Archives October 2020

Pentane C5H12

Pentane – Thermophysical Properties
Chemical, physical and thermal properties of pentane, also called n-pentane. Phase diagram included.

Pentane, C5H12, is a clear colorless liquid with a petroleum-like odor. It belongs to the organic class alkanes, and is naturally present in crude oils and condensates. It is a component of some fuels and is employed as a specialty solvent in the laboratory.

The boling point 36°C/97°F, and the vapors are heavier than air. Both the liquid an the vapor are flammable.

The phase diagram of pentane is shown below the table.

Chemical, physical and thermal properties of pentane:
Values are given for liquid at 25oC /77oF / 298 K and 1 bara, if not other phase, temperature or pressure given.

PropertyValueUnit ValueUnit ValueUnit ValueUnit
Autoignition temperature533K 260°C 500°F   
Boiling Point309.2K36.06°C96.9°F  
Critical density3.22mol/dm3232kg/m30.45slug/ft314.5lb/ft3
Critical pressure3.36MPa=MN/m233.6bar33.2atm487psi=lbf/in2
Critical temperature469.8K196.7°C386°F  
Critical volume311cm3/mol0.00431m3/kg2.22ft3/slug0.069ft3/lb
Flammable, gas and liquidyes       
Flash point224K-49°C-56°F  
Gas constant, individual, R115.2J/kg K0.03201Wh/(kg K)689.1[ft lbf/slug °R]21.42[ft lbf/lb °R]
Gibbs free energy of formation (gas)-8kJ/mol-111kJ/kg-48Btu/lb  
Heat (enthalpy) of combustion (gas)-3535kJ/mol-48996kJ/kg-21.1Btu/lb  
Heat (enthalpy) of combustion (liquid)-3509kJ/mol-48636kJ/kg-20.9Btu/lb  
Heat (enthalpy) of formation (gas)-147kJ/mol-2037kJ/kg-876Btu/lb  
Heat (enthalpy) of formation (liquid)-173kJ/mol-2398kJ/kg-1031Btu/lb  
Heat (enthalpy) of fusion at -202 °F/-130°C8.4kJ/mol116kJ/kg50.05Btu/lb  
Heat (enthalpy) of sublimation, at -202°F/-130°C42kJ/mol582kJ/kg250Btu/lb  
Heat (enthalpy) of evaporation26.4kJ/mol366kJ/kg157Btu/lb  
Heat capacity, Cp (gas)120J/mol K1.66kJ/kg K0.397Btu/lb°F or cal/g K  
Specific heat, Cp (liquid)168J/mol K2.33kJ/kg K0.556Btu/lb°F or cal/g K  
Specific heat, Cv (liquid)125J/mol K1.73kJ/kg K0.414Btu/lb°F or cal/g K  
Ionization potential10.34eV      
log KOW (Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient)3.39       
Melting point143.48K-129.7°C-201.4°F  
Molecular Weight72.149g/mol  0.15906lb/mol  
Solubility in water, at 25°C0.038mg/ml      
Sound velocity1012m/s  3319ft/s2267mi/h
Specific Gravity (gas) (relativ to air)2.48       
Specific Gravity (liquid) (relativ to water)0.63       
Specific Heat Ratio (gas) – CP/CV1.09       
Specific Heat Ratio (liquid) – CP/CV1.34       
Specific Volume0.0001162m3/mol0.0016106m3/kg0.8300514ft3/slug0.0257988ft3/lb
Standard molar entropy, S° (gas)348J/mol K4.82kJ/kg K1.15Btu/lb °F  
Standard molar entropy, S° (liquid)263J/mol K3.65kJ/kg K0.87Btu/lb °F  
Surface tension16dynes/cm0.016N/m    
Thermal Conductivity0.111W/m°C0.064135Btu/hr ft °F    
Triple point pressure7.63*10-8MPa=MN/m27.63*10-7bar7.53*10-7atm1.11*10-5psi=lbf/in2
Triple point temperature143.5K-129.7°C-201.46°F  
Vapor (saturation) pressure0.0685MPa=MN/m2514mm Hg0.6762atm9.94psi=lbf/in2
Viscosity, dynamic (absolute)0.2224cP149.4[lbm /ft s*10-6]4.64[lbf s/ft2 *10-6]  
Viscosity, kinematic0.358cSt3.9[ft2/s*10-6]    

Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Synthesis

About us. Junyuan Petroleum Group is an isopentane, pentane, iso-/n-pentane blend, hexane, heptane, octane and specialty solvent manufacturer headquartered in Dongying, China. Founded in 2009, our recognition of 11 years excellence is built on service and integrity.
Isopentane is emitted by some types of pine and oak trees, fern and moss. It may also be given off by near-shore marine sediments. Isopentane also occurs in gasoline fumes. It is present in tobacco smoke.
USE: Isopentane is an important commercial chemical. It is used as a solvent and to make other chemicals and polystyrene. Isopentane is an ingredient in many household products such as car care. Isopentane is a hydrocarbon and one of three isomers of pentane. Pentanes are components of some fuels, such as gasoline, and are also used as specialty solvents in the laboratory.

Record Information
Creation Date2020-10-21 17:58:13 UTC
Update Date2020-10-21 20:26:02 UTC
ManufacturerJunyuan Petroleum Group
Common NameIsopentane
ClassSmall Molecule
DescriptionIsopentane is a hydrocarbon and one of three isomers of pentane. Pentanes are components of some fuels, such as gasoline, and are also used as specialty solvents in the laboratory.
Compound TypeGasoline Additive/ComponentHousehold ToxinIndustrial/Workplace ToxinOrganic CompoundSolventSynthetic Compound
Isopentane Synonyms
Exxsol isopentane

Chlorinated hydrocarbons are widely used as solvents and raw materials for the synthesis of various useful products, such as cleaning agents, pesticides and poly vinyl chloride (PVC). These chlorinated hydrocarbons, however, cause serious environmental problems when they were released into the air or water media. Many technologies have been developed for the safe treatment and destruction of these hazardous materials produced as a waste or by-product. Thermal incineration has been widely used because of high destruction efficiency and ease of operation. However, it requires high operating temperature and generates hazardous pollutants, including incomplete combustion by-products, such as dioxins and NOx.

Catalytic dechlorination of chlorinated hydrocarbons is now recognized as a promising process for the treatment of chlorinated hydrocarbons and recovering useful chemicals, such as hydrocarbons and HCl. Numerous studies have been performed to develop a dechlorination catalyst using noble or transition metals supported on SiO2, Al2O3, zeolites or mesoporous materials, such as MCM-41, as a supports [1–5]. Recently, mesoporous molecular sieves have been attracted much attention as a catalyst support due to its desirable properties such as large surface area, well arranged pore array and narrow pore size distribution. In addition, mesoporous silicas can be functionalized with organic chemicals by silylation and grafting techniques.

In this study, mesoporous silica, SBA-15, was synthesized using a sol-gel method. Three different types of metal catalysts were prepared via the silylation and grafting techniques. In particular, Ni-L-SBA was prepared by the impregnation with LIX-984 after silanization by 3-aminopropyltriethoxy silane (APTES, Aldrich Chemical Co.) of the SBA-15 and Ni-L-CS was prepared using a conventional silica as a support. Ni-E-SBA was synthesized by the direct grafting of the EDTA on SBA-15. The kinetic performances of these catalysts for the dechlorination of chlorinated hydrocarbons were compared with that of commercial catalyst (HP318, IFP Co.). In this study, dechlroination of trichloroethane (TCEa) was selected as a model compound.

Clinical Management
In general, following acute exposure to chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides, blood chlorinated hydrocarbon levels are not clinically useful; for most compounds it reflects cumulative exposure over a period of months rather than recent exposure. Emesis may be indicated and is most effective if initiated within 30 min postingestion. In addition, an activated charcoal/cathartic may be given. For seizures, diazepam should be administered as an intravenous bolus. Oils should not be given by mouth. Adrenergic amines should not be administered because they may further increase myocardial irritability and produce refractory ventricular arrhythmias. If clothing is contaminated, it should be removed.

Up to now, acetic acid and chlorinated hydrocarbons, which have the low dielectric constant ε, have been extensively employed as solvents for the molecular weight fractionation of CTA. The fractionation efficiency achieved by using the above-mentioned solvents was poor, unfortunately, and the numerous attempts made so far have been met with very limited success. In order to overcome the above-mentioned experimental problem, preliminary experiments on phase separation of CA solution were performed for many solvent/nonsolvent combinations, including those employed in the literature.21–36 Judging from the ease of separation of the two liquid phases and of the solvent recovery, we chose l-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane (epichlorohydrine) as a solvent and hexane as a precipitant. Successive solutional fractionation technique (SSF), originally advocated for use by Kamide and coworkers2,3 was applied:

Sixty grams of TA 2 sample was dissolved in l-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane (6000 cm3) and thermostated at 35 °C. The amount of hexane predetermined by a pilot fractionation was added to the solution, resulting in phase separation. The supenatant phase was isolated by a vacuum line from the vessel and hexane and l-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane in the phase were separated by stepwise evaporation in a rotary evaporator and reused for further fractionation. The fractionation was carried out in a totally closed system. The fractionation apparatus was specially designed and is described in Figure 3.2.2. Finally, 13 fractions were separated in a SSF run, in which the composition of the hexane at each step varied from 44.5 to 33.4 vol% at 35 °C. Equilibrium between the two phases was not difficult to attain so that the fractionation is efficient (see Table 3.3.5). The polymer fractions prepared in this way were vacuum dried at 60 °C for 1 day. No hydrolysis of the acetyl group was detected.

Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
Chlorinated hydrocarbons are often used to degrease base metal pieces prior to welding. Trichloroethylene (ClCHdouble bondCCl2) is one of the more commonly used agents and has a high vapor pressure at room temperatures (51). The airborne vapors formed near the welding arc are subject to oxidation in a process that is enhanced by UV radiation from the arc to produce the irritant gas phosgene (COCl2; see eqn [5]).

[5]ClCHdouble bondCCl2 + O2 + UV light → COCl2 + HCl + CO
COCl2 gas may appear colorless or as a white to pale yellow cloud. At low concentrations, it has a pleasant odor of newly mown hay, but at high concentrations, the odor may be strong and unpleasant (62). COCl2 is irritating to skin, eyes, nose, throat, and lungs. Overexposure to COCl2 may cause coughing, burning sensation in eyes and throat, difficulty breathing, watery eyes, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting, and pulmonary edema.

Wildlife and Domestic Animal Exposures
The recognition that chlorinated hydrocarbons are a persistent danger to wildlife led to a decrease in their use as agricultural chemicals and to an increase in the use of OPs and CBs. In general, OPs and CBs do not bioaccumulate as do chlorinated hydrocarbons and they are relatively biodegradable. However, they are more acutely toxic than chlorinated hydrocarbons to humans and wildlife. A thorough discussion of the comparative toxicology of OPs and CBs is outside the scope of this entry. ChE inhibitions are generally the same, regardless of the animal; differences between species are often in the overall pharmacokinetics and metabolism. For example, although birds have higher brain AChE activities than mammals, they also have less hepatic MFOs to activate OPs and less A-esterases to hydrolyze them. Much research has been done on the toxicology of OPs to wild birds from sparrows to hawks and eagles. For example, Hill et al. of the US Fish and Wildlife Service studied the toxicity of 19 OPs and eight CBs to 35 species of birds. In general, such studies showed that over 50% of OPs and 90% of CBs have LD50s of <40 mg kg−1 for most birds.

Route of exposure may have much to do with the recovery from OPs. When pigeons were treated orally with an OP, inhibition of blood ChE was rapid, and recovery of activity occurred within a few days. However, when the treatment was conducted dermally, putting the OP on the feet, recovery of enzyme activity took several weeks, implying the presence of a depot for OPs and the possibility that birds can accumulate OPs by flying from site to site. The possibility of bioaccumulation of OPs in a food chain (usually considered to be a characteristic of chlorinated hydrocarbons) was demonstrated by the report of an eagle poisoned by an OP (Warbex) in magpies that, in turn, had obtained the OP by ingesting hair from a steer that had been treated with it for parasites.

Beef cattle, horses (more than sheep), goats, and swine are treated several times each year with OPs to control parasites and some are fed tetrachlorvinphos to prevent fly larvae hatching in their feces. Carbaryl is commonly used for flea and tick control. Oehme states that insecticides are a common cause of poisoning of domestic animals and that “the majority of insecticide problems in domestic animals result from ignorance or mismanagement.” Indeed, there is some epidemiological evidence that animal technicians in pet grooming and veterinary hospitals are exposed to the OP and CB chemicals used to control fleas and ticks while washing the animals. Sheep ‘dipping’ methods have been changed to minimize exposure to the worker.

Azeotropic Drying
Benzene, toluene, xylene and the chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as chloroform, can each be effectively dried by distilling out the relatively low boiling azeotrope that it forms with water. (Ethanol can be dried by the formation of a ternary azeotrope with water and benzene, but usually a desiccant is used.) Azeotropic drying is only possible if the concentration of dissolved water in the saturated organic liquid at room temperature is significantly lower than that in the azeotrope at its boiling point. Distillation of this saturated material will first produce the azeotrope—a low boiling fraction, relatively richer in water than the wet solution—which will distil until no water remains: from that point onwards pure dry solvent will distil at a higher temperature. The azeotrope produces a characteristic appearance as it distils; it is relatively richer in water than the saturated solvent at room temperature, so that, as it is cooled by the condenser, some water separates to give a heterogeneous mixture which will initially look milky because of suspended water globules, but may separate into two layers in the receiver. Distillation is therefore continued until the distillate emerging from the condenser is quite clear. In order to judge this accurately, small quantities are collected separately in a test tube. Once the drying has been achieved, it may be sufficient to use the residual liquid in the boiler flask without further distillation: if, however, further distillation is required, the original condenser and other wet fittings should be changed, or sufficient distillate should be allowed to pass over these surfaces to wash them free of water, before the dry component is collected.

Chlorinated Solvents
Chlorinated solvents, also known as organochlorines, are chemicals primarily used as raw materials in the production of other products. They may be produced as byproducts or intermediates in the synthesis of other chlorinated materials. See our list of chlorinated solvents for seven examples.

Uses & Benefits
Currently, 1,1-Dichloroethane is used in the manufacture of high-vacuum resistant rubber and for extraction of temperature-sensitive substances. Use of 1,1-Dichloroethane for the production of the solvent 1,1,1-trichloroethane ceased in the late 1990s.

1,2 Dichloroethane, commonly known as EDC, is a clear, colorless, oily, synthetic flammable liquid chlorinated hydrocarbon. More than 90 percent of the world’s production of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) uses EDC. During the process of producing VCM, quantities of 1,2-dichloroethane are completely consumed. VCM is reacted to produce the versatile polymer polyvinyl chloride, or PVC.

EDC also is used in the production of other organic compounds, including polyethylene amines used for chemical synthesis. EDC was also used as a lead scavenger to prevent the buildup of lead deposits in leaded gasoline, but that use has likewise been discontinued.

Today, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, also called para-dichlorobenzene, is mainly used to produce other chemicals such as polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) resin, a high-performance thermoplastic. Synthetic fibers and textiles derived from PPS are resistant to chemical and thermal attack.

Historically, para-dichlorobenzene has been used as a space deodorant for refuse containers and toilets, and as a fumigant to help control moths, mold and mildew. Those applications have declined in recent years.

Similar in atomic structure to 1,4 dichlorobenzene, 1,2-dichlorobenzene is also known as ortho-dichlorobenzene. It is mainly used as a raw material in the synthesis of agricultural chemicals. It has also been used as a solvent and in dye synthesis. Use of 1,2-Dichlorobenzene as an insecticide for termites and locust borers has been discontinued, as has its use by the U.S. Forest Service to combat widespread bark beetle outbreaks.

Trans-1,2-dichloroethylene is generated as a byproduct in the synthesis of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM). It can also be produced commercially, in a mixture with the isomer cis-1,2-dichloroethene, to produce chlorinated solvents and other compounds. The trans isomer has been used as a solvent in electronics cleaning, precision cleaning, and other specific metal cleaning applications. Both cis and trans isomer are found in the environment as a result of the anaerobic degradation of the solvents trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene.

1,1,2-Trichloroethane is used in the synthesis of 1,1-dichloroethylene (vinylidene chloride), which is used to in semiconductor manufacture. It is also used to produce various polymers including polyvinylidene chloride, the basis for cling food wrap until the early 2000s. It is also used in the production of other chlorinated products and to manufacture high vacuum resistant rubber.

1,2-Dichloropropane is obtained as a byproduct of the production of epichlorohydrin, which is produced on a large scale. It is used in the production of the solvent perchloroethylene and other chlorinated chemicals. It had been used as a soil fumigant and industrial solvent, but those uses have been discontinued.

What are chlorinated solvents?
Chlorinated solvents are chemicals primarily used as raw materials in the production of other commercial products. They may be produced as byproducts or intermediates in the synthesis of other chlorinated materials.

What are some of the past and present uses of chlorinated solvents?
1,2-Dichloropropane was used as a soil fumigant and as an industrial solvent. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane is used to produce high vacuum resistant rubber. The U.S. Forest Service used 1,2-Dichlorobenzene to fight bark beetle outbreaks. 1,4-Dichlorobenzene also has been used as a deodorizer and as a fumigant to help control moths, mold and mildew.

How might someone be exposed to chlorinated solvents?
Occupational exposure to chlorinated solvents can occur through inhalation or skin contact. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health offers resources on managing chemical safety in the workplace.

Isopentane Properties

Material Safety Data for: Isopentane   
Name                                            Isopentane   
Synonyms                                     2­methylbutane, butane, 2­methyl­ CAS#                                            78­-78­-4   
Product Uses                               solvent, blowing agent for foams,
gasoline ingredient, chlorinated hydrocarbon synthesis
 2.                            INGREDIENTS                  %                 TWAEV / TLV   
ppm / mg/m3   
LC50 ppm   
n­Pentane           100%                  600 / 1750                    10,000             
not known                  51,000
 3.  (a)                    HAZARDS   SUMMARY    
 Hazards,  Quick  Guide  : extremely flammable liquid, heavy vapour
travels, distant ignition and flashback are possible; central
nervous depressant & anaesthetic   
Canada – WHMIS                                                       B 2   
Key:     B 2 – Flash Point <38oC, B 3 – Flash Point >38oC & <93oC   
D 1 – Immediately Toxic, D 2 – Chronic Toxicity   
C – Oxidising Substance, E ­ Corrosive   
U.S.A. – HMIS                                                            Health – 1, Fire – 4, Reactivity – 0   
Key:                                                                                        0=minimal, 1=slight, 2=moderate, 3=serious, 4=severe   
 3.  (b)                     HAZARDS  –  TOXICITY    
 Effect s,  Acute  Exposure    
Skin Contact                                    little to no effect – rapid evaporation reduces likelihood of irritation   
Skin Absorption                               no toxic effects likely by this route – rapid evaporation reduces likelihood of absorption   
Eye Contact                                     slightly irritating – rapid evaporation reduces likelihood of irritation   
Inhalation                                         may irritate above 5000ppm; headache, dizziness, drowsiness, intoxication, anaesthesia   
symptoms may be partly due to hypoxia as isopentane vapour displaces oxygen in the air   
Ingestion                                          probably impossible to ingest as isopentane boils at 28oC – well below body temperature   
 Effect s,  Chronic  Exposure    
General                                            no known effects   
Sensitising                                       not a sensitiser in humans or animals   
Carcinogen/Tumorigen                   not considered a tumorigen or a carcinogen in humans or animals   
Reproductive Effect                         no known effect in humans or animals   
Mutagen                                           no known effect on humans or animals   
Synergistic With                              thought to sensitise heart to effects of adrenalin (epinephrine in U.S.A.) LD50 (oral)                                       10,000mg/kg (rat);   
LD50 (skin)                                       not known   
LC50 (inhalation)                             95,000ppm (rat), 51,000ppm (mouse)   
 4.                          FIRST   AID    
SKIN:                  Allow to evaporate. Remove contaminated clothing and do not reuse until dry – assuming isopentane is the only   
substance present!  If other substances may be present, wash thoroughly with soap and water and launder clothing before wearing again.   
EYES:                 Allow to evaporate – assuming isopentane is the only substance present!  If other substances may be present, wash eyes with plenty of water, holding eyelids open. Seek medical assistance promptly if there is irritation.   
INHALATION:  Remove from contaminated area promptly. CAUTION: Rescuer must not endanger himself! If breathing stops, administer artificial respiration and seek medical aid promptly.   
INGESTION:      Give plenty of water to dilute product.  Do not induce vomiting (NOTE below). Keep victim quiet. If vomiting occurs, lower victim’s head below hips to prevent inhalation of vomited material. Seek medical help promptly.   
Inadvertent inhalation of vomited material may seriously damage the lungs. The danger of this is greater than the risk of poisoning through absorption of this   
relatively low­toxicity substance. The stomach should only be emptied under medical supervision, and after the installation of an airway to protect the lungs.   
 5.                          PHYSICAL   PROPERTIES    
Odour & Appearance                      clear, colourless liquid with pleasant gasoline­like odour   
Odour Threshold                             not known   
Vapour Pressure                              595mmHg / 79kPa  (21oC / 70oF) Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate = 1)    14 – extremely volatile   
Vapour Density (air = 1)                2.5   
Boiling Range                                  28oC / 82oF Freezing Point                                 ­160oC / ­256oF Specific Gravity                               0.62 (20/20oC) Water Solubility                              insoluble   
Also soluble in                             most organic solvents   
Viscosity                                          not known – very mobile liquid   
pH                                                    none – (does not liberate hydrogen ions when dissolved) Conversion Factor                           1ppm = 2.95g/m3   
Molecular Weight                            72grams per mole   
 6.                          FLAMMABILITY   &   FIRE  FIGHTING    
Flash Point                                       ­51oC / ­60oF (closed cup) Autoignition Temperature               260oC  /  500oF Flammable Limits                           1.5% – 7.8%   
Combustion Products                      carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, smoke, part oxidised hydrocarbon fragments   
Fire Fighting Precautions                foam, dry chemical; water is ineffective; CO2 discharge may produce static which could re­   
ignite fire; cool intact containers with water spray; fire fighters must wear SCBA   
Static Charge Accumulation           readily accumulates a static charge on agitation or pumping which can cause ignition   
 7.                          STABILITY  /  REACTIVITY    
Dangerously Reactive With             strong oxidising agents; chlorine and fluorine   
Also Reactive With                          halogen compounds Stability                                           stable; will not polymerize Decomposes in Presence of             not known   
Decomposition Products                  none apart from Hazardous Combustion Products   
Sensitive to Mechanical Impact      no   
(Isopentane,  cont’d)                                                                                                                                                          Page 3   
 8.                          PROTECTIVE   EQUIPM ENT  /  EXPOSURE   CONTROL    
TWAEV / TLV   600ppm  / 1750mg/m3   
STEL (OSHA)    750ppm / 2200mg/m3 (not currently enforceable); PEL – TWA (OSHA) 1000ppm / 2950mg/m3   
Ventilation          mechanical ventilation required to maintain airborne titre below TWAEV; depending on handling procedures   
NOTE: Due to extreme volatility, product should only be used in sealed equipment.   
Respirators with organic vapour cartridges must be available in the work place for “escape” purposes in case of a release. These respirators should be kept in air­tight containers (eg: Tupperware) to preserve “freshness.   
Hands                  not required; “Viton” gloves recommended – other types may also protect; consult supplier   
Eyes                     safety glasses with side shields – always protect the eyes   
Clothing              no special protective clothing required   
 9.                          HANDLING   &   STORAG E    
Store a minimum quantity in a cool (below 30oC / 86oF), away from sources of ignition, heat and oxidising agents.   
Always use non­sparking bronze or aluminium hand tools. All electrical and mechanical equipment (including lighting, switchgear and forklift trucks) used with or around this product must be explosion­proof.  Al way s  ground or electrically bond both the source container and the receiving container, and transfer pump before transferring contents. Avoid splashing by ensuring that the product nozzle is below the surface in the receiving container.   
Bulk storage should be outdoors under a roof to prevent exposure to the sun. Tanks must be vented, and the vents equipped with spark arrestors. Drums must be kept away from oxidisers and corrosives. Drums should have pressure/vacuum relief venting. Drums should be bonded or grounded – contact with an appropriately conductive concrete floor may be adequate. Drum storage area must be well ventilated – with floor level venting! Storage area should have raised sills to contain spills. Storage area must be kept clean and free of rags, mops, and similar equipment.   
Never use a cloth dampened with this product for wiping or cleaning surfaces!   
Avoid breathing product vapour. Use with adequate ventilation. If dealing with a spill, and ventilation is impossible or impractical, wear a suitable respirator (see Part 8).   
Never cut, drill, weld or grind on or near this container. Avoid contact with skin and wash work clothes frequently. An eye bath and safety shower must be available near the workplace.   
 10.                        SPILL   PROCEDURES    
Serious Fire Potential: blanket spill with foam as a precaution against accidental ignition. Take extreme care   
to avoid sparks – do not operate (turn on  OR  off) electrical appliances near spill, unless explosion proof.   
Leak Precaution  dyke to control spillage and prevent environmental contamination   
Handling Spill    ventilate contaminated area; recover free liquid with suitable pumps; absorb residue on an inert sorbent, sweep   
& pick up using plastic or aluminium shovel, & store in closed containers for recycling or disposal   
 11.                        DISPOSAL    
Waste Disposal       do not flush to sewer, recycle solvent if possible, if local regulations permit, may be put in sanitary landfill,   
may be incinerated in approved facility –  a spill may well “clean itself” by rapid evaporation   
Containers              Drums should be reused. Recondition and pressure test by a licensed reconditioner prior to re­use.   
Pails must be vented and thoroughly dried prior to crushing and recycling.   
IBCs (intermediate bulk containers): polyethylene bottle must be pressure tested & recertified at 30 months. Replace at 60 months (5yrs). Steel containers must be inspected, pressure tested & recertified every 5 years.   
Never cut, drill, weld or grind on or near this container, even if empty   
(Isopentane,  cont’d)                                                                                                                                                           page 4   
 12.                        ENVIRONMENTAL   INFORMATION    
Bioaccumulation               this product is rapidly eliminated by metabolism and lungs and cannot bioaccumulate   
Biodegradation                  this product appears to degrade readily in the presence of oxygen, however, volatilisation is likely to be the major means for a spill of this product to disappear from either soil or water   
Abiotic Degradation          this product reacts with atmospheric hydroxyl radicals; its estimated half­life in air is 4.2 days   
Mobility in soil, water       this product is water insoluble and cannot move readily in soil and water; evaporation is rapid, reducing the likelihood of soil or water contamination   
 13.                        TRANSPORT   REGULATIONS    
Canada TDG PINUN­1265
  Shipping Namepentanes, liquid
  Packing GroupI
U.S.A. 49 CFR PINUN­1265
  Shipping Namepentanes
  Packing GroupI
Marine Pollutant  not a marine pollutant
 14.                        EMERGENCY  INFORMATION    
CanadaCall CANUTEC (collect)  
 15.                        REGULATIONS    
Canada DSL                                   on inventory   
U.S.A. TSCA                                  on inventory   
Europe EINECS                             on inventory   
Atmospheric Standards: This action promulgates standards of performance for equipment leaks of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in the Synthetic Organic   
Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI). The intended effect of these standards is to require all newly constructed, modified, and reconstructed SOCMI process units to use the best demonstrated system of continuous emission reduction for equipment leaks of VOC, considering costs, non air quality health and environmental impact and energy requirements. Isopentane is produced, as an intermediate or final product, by process units covered under this subpart.   
 16.                        PREPARATION  INFORMATION    
File Name: isopentane   

Isopentane CAS No.78-78-4 Manufacturer and Supplier

About Manufacturer of Isopentane
Junyuan Petroleum Group founded in 1999 by Mr. Miao. We have become one of the premier pentane, Isopentane, pentane blend, hexane, heptane, octane and specialty solvent manufacturers in China. For the last 11 years, Junyuan Petroleum Group has had the distinct recognition of being in the Nation’s #1 Manufacturer for the highest purity of n-Hexane and the #1 Manufacturer for Pentanes. Today, Junyuan Petroleum Group has grown to 2 plants located in Dongying and Dushanzi. We are committed to meeting the needs of our customers in those regions as well as the world.

Basic Information

CAS No.78-78-4Density0.647 g/cm3
SolubilityMelting Point-160 °C
FormulaC5H12Boiling Point26.2 °C at 760 mmHg
Molecular Weight72.17Flash Point-51 °C
Transport InformationUN 1265 3/PG 1Appearancecolourless liquid with a characteristic smell
Safety9-16-29-33-61-62Risk Codes12-51/53-65-66-67

Molecular Structure:

Hazard Symbols

Synonyms1,1,2-Trimethylethane;2-Methylbutane;Borger Isopentane;Exxsol Isopentane S;

Isopentane Consensus Reports

Reported in EPA TSCA Inventory.

Isopentane Standards and Recommendations

ACGIH TLV: TWA 600 ppm
DFG MAK: 1000 ppm (3000 mg/m3)
NIOSH REL: (Alkanes) TWA 350 mg/m3
DOT Classification:  3; Label: Flammable Liquid

Isopentane Specification

The Isopentane, with the CAS registry number 78-78-4,is also known as 2-Methylbutane. It belongs to the product categories of Industrial/Fine Chemicals;refrigerants;Organics. Its EINECS number is 201-142-8. This chemical’s molecular formula is C5H12 and molecular weight is 72.15. What’s more,Its systematic name is Isopentane. It is a colourless liquid with a characteristic smell. And it can be used as a solvent of polyethylene, also can be made of polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam system, foam, solvent de-asphalting. It is a low toxic, flammable liquids, burning will produce irritation of smoke, need to store in the cold and dry environment, and stored separately with oxidants and acids. dry powder, dry sand, carbon dioxide, foam can be used if something urgent happened.

Physical properties about Isopentane are:
(1)ACD/LogP:  3.099; (2)# of Rule of 5 Violations:  0; (3)ACD/LogD (pH 5.5):  3.10; (4)ACD/LogD (pH 7.4):  3.10; (5)ACD/BCF (pH 5.5):  133.37; (6)ACD/BCF (pH 7.4):  133.37; (7)ACD/KOC (pH 5.5):  1155.38; (8)ACD/KOC (pH 7.4):  1155.38; (9)#H bond acceptors:  0; (10)#H bond donors:  0; (11)#Freely Rotating Bonds:  1; (12)Index of Refraction:  1.369; (13)Molar Refractivity:  25.172 cm3; (14)Molar Volume:  111.446 cm3; (15)Surface Tension:  17.6599998474121 dyne/cm; (16)Density:  0.647 g/cm3; (17)Flash Point:  -56.667 °C; (18)Enthalpy of Vaporization:  26.102 kJ/mol; (19)Boiling Point:  26.24 °C at 760 mmHg; (20)Vapour Pressure:  727.116027832031 mmHg at 25°C.

You can still convert the following datas into molecular structure:
(2)Std. InChI:InChI=1S/C5H12/c1-4-5(2)3/h5H,4H2,1-3H3;

Safety Information of Isopentane:
The Isopentane is Extremely flammable.So Keep it away from sources of ignition. It is toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. So it should be avoided  release to the environment. Refer to special instructions / safety data sheets, and take precautionary measures against static discharges. It is Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed, and repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. Its Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. Keep container in a well-ventilated place. If swallowed, do not induce vomitting; seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.

The toxicity data of Isopentane are as follows:

OrganismTest TypeRouteReported Dose (Normalized Dose)EffectSource
mouseLCLoinhalation419gm/m3/2H (419000mg/m3)BEHAVIORAL: EXCITEMENTJournal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Vol. 58, Pg. 74, 1936.

Introduction of Isopentane

Isopentane (CAS NO.: 78-78-4) is a organic compound with the chemical formular C5H12. It is a branched-chain alkane with five carbon atoms. The appearance of this chemical is colourless liquid with a characteristic smell. Besides, isopentane boiling point is 26.2 °C at 760 mmHg. Every isopentane 99% suppliers has its isopentane msds. Most isopentane suppliers nowadays will use the percent to show its product quality.

Isopentane 99% specification

Isopentane price: 1400-1600USD/TON
Isopentane 99%
Colour: colourless , transparent liquid .
Mechanical impurity and moisture ppm: without
Isopentane%: 99.5
C4 content %: 0.00
C6 content %: 0.44
Density: 0.647 g/cm3
Melting Point: -160 °C
Boiling Point: 26.2 °C at 760 mmHg
Flash Point: -51 °C
Appearance: colourless liquid with a characteristic smell

Isopentane in ISO Tank (Left), Isopentane in steel drums (130kg)


ISOPENTANE is classified as :PropellantSolventViscosity controlling

CAS Number78-78-4
EINECS/ELINCS No:201-142-8
Chem/IUPAC Name:2-Methylbutane

1 Products Isopentane 99% cosm.

Junyuan Petroleum Group, Isopentane producer 1 Products matching your search

PubChem CID:6556
Molecular Formula:C5H12 or (CH3)2-CH-CH2-CH3
Molecular Weight:72.15 g/mol
Isopentane is an organic, branched-chain alkane with five carbon atoms.


Depositor-Supplied Synonyms Help
Butane, 2-methyl-
NSC 119476
HSDB 618
EINECS 201-142-8
2-Methylbutane, for HPLC
2-Methylbutane, 99+%, for spectroscopy
2-Methylbutane, ReagentPlus(R), >=99%
2-Methylbutane, 99+%, Extra Dry, AcroSeal(R)
Mixed butanes
Field butane
solvent isopentane
95% isopentane
99% isopentane
C7-8 isoparaffin
Butane (petroleum)
Propane, dimethyl-
Exxsol isopentane S
Butane (field grade)
blowing agent isopentane
foaming agent Isopentane
C3-C4 Splitter bottoms
Mixed butanes (petroleum)
EC 201-142-8
WLN: 2Y1&1
2-Methylbutane, SAJ special grade
2-Methylbutane, analytical standard
Butane-isobutane stream (petroleum)
EINECS 271-009-7
EINECS 274-273-1
2-Methylbutane, 99+%, extra pure
2-Methylbutane, anhydrous, >=99%
2-Methylbutane, for HPLC, >=99.5%
2-Methylbutane, purum, >=95.0% (GC)
2-Methylbutane, SAJ first grade, >=99.0%
2-Methylbutane, puriss. p.a., >=99.5% (GC)
2-Methylbutane, spectrophotometric grade, >=99%
Isopentane Solution, Pharmaceutical Secondary Standard; Certified Reference Material

Hazard Statement(s)H225: Highly flammable liquid and vapour.
H304: May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.
H315: Causes skin irritation.
H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness.
H410: Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary Statement(s)P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. No smoking.
P240: Ground/bond container and receiving equipment.
P273: Avoid release to the environment.
P301 + P330 + P331: IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting.
P302 + P352: IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water.
P403 + P233: Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed.
Signal WordDanger
Storage class3 Flammable liquids
WGKWGK 2 obviously hazardous to water
Strongly contaminated halogen-free organic solvents: container A.
Categories of dangerhighly flammable, irritant, harmful, dangerous for the environment
R PhraseR 11-38-65-67-50/53
Highly flammable.Irritating to skin.Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.
S PhraseS 9-16-29-33-60-61-62
Keep container in a well-ventilated place.Keep away from sources of ignition – No smoking.Do not empty into drains.Take precautionary measures against static discharges.This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste.Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions/ Safety data sheets.If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.
Storage and Shipping Information
StorageStore at +2°C to +30°C.
Transport Information
Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RIDUN 1206 , 3, II
Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGRUN 1206 , 3, II
Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-CodeUN 1206 , 3, II, Marine Pollutant: P
Assay (GC)≥ 99.5 %
Identity (IR)conforms

Top Manufacturer of n-Pentane (CAS# 109-66-0) in China

Synonyms: Pentane


Formula: H₃C(CH₂)₃CH₃
MW: 72.15 g/mol
Boiling Pt: 35…36 °C (1013 hPa)
Melting Pt: –130 °C
Density: 0.63 g/cm³ (20 °C)
Flash Pt: –40 °C
Storage Temperature: Ambient
MDL Number: MFCD00009498
CAS Number: 109-66-0
EINECS: 203-692-4
UN: 1265
REACH: 01-2119459286-30
Manufacturer: Junyuan Petroleum Group

Specification Test Results

Assay (on anhydrous substance)Min. 99.0 %
Assay (C5 isomers)Min. 99.9 %
AcidityMax. 0.004 meq/g
Boiling point35 – 37 °C
ColourationMax. 10 APHA
Density (20/4)0.625 – 0.632
Aromatics (as C6H6)Max. 50 ppm
Evaporation residueMax. 10 ppm
Total S (as SO4)Max. 50 ppm
WaterMax. 100 ppm
Pack typeSize CatalogueMOQ
ISO Tank23 CBMn-Pentane 15 mt
SDS Certificates 
Steel Drums1 x 20″GPn-Pentane10.4 mt
SDS Certificates  
Steel Drums1 x 40″GPn-Pentane20.8 mt
SDS Certificates 

Request a Quote:

    [Hot Spot Focus]: Raw materials continue to rise, why does cyclopentane price only drop?

    Cyclopentane is divided into coal and petroleum production processes, so there are two kinds of raw materials. The petroleum grade feedstock is the by-product cracking C5 and reforming byproduct mixed C5 of ethylene cracking unit, and the coal grade feedstock is the by-product of crude benzol hydrogenation. Although the raw materials are different, there is no significant difference in the quality of cyclopentane, and the downstream application is basically the same, mainly as the foaming agent of rigid polyurethane foam.
    At present, nearly half of the domestic enterprises use coal technology, accounting for 45% of the total number of enterprises and 47% of the production capacity. The price rise and fall of non aromatics directly affect the raw material cost of cyclopentane, and then affect the pricing of cyclopentane.
    Non aromatic hydrocarbons have risen step by step since August 10, 2020 and have risen to 3,820 yuan / ton so far, up 700 yuan / ton or 22.4% compared with the beginning of the month. The high-end price of cyclopentane stabilized at 9,900 yuan / ton, while the price of low-end channel began to decline step by step since August 12, 2020 and has dropped to 8,700 yuan / ton so far, which is 500 yuan / ton or 5.4% lower than that at the beginning of the month.
    Recently, the price of non aromatic hydrocarbons has been rising due to the shortage of on-site goods. However, the cyclopentane market was stable, and some ex factory prices still fell. Why?

    Cyclopentane market price trend


    Oct 19, 2020 12:26 UTC

    Chinese Yuan Renminbi1.00 CNYinv. 1.00 CNY
    US Dollar0.1496386.682810
    1. The price adjustment flexibility of cyclopentane in high-end channels is poor. The pricing cycle of factories and large-scale terminal industries is long, mostly quarterly or annual, so the pace of cyclopentane rising this time is limited.
    2. It is difficult for low-end channel to ship goods, and the manufacturer reduces the price to arrange the warehouse. Although the pricing of small and medium-sized terminal industries is flexible, due to the further inspection of safety and environmental protection, some of them shut down for rectification or withdraw from the market, resulting in insufficient demand, weak low-end channel delivery, rising inventory, and part of the price reduction.
      To sum up, cyclopentane market did not rise with raw materials, the price of high-end channel was stable due to the lack of pricing cycle, and the low-end channel was reduced to ship due to insufficient demand.
      Source: Chemical Industry News

    2-Methylbutane, Synonyms: iso-Pentane, Isopentane, CAS# 78-78-4, chemical formula C₅H₁₂

    2-Methylbutane, Synonyms: iso-Pentane, Isopentane, CAS# 78-78-4, chemical formula C₅H₁₂, Molar Mass: 72.15 g/mol, Chemical Formula: C₅H₁₂, EC Number: 201-142-8
    Isopentane, also called methylbutane or 2-methylbutane, is a branched-chain saturated hydrocarbon with five carbon atoms, with formula C₅H₁₂ or CH(CH₃). Isopentane is an extremely volatile and extremely flammable liquid at room temperature and pressure. It is also the least dense liquid at standard conditions. The normal boiling point is just a few degrees above room temperature and isopentane will readily boil and evaporate away on a warm day.
    Boiling point: 81.86°F (27.70°C)
    Density: 0.62 g/cm³
    Chemical formula: C5H12
    Average Molar mass: 72.15 g/mol
    Classification: Alkane

    Key Specifications Table

    CAS #EC NumberHill FormulaChemical FormulaMolar Mass
    78-78-4201-142-8C₅H₁₂C₅H₁₂72.15 g/mol
    Catalogue Number106056
    Synonymsiso-Pentane, Isopentane
    Product Information
    CAS number78-78-4
    EC index number601-006-00-1
    EC number201-142-8
    Hill FormulaC₅H₁₂
    Chemical formulaC₅H₁₂
    Molar Mass72.15 g/mol
    HS Code2901 10 00
    Application2-Methylbutane, CAS 78-78-4, chemical formula C₅H₁₂.
    Physicochemical Information
    Boiling point28 °C (1013 hPa)
    Density0.62 g/cm3 (20 °C)
    Explosion limit1.3 – 7.6 %(V)
    Flash point-57 °C
    Ignition temperature420 °C
    Melting Point-160 °C
    Vapor pressure800 hPa (20 °C)
    Solubility0.048 g/l
    Hazard Statement(s)H224: Extremely flammable liquid and vapour.
    H304: May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.
    H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness.
    H411: Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
    EUH066: Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking.
    Precautionary Statement(s)P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. No smoking.
    P233: Keep container tightly closed.
    P240: Ground/bond container and receiving equipment.
    P273: Avoid release to the environment.
    P301 + P310: IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor.
    P331: Do NOT induce vomiting.
    P403 + P235: Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool.
    Signal WordDanger
    Storage class3 Flammable liquids
    WGKWGK 2 obviously hazardous to water
    Strongly contaminated halogen-free organic solvents: container A.
    Safety Information
    Categories of dangerextremely flammable, harmful, dangerous for the environment
    R PhraseR 12-65-66-67-51/53
    Extremely flammable.Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking.Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.
    S PhraseS 9-16-29-33-61-62
    Keep container in a well-ventilated place.Keep away from sources of ignition – No smoking.Do not empty into drains.Take precautionary measures against static discharges.Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions/ Safety data sheets.If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.
    Storage and Shipping Information
    StorageStore at +2°C to +30°C.
    Transport Information
    Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RIDUN 1265 , 3, I
    Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGRUN 1265 , 3, I
    Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-CodeUN 1265 , 3, I
    Purity (GC)≥ 99.8 %
    Evaporation residue≤ 0.0005 %
    Water≤ 0.005 %
    Colour≤ 10 Hazen
    Acidity≤ 0.0002 meq/g
    Alkalinity≤ 0.0002 meq/g
    Fluorescence (as quinine at 254 nm)≤ 1.0 ppb
    Fluorescence (as quinine at 365 nm)≤ 1.0 ppb
    Transmission (at 190 nm)≥ 50 %
    Transmission (at 200 nm)≥ 65 %
    Transmission (at 210 nm)≥ 85 %
    Transmission (at 215 nm)≥ 90 %
    Transmission (from 240 nm)≥ 98 %
    Absorbance (at 190 nm)≤ 0.30
    Absorbance (at 200 nm)≤ 0.19
    Absorbance (at 210 nm)≤ 0.07
    Absorbance (at 215 nm)≤ 0.05
    Absorbance (from 240 nm)≤ 0.01

    Petrochemical Summit China 2020

    China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, China Chemical Industry Economic and Technological Development Center and Dongying Port Economic Development Zone will continue to hold the “2020 Third National (Dongying) Petrochemical Summit Seminar” on the basis of “2018 and 2019 national (Dongying) Petrochemical Summit Forum”. Under the theme of “accelerating transformation and upgrading, planning for high-end development”, this session will focus on discussing the development focus and high-quality development path of China’s petrochemical industry during the 14th Five Year Plan period, global epidemic situation and China’s economic trend under the new pattern of Sino US relations, development trend of China’s Petrochemical Industry and standardized construction of chemical parks, analysis of global supply and demand pattern of basic chemicals, and refining and chemical enterprises To share the cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements in the field of new chemical materials and high-end special chemicals, and jointly promote the high-quality, green and sustainable development of China’s petrochemical industry. The main issues of the forum are as follows:1、 Organization
    Organizer: China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation
    China Chemical Industry Economic and Technological Development Center
    Organizer: China Chemical Industry Economic and Technological Development Center
    Dongying Port Economic Development Zone
    2、 Time and place of the meeting
    Meeting time: October 28-30, 2020 (report all day on October 28)
    Venue: Dongying, Shandong
    3、 Meeting Agenda
    The meeting was composed of the main forum, refining and petrochemical sub forum and new chemical materials and high-end chemicals sub forum.
    (1) Main forum (October 29)
    (1) A brief review of China’s petrochemical industry and tentative plan for the development of the “14th five year plan”
    ——Fu Xiangsheng, vice president of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation
    (2) Global epidemic situation and China’s economic trend under the new pattern of Sino US relations
    ——Han Wengao, President of economic daily press
    (3) Development trend of China’s petrochemical industry and standardization construction of Chemical Industry Park
    ——Yang Ting, Secretary General of Chemical Industry Park Professional Committee of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation
    (4) Investment opportunity analysis of olefin downstream products in post epidemic Era
    ——Yu Chunmei, deputy chief engineer of PetroChina Jilin Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd. (Huanqiu Jilin company)
    (5) Analysis of global energy and chemical products trade
    ——Zhou Xu, vice president and Secretary General of commodity circulation branch of China Federation of logistics and purchasing
    (6) Analysis and forecast of global supply and demand pattern of basic chemicals
    ——Chen Weiming, executive director of basic chemicals Asia, IHS Markit
    (7) Key development direction of new chemical materials industry during the 14th Five Year Plan Period
    ——Bu Xinping, Secretary General of new materials Committee of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation
    (8) Discussion on transformation and development mode of refining and chemical enterprises in Shandong Province
    ——Zhuang Huaxiang, deputy chief engineer of Dongying United Petrochemical Co., Ltd
    (9) Analysis on competition pattern of px-pta-pet whole industry chain
    ——Xiao Bing, research fellow / senior economist, marketing research institute, Sinopec economic and Technological Research Institute Co., Ltd
    (2) Refining and petrochemical sub Forum (morning of October 30)

    Photo from China Petrochemical Forum 2018
    1. Advanced residue hydrocracking technology
      ——He Zongfu, senior technical consultant of shell catalyst & Technology Asia Pacific Region
    2. Analysis of waste lubricating oil regeneration technology
      ——Well known expert in the industry, deputy chief engineer
    3. Technical progress of clean preparation of epichlorohydrin by dioxygen water method
      ——Gao Shuang, researcher, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    4. Flexible technical route to help refineries transform to chemical industry
      ——Wang Xukai, refining technology manager, KBr, USA
    5. RIPP provides the best technology and solution for the development of refining and chemical industry
      ——Xu Yun, professor senior engineer of Sinopec Research Institute of petrochemical industry
    6. Comprehensive utilization model of C4 downstream
      ——Yu Guoliang, project director of Information Research Office of Sinopec Qilu Petrochemical Company
      (3) Sub Forum on new chemical materials and high end chemicals (morning of October 30)
    7. Technical progress of new chemical materials in China and the next development focus
      ——Wang Yimin, director of science and Technology Department of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation
    8. Current situation of high-end polyolefin technology in China
      ——Zhang Shijun, deputy chief engineer of Sinopec Beijing Chemical Research Institute
    9. Present situation and development prospect of biodegradable plastics industrialization
      ——Weng Yunxuan, Secretary General of the Special Committee on degradable plastics of China Plastics Association and President of School of materials of Beijing business and Technology University
    10. The industrialization progress of urea process dimethyl carbonate technology
      ——Xiao Fukui, researcher / doctoral supervisor, Shanxi Institute of coal chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    11. Nylon 66 industry chain and development trend
      ——Industry experts to be invited
    12. The latest progress of engineering technology of domestic high performance aramid fiber
      ——Fan Zhiping, Chief Engineer / deputy general manager of Zhongfang Special Fiber Co., Ltd
      4、 Delegates
      Invite leaders from relevant ministries and commissions, Shandong Province and Dongying City; local petrochemical industry management departments and professional associations; responsible persons of management committees of chemical parks and development zones; domestic and foreign production enterprises, engineering design units and scientific research institutes in the fields of petrochemical, coal chemical, fine and special chemicals, new chemical materials, key strategic materials and frontier new materials Personnel, news media, reporters, etc.

    Opening up “Golden Waterway” in “Deep Water”

    Pentane refined product is refined by C5, and its main components are n-Pentane, Isopentane and Cyclopentane. Pentane blowing agent can be produced from it. Pentane refined products are the main products of many companies and big chemical industry is one of the main strategic development directions for those companies.
    Take the Initiative to Seize the Market
    At the beginning of this year, due to the impact of the soaring price of styrene, the raw material of EPS plants, most of the EPS manufacturers halted production. The downstream market of Pentane refined products showed an unprecedented downturn, and the demand for pentane blowing agent products decreased sharply. In the face of the severe market situation, how to “gold rush” in the terminal “deep water” customers has become a problem we need to think about.


    TypeChemicalBoiling Point Range °CBTU/lb
    HydrogenH-25352-61Fuel Cells or Gasoline alternative.
    Gaseous hydrocarbons
    C1 Methane (Natural Gas)
    C2 Ethane (C2H6)
    C3 Propane (C3H8),
    C4 Butane (n-butaneisobutane)(C4H10),
    C5 Pentane

    Gas fuels for cooking and heating.
    AlcoholC1 Methanol (CH3OH),
    C2 Ethanol (C2H5OH)
    C3 Isopropyl (C3H7OH)
    Solvents for varnishes, dry cleaning
    Naphtha _
    (Stoddard Solvent)
    C5 Pentanes
    C6 Hexanes [Aromatics, Toluene(C7), Benzene(C6), Xylene(c6)]
    C7 Heptane
    27-22119.3-20.7Solvents for varnishes, dry cleaning, Car wax
    GasolineC5 Pentane, C6 Hexane, C8 Octane, C9-C1230-205 *18.7-20Fuels for internal combustion engines
    KeroseneC10 Decane (mostly), C12-C18175-300 Jet engine fuel and diesel fuel #1
    Diesel, Heating Oil, WaxesC16 cetane (Hexeadecane), C18 – C24300-40018.4-19.7Diesel fuel #2


    Updated to Q4 2020


    Chinese supply remained sufficient on high average plant run rates and a lack of scheduled turnarounds. Inventories were high in east China. Supply outside China was capped from some regions because of scheduled turnarounds starting September. Arbitrage supply was healthy as well because of the workable price spread.

    Demand from China remained weak through Q4 because of poor import distributor margins. Northeast Asian demand stayed strong because of high downstream run rates and cargo delays from the deep-sea region. Southeast Asian demand was mostly stable.


    Planned maintenance took place at a few styrene plants and some facilities downstream. The series of shutdowns began at the end of August and will end by late November. EB and PO/SM run rates were reduced through most of Q4, but increased again by the end of the quarter.

    The derivative ABS and SAN markets saw stable-to-higher demand from downstream sectors such as consumer appliances, automotives, electronics, sanitary and furniture applications in September. Most regions registered a contraction of key end-use construction activity in Q4 as social distancing restrictions affected building activity, with Russia and the UK seeing double-digit negative growth.


    Supply was adequate despite outages from hurricanes and planned maintenance. In advance of Hurricane Laura, Styrolution briefly shut down its two Texas styrene units at Texas City and Bayport. The Westlake styrene plant in Lake Charles, Louisiana, was in the direct path of the storm and has been offline since late August. Westlake declared force majeure but they are not a major supplier to the US market.

    The gradually recovering auto sector continued to weigh on styrene demand during the quarter. There were some signs of pent-up auto demand but auto production was hampered by the pandemic. Vehicle demand remains significantly down from this time last year and analysts point to recovery in 2021. Asian demand from Taiwan and South Korea cleared up some supply overhang.


    Pure styrene is a colourless to yellow, oily liquid that evaporates easily and has a sweet smell. Styrene is highly flammable, forms explosive mixtures in air, is dangerous when exposed to flame, heat or oxidants and on decomposition, emits acrid fumes.

    Styrene is mainly used in the manufacture of homopolymers and copolymers. These include polystyrene (PS), expandable polystyrene (EPS), styrene copolymers (such as acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) resins, styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN) and styrene-butadiene latexes), styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) and unsaturated polyester resins.

    Styrene is produced predominately by ethylbenzene (EB)-based technology. EB is first made by the catalytic alkylation of benzene with ethylene and then dehydrogenated to styrene. The coproduction of styrene with propylene oxide (PO) by the PO/SM process had been gaining popularity.



    Polystyrene (PS) is is one of the largest volume commodity thermoplastics that can be converted into a large number of semi-finished products like foams, films, and sheets. This amorphous, nonpolar and low cost thermoplastic has excellent optical clarity due to the lack of crystallinity, good chemical resistance to diluted acids and bases, no odor and taste, and excellent thermal and electrical properties for insulation purposes.

    It is also easy to fabricate into a large number of finished goods since the resin is a viscous liquid above its glass transition temperature that can be easily molded and foamed. However, polystyrene has several limitations; it is hard and rather brittle, has poor oxygen and UV resistance, is readily attacked by hydrocarbon solvents and its upper service temperature is relative low. Some of these limitations can be overcome by blending polystyrene with elastomers or by copolymerization with other monomers.

    The three most important grades are:

    GPPS: General purpose polystyrene, also known as crystal-clear polystyrene, is a fully transparent, rigid and rather brittle low cost thermoplastic made from styrene monomer. GPPS is a solid product manufactured in the form of 2-5 mm pellets.

    HIPS: High impact polystyrene contains usually 5 to 10% rubber and is used for parts which require high(er) impact strength and flexibility.

    EPS: Expandable polystyrene consists of micro-pellets or beads containing a blowing agent (usually pentane). The expanded or foamed polystyrene is thermally insulating, has high impact resistance and good processability.

    PS is an inexpensive resin per unit weight and often a good choice for high volume, low cost applications. A large variety of products are manufactured by injection molding including dining utensils, food-packaging, plastic cups, housewares, toys, CD cases, cosmetic containers, covers and housings. It is also a popular material in the building and construction industry. Important applications include insulation foam, siding, panels, bath and shower units and various fixtures.


    (Source: Chemical Industry News)

    China Isopentane (CAS Number 78-78-4) Price History

    Isopentane, also called methylbutane or 2-methylbutane, is a branched-chain saturated hydrocarbon with five carbon atoms, with formula C₅H₁₂ or CH(CH₃). Isopentane is an extremely volatile and extremely flammable liquid at room temperature and pressure. It is also the least dense liquid at standard conditions. The normal boiling point is just a few degrees above room temperature and isopentane will readily boil and evaporate away on a warm day.

    Boiling point: 81.86°F (27.70°C)
    Density: 0.62 g/cm³
    Chemical formula: C5H12
    Average Molar mass: 72.15 g/mol
    Classification: Alkane

    Isopentane, 99% Technical Data Sheet

    ItemUnitSpecificationTest ResultTest Method
    Appearance  clear colorlessclear colorlessVisual
    Color-saybolt+30min+30ASTMD 156
    N-Pentane       Wt%Report0.3GC
    Hexane and heavier              Wt%0.5 max0.32GC
    Butane and lighterWt%0.5 max0.01GC
    Total Oleffines mg/kg20max2GC
    Total Sulfur         ppm1max<1ASTM D5453
    Bromine IndexmgBr/100g10max4ASTM D2710
    Non volatile mattermg/100mL0.5max0.01ASTM D1353
    Sp. Gr(60F/60F)    0.61-0.650.62ASTMD4052

    isopentane 78-78-4 MSDS

    Name:2-Methylbutane 99+% Material Safety Data Sheet
    Synonym:Ethyldimethylmethane; Isoamyl Hydride; Isopentane; 1,1,2-Trimethylethane

    Section 1 – Chemical Product  MSDS Name:2-Methylbutane 99+% Material Safety Data Sheet
    Synonym:Ethyldimethylmethane; Isoamyl Hydride; Isopentane; 1,1,2-Trimethylethane


    CAS#Chemical NamecontentEINECS#

    Hazard Symbols: XN F+ N
    Risk Phrases: 12 51/53 65 66 67

    Extremely flammable. Toxic to aquatic organisms; may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. Vapors may cause drowsiness and dizziness.
    Potential Health Effects
    May cause eye irritation. Vapors may cause eye irritation.
    May cause skin irritation. Prolonged and/or repeated contact may cause defatting of the skin and dermatitis.
    Aspiration hazard. May cause gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. May cause liver damage. May cause central nervous system depression, characterized by excitement, followed by headache, dizziness, drowsiness, and nausea. Advanced stages may cause collapse, unconsciousness, coma and possible death due to respiratory failure.
    Inhalation of high concentrations may cause central nervous system effects characterized by nausea, headache, dizziness, unconsciousness and coma. Inhalation of vapor may cause respiratory tract irritation.
    Irritation may lead to chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary edema. May cause cardiac abnormalities.
    Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause defatting and dermatitis.

    Section 4 – FIRST AID MEASURES
      Eyes: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Get medical aid.
    Flush skin with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical aid if irritation develops or persists.
    If victim is conscious and alert, give 2-4 cupfuls of milk or water.
    Get medical aid immediately.
    Remove from exposure to fresh air immediately. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen.
    Get medical aid.
    Notes to Physician:

      General Information:
    As in any fire, wear a self-contained breathing apparatus in pressure-demand, MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent), and full protective gear. Vapors can travel to a source of ignition and flash back. Extremely flammable. Material will readily ignite at room temperature. Water may be ineffective. Material is lighter than water and a fire may be spread by the use of water. Liquid will float and may reignite on the surface of water.
    Extinguishing Media:
    For small fires, use water spray, dry chemical, carbon dioxide or chemical foam.

      General Information: Use proper personal protective equipment as indicated in Section 8.
    Remove all sources of ignition. Absorb spill using an absorbent, non-combustible material such as earth, sand, or vermiculite. Do not use combustible materials such as saw dust. Provide ventilation.

    Section 7 – HANDLING and STORAGE
    Wash thoroughly after handling. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Use with adequate ventilation. Ground and bond containers when transferring material. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Empty containers retain product residue, (liquid and/or vapor), and can be dangerous. Avoid ingestion and inhalation. Do not pressurize, cut, weld, braze, solder, drill, grind, or expose empty containers to heat, sparks or open flames. Keep away from heat, sparks and flame.
    Keep away from sources of ignition. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompatible substances.
    Refrigeration has been recommended.

      Engineering Controls:
    Use process enclosure, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to control airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. Facilities storing or utilizing this material should be equipped with an eyewash facility and a safety shower.
    Personal Protective Equipment Eyes: Wear appropriate protective eyeglasses or chemical safety goggles as described by OSHA’s eye and face protection regulations in 29 CFR 1910.133 or European Standard EN166.
    Wear appropriate protective gloves to prevent skin exposure.
    Wear appropriate protective clothing to prevent skin exposure.
    Follow the OSHA respirator regulations found in 29CFR 1910.134 or European Standard EN 149. Always use a NIOSH or European Standard EN 149 approved respirator when necessary.


    Physical State: Liquid
    Appearance: clear, colorless
    Odor: Gasoline-like odor
    pH: Not available.
    Vapor Pressure: 990 mbar @20 deg C
    Viscosity: Not available.
    Boiling Point: 30 deg C @ 760mm Hg
    Freezing/Melting Point: -160 deg C
    Autoignition Temperature: 420 deg C ( 788.00 deg F)
    Flash Point: -51 deg C ( -59.80 deg F)
    Explosion Limits, lower: 1.40 vol %
    Explosion Limits, upper: 7.60 vol %
    Decomposition Temperature:
    Solubility in water: insoluble
    Specific Gravity/Density: .6200g/cm3
    Molecular Formula: C5H12
    Molecular Weight: 72.15

      Chemical Stability:
    Stable at room temperature in closed containers under normal storage and handling conditions.
    Conditions to Avoid:
    High temperatures, ignition sources.
    Incompatibilities with Other Materials:
    Oxidizing agents.
    Hazardous Decomposition Products:
    Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide.
    Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur.

    CAS# 78-78-4: EK4430000 LD50/LC50:
    Not available.
    2-Methylbutane – Not listed by ACGIH, IARC, NIOSH, NTP, or OSHA.
    See actual entry in RTECS for complete information.


      Dispose of in a manner consistent with federal, state, and local regulations.


    Shipping Name: PENTANES
    Hazard Class: 3
    UN Number: 1265
    Packing Group: I
    Shipping Name: PENTANES
    Hazard Class: 3.1
    UN Number: 1265
    Packing Group: I
    Shipping Name: PENTANES
    Dangerous Goods Code: 3(1A)
    UN Number: 1265


    European/International Regulations
    European Labeling in Accordance with EC Directives
    Hazard Symbols: XN F+ N
    Risk Phrases:
    R 12 Extremely flammable.
    R 51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms; may cause
    long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.
    R 65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.
    R 66 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or
    R 67 Vapors may cause drowsiness and dizziness.
    Safety Phrases:
    S 9 Keep container in a well-ventilated place.
    S 16 Keep away from sources of ignition – No
    S 29 Do not empty into drains.
    S 33 Take precautionary measures against static
    S 61 Avoid release to the environment. Refer to
    special instructions/Safety data sheets.
    S 62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek
    medical advice immediately and show this container or
    WGK (Water Danger/Protection)
    CAS# 78-78-4: 1
    United Kingdom Occupational Exposure Limits
    CAS# 78-78-4 is listed on Canada’s DSL List.
    CAS# 78-78-4 is not listed on Canada’s Ingredient Disclosure List.
    Exposure Limits
    CAS# 78-78-4: OEL-DENMARK:TWA 500 ppm (1500 mg/m3)
    CAS# 78-78-4 is listed on the TSCA inventory.


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