
2021/02/08. USD TO CNY TODAY.
Actual USD to CNY exchange rate equal to 6.4514 Chinese Yuans per 1 Dollar. Today’s range: 6.4440-6.4530. Previous day close: 6.4480. Change for today +0.0034, +0.05%.
China Chemical Industry Information reported on February 9: major oil producing countries continue to reduce production, tight supply is expected to continue to strengthen, and the U.S. economic stimulus plan is expected to further boost demand, international oil prices rise for six consecutive years, and Brent returns to the $60 level after more than a year. Gasoline, refinery sales were poor yesterday, the market is expected to rise slightly today. In terms of mixed C5, downstream replenishment has basically ended, and some refineries have limited storage capacity, strong demand for discharge, and poor pull of crude oil. It is expected that today’s China market will be mainly stable, with sporadic rise and fall.
The price of pentane blends (n-Pentane and Isopentane) rose slightly, the price increased by 0.98% on a day-on-day basis compared with the previous day. At present, n-Pentane and Cyclopentane products are in short supply in China market, and there is a short-term shortage situation. In particular, Cyclopentane products, and even some freight forwarding companies have joined the purchasing army to help buyers in the international market find suppliers in the Chinese market. Cyclopentane, as an important basic organic chemical product in the industrial chain, plays an important role in dye, medicine, pesticide and other organic intermediates, and is the source product in the whole industrial chain. Its market trend directly affects the market changes of downstream products, pesticide, medicine and other products or industries. Recently, driven by many favorable factors, the recent shock consolidation pattern has ended, forming a medium and long-term upward trend. Strong raw materials to promote the overall market up. Affected by the high foreign market and the limited domestic resources, China is basically in a stage of solid foundation and staged rise. Domestic production continued to shrink, resulting in market shortage. It is understood that the domestic comprehensive operating rate is less than 45% due to the shutdown maintenance or production reduction of major domestic cyclopentane production enterprises. According to statistics, in addition to the use of self supporting facilities by some enterprises, the domestic market commodity volume fell to a low level again in the current month, accounting for only 30% of the total output. As a result, the normal balance of supply and demand has been broken, and the phenomenon of market shortage once appeared, which has provided a driving force for the future.

Container Loading Supervision by Qingdao Customs

Container Loading Supervision is to verify that the goods are properly handled and secured in the container during loading and unloading operations.

Our daily container loading process is monitored by General Administration of China Customs Qingdao Branch, guaranteeing the container is loaded in its entirety and in a safe and secure manner.

Main checkpoints for Loading Supervision:

Check the container condition

Evaluate the outer/inner packing of the products

Closely monitor the loading process

Verify the quantity in break down

Ensure proper handling of the goods and proper stack in the container

Junyuan offers high performance pentanes, hexanes, heptanes, octanes, and D solvent products for a variety of diverse markets. Each market has unique challenges that require unique product, which is why we have a specialized team of experts for every marekt we serve.