The Use of Isoamyl and Cyclopentane Blends for Rigid Polyurethane Foam Coatings

Abstract: Rigid polyurethane foam (RPUF) is a widely used material for insulation, construction, and packaging applications. However, RPUF has some drawbacks, such as high flammability, low thermal stability, and environmental issues. To overcome these problems, researchers have explored the use of isoamyl and cyclopentane blends as blowing agents for RPUF. Blowing agents are substances that create gas bubbles in the foam, affecting its density, thermal conductivity, and mechanical properties. Isoamyl and cyclopentane are both hydrocarbons that have low ozone depletion potential (ODP) and global warming potential (GWP), making them more eco-friendly than conventional blowing agents. Moreover, they can improve the flame retardancy, thermal stability, and mechanical strength of RPUF. This article introduces the basic concepts of RPUF and blowing agents, and reviews the recent studies on the effects of isoamyl and cyclopentane blends on the properties and performance of RPUF.

Keywords: rigid polyurethane foam, blowing agent, isoamyl, cyclopentane, thermal conductivity, flame retardancy