment, foreign countries have the first mover advantage, but there is no problem with reverse engineering based on domestic design ability. Even if you know the general idea, it is possible to copy it.

David Zhang, Sales Manager of Junyuan Petroleum Group, gave us an example to illustrate the production characteristics of China’s chemical industry. In fact, it is still a little universal. A chemical solvent production plant wants to produce a chemical, which has been available abroad. According to the foreign process, there is a step in the synthesis route that requires hydrogenation and reduction. This hydrogenation and reduction process uses a special reactor and reaction system. At this time, when the manufacturer wants to produce this kind of chemical products, it naturally wants to learn from this foreign process. Its core is the reactor design. Because the domestic engineering capacity is fairly good, after some twists and turns, they finally mastered the design method of this reactor, drew the design drawings of the reactor, and then the manufacturer did an experiment with air and water, It was found that the mixing effect could fully meet the requirements, so it was excitedly handed over to the equipment factory to make equipment. The equipment factory looked at the technical requirements and said that it could not do this because there was a gap between their surrounding chemical industries. The temperature and pressure of this hydrogenation process was very high, and a circulating pump and instrument in the process had to operate under extreme conditions. This technology could not be achieved in China at present, so this process had to be abandoned. Finally, we can only think of ways from the process, not hydrogenation, but other reduction methods. Because China’s chemical process ability is very strong and the experimenters work very hard, finally, after repeated experiments to explore the conditions, we decided to use iron powder for reduction, and finally completed the production of this product. Although it has some disadvantages compared with hydrogenation, with the help of cheap labor and low cost of other raw materials, this product still has strong competitiveness in the global market, and finally completely occupies the global chemical raw material market.

European and American sanctions have given Chinese chemicals and solvents the opportunity to enter the Russian market, which must be seized.

Exhibition Name: 2022 (the 20th) ICIF China Date: September 6-8, 2022 Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Center Organizer: China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation Organizer: Chemical Industry Branch of China Council for the promotion of international trade

Exhibition 2022 (the 20th) ICIF China

Exhibition Name: 2022 (the 20th) ICIF China
Date: September 6-8, 2022
Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Center
Organizer: China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation
Organizer: Chemical Industry Branch of China Council for the promotion of international trade

Chemical Industry Trade Exchange Platform

About ICIF China

ICIF China, founded in 1992, is jointly organized by China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, chemical industry branch of China Council for the promotion of international trade and China Chemical Information Center. It has been successfully held for 19 times. The exhibition focuses on the current petroleum and chemical industry products, materials and technical equipment, with the theme of “cohesion innovation – driving high-quality development”, runs through green, safety, environmental protection and intelligent solutions, and integrates exhibition, exchange and trade; As one of the important activities of the petrochemical Federation every year, it has been strongly supported and actively participated by member units and chemical enterprises for many years, highlighting the development and style of China’s petrochemical enterprises.

“ICIF China”, founded in 1992, is jointly organized by China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, chemical industry branch of China Council for the promotion of international trade and China Chemical Information Center. It has been successfully held for 30 years.. With the theme of “cohesion and innovation – driving high-quality development”, the exhibition will build a one-stop trade and service platform of the whole industry chain for the petroleum, energy and chemical industry, and focus on the display of new products, new technologies and new ideas of the whole industry, from petrochemical industry, energy and chemical industry, basic chemical raw materials, fine and special chemicals, chemical technology and equipment, chemical packaging, storage and transportation Smart chemical – Smart manufacturing and other major suppliers gather together to provide a series of solutions for the petrochemical industry from raw materials and equipment to packaging, smart manufacturing and energy saving, escort petrochemical enterprises to improve output and quality, reduce costs, safe production, transformation and upgrading, and contribute to promoting industrial innovation and high-quality development!

Since 2018, China International Chemical Industry Exhibition, together with China International Rubber Technology Exhibition and China International adhesive and sealant exhibition, has jointly held an industry event “China Petrochemical Industry Week” at the same time. It provides a one-stop platform for product display, exchange and trade cooperation for petroleum and chemical enterprises, which aims to serve and promote enterprise technological progress and innovative business formats, help the high-quality development of the industry and lead the development direction of the industry.

China Petrochemical Industry week brings together more than 1600 exhibitors every year and exhibits more than 10000 products on site. In 2022, the total exhibition area is expected to exceed 100000 square meters and attract more than 60000 professional visitors.

Exhibit Scope:

Petrochemical and Energy Chemical Industry: shale gas and LPG such as crude oil, naphtha, condensate, light hydrocarbon, solvent oil, paraffin and petroleum product additives, asphalt, refining and chemical integration and bulk petrochemical products LNG, oilfield associated gas, coalbed methane, coke oven

Gas, coal chemical industry, hydrogen energy, energy storage, new energy, etc

Basic Chemical Raw Materials: inorganic and organic chemicals and raw materials, barium salts, magnesium salts, potassium salts, boron compounds and borates, bromine compounds, chromium salts, cyanide, oxygen compounds, phosphating compounds and phosphate, silicon compounds, silicate and other inorganic acids

Alkali salt, caustic soda, calcium carbide, activated carbon, carbon black, titanium dioxide, etc

New Chemical Materials: Organic fluorosilicone materials, engineering plastics, modified plastics, high-performance separation membrane materials, high-performance fibers, epoxy resins, high-performance resins, polyurethane materials, high-end polyolefin materials, aerospace, aviation special materials, military materials

Engineering and Special Environmental Materials, other new chemical materials, etc

Fine Chemicals: surfactants, catalysts, electronic chemicals, fine organic chemical raw materials and intermediates, ion exchange resins, agricultural chemicals, leather chemicals, dyes, poko and intermediates, daily chemicals and cleaners

Biological Chemicals, feed and food additives, water treatment chemicals, additives (plastic additives, special additives), purchased / customized synthetic / commissioned processing chemicals, flavors and fragrances, pharmaceutical raw materials and intermediates, fluorin.

Optical brightener, oilfield chemicals, additives, special chemicals, special chemicals, etc

Intelligent Chemical Industry – Intelligent Manufacturing Exhibition Area: key technical equipment of intelligent manufacturing, production process automation, intelligent packaging, logistics and storage, information security and network security control, manufacturing process management information and data interconnection, intelligent factory / digital chemical plant, industrial Internet / Internet of things / cloud platform, intelligent robot, big data, 5g, cloud computing Digital software and solutions, artificial intelligence, edge computing, digital twins, sensors, etc.

Why ICIF China?

Strong Brand Appeal

ICIF China is an exhibition platform jointly built by China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, chemical industry branch of China Council for the promotion of international trade and China Chemical Information Center.

China Petrochemical Industry Week

The four exhibitions are linked to build China Petrochemical Industry Week, focusing on energy and chemical industry, petrochemical industry, basic chemical industry, material chemical products and technology.

Huge market resources and high-quality buyers

Every year, about 100 journalists from all over the world come to cover ICIF China.

Smart Chemical Conference

The Sixth International Smart chemical conference promoted the deep integration of informatization and industrialization in the chemical industry, and achieved high-quality development of digitization, networking and intelligence for the chemical industry.

Leading Enterprises Lead

Led by state-owned leading enterprises and actively participated by private leading enterprises, more than 20 international enterprises gathered together.

Exhibition Name: 2022 (the 20th) ICIF China Date: September 6-8, 2022 Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Center Organizer: China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation Organizer: Chemical Industry Branch of China Council for the promotion of international trade
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