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Pentane is the main foam blowing agent used in the production of polystyrene foam and other foams. Typically, blends of n-, iso- and Cyclopentane are used for this purpose.
●Manufactured with aluminum foil facing or corrugated metal sheet on both or either sides to be used as thermal insulation sandwich panel.
●n-Pentane is used as blowing agent; Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s) haven’t been used in manufacturing of this product.
●n-Pentane blowing agent has ZERO ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) and low GWP (Global Warming Potential)

Sandwich panels, built with a polyurethane panel adhered by both side to a metallic cover, are an optimal solution for all kind of enclosures, decks, roof waterproofing and sheds. These PU panels are widely used in building construction for facade cladding or roof covers as well as for cold stores as thermal and acoustic insulation. For many years PU industry uses n-Pentane as blowing agent for the manufacturing of the sandwich panel. n-Pentane is a hydrocarbon rated by the CLP regulation as a flammable liquid of category 1, current global situation showing shortage and delays with raw materials, having bigger safety stock may represent a competitive advantage ensuring customer commitment, lead time and quality.

Ingredient: Pentane Isomers (n-Pentane, Isopentane, Cyclopentane)
109-66-0; 78-78-4; 287-92-3 2 – < 7%

Pentane is a flammable blowing agent that offgases from product, yet EPA document 540/3-90-020 states that 85% of the pentane is emitted within 48 hours of the start of the expansion process in the factory, with the remainder emitted over time. Considering manufacturer’s curing process, the vast majority of the 15% remainder of the pentane should be emitted prior to shipment, with the remainder being emitted during subsequent shipment, storage, and usage. Cyclopentane is a liquid below 120°F and isopentane liquefies at 82°F; n-pentane remains in a gaseous state above 97°F.

Pentane Isomer Exposure Limits: OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV NIOSH REL
Pentane: 1000 ppm 600 ppm 120 ppm
610 ppm (ceiling)
Cyclopentane: 600 ppm 600 ppm
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC):
Pentane: EPS manufacturing uses beads as a raw material, and EPS beads typically contain 4%-7% pentane by weight, which is defined as a VOC by the EPA. EPA document 540/3-90-020 states that 85% of the pentane contained in the EPS bead is emitted within 48 hours starting with the expansion process (which occurs within the manufacturing facility). The remaining pentane is released over time, there is likely negligible pentane content in the foam by the time of installation.
Styrene: Styrene is considered a VOC by the EPA. While Certificates of Analysis from bead suppliers typically do not state a styrene monomer content of EPS bead, several EPS bead suppliers have established that EPS beads typically contain styrene monomer, 900 to 1000 ppm by weight. After pre-expansion and expansion of beads, concentration should be considerably reduced.

What is Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)?
Expanded PolyStyrene (EPS) is a white foam plastic material produced from solid beads of polystyrene. It is primarily used for packaging, insulation, etc. It is a closed-cell, rigid foam material produced from:
Styrene – which forms the cellular structure
Pentane – which is used as a blowing agent
Polystyrene is produced from crude oil refinery product styrene. For manufacturing expanded polystyrene, the polystyrene beads are impregnated with the foaming agent pentane. Polystyrene granulate is prefoamed at temperatures above 90°C. Both styrene and pentane are hydrocarbon compounds and are obtained from petroleum and natural gas byproducts.
EPS is very lightweight with very low thermal conductivity, low moisture absorption and excellent cushioning properties. One of the serious limitations of polystyrene foam is its rather low maximum operating temperature ~80°C. Its physical properties do not change within its service temperature range (i.e. up to 167°F/75°C) for long-term temperature exposure.
Its chemical resistance is nearly equivalent to the material upon which it is based – polystyrene.
EPS is 98% air and it is recyclable.

What is the chemical name of Pentane?
General pentane (hereafter, pentane) is a colorless, volatile and flammable liquid with a sweet or gasoline-like odor. Pentane consists of three isomers: n-Pentane (the most important isomer), isopentane, and neopentane. n-Pentane is a constituent of crude oil and a component of the condensate from natural gas production.

Is pentane a blowing agent?
Blowing agent Pentane is a hydrocarbon solvent coming directly from the natural gas and crude oil. Pentane as blowing agent in (PUR) insulation foam : N-Pentane (CAS : 78-78-4).

What is the average cost of foam insulation?
The national average cost to fully insulate a home with spray foam is $10,000 to $30,000. Most homeowners spend around $20,000 on a mixture of open and closed cell insulation 6 inches thick in an existing 2,000 sq.ft. home. This project’s low cost is around $6,000 for 4 inches of open cell foam covering the attic floor.

For over 15 years, Junyuan Petroleum Group has been committed to delivering the highest quality chemicals, ESD protection, laboratory and cleanroom PPE supplies to medical device and electronic manufacturing laboratories worldwide. To learn more, visit China’s largest Pentane manufacturing base in Shandong, or info.

Where can I buy Pentane?

Junyuan Petroleum Group is the largest n-Pentane manufacturer in China
Pentane is mainly used in molecular sieve desorption and replacing freon as foaming agent, as solvent, and in the manufacture of artificial ice, anesthetic, synthetic pentanol, isopentane, etc. Packaging in steel drums: 125kg/drum or 14.7 MT per ISO Tank
Buy Pentane (C5H12) Online Here Or By Phone If you have questions about ordering pentane (n-Pentane) online at or would like to place an order, call +8617810300898 or email to talk with a Pentane Specialist.

What are uses of n-Heptane? Where to buy n-Heptane?

What are uses of n-Heptane? Where to buy n-Heptane?
n-Heptane extraction solvent.; It is mainly used as a standard for the determination of octane number. It can also be used as anesthetics, solvents and raw materials for organic synthesis; Used as analytical reagent and solvent; Used as analytical reagent, knock test standard of gasoline engine, reference substance and solvent for chromatographic analysis. The product can stimulate the respiratory tract and has anesthetic effect at high concentration. Flammable, the limit concentration of explosive mixture formed in the air is 1.0-6.0% (volume).; Biochemical research, protein sequence analysis. Determine ozone and triglyceride. Pesticide residue analysis. Spectral and fluorescence analysis. Standard fuel for determining the antiknock performance of gasoline.; n-Heptane CAS No. 142-82-5 can be used in biochemical research and protein sequence analysis. Determine ozone and triglyceride. Pesticide residue analysis. Spectral and fluorescence analysis. Standard fuel for determining the antiknock performance of gasoline. Heptane is used in labs as a reagent, a solvent, and for organic synthesis. Industrially, Heptane is used to manufacture various types of ink including printer ink, and stamp pad ink. Heptane is also used to produce cements, compounders, and hospital anesthetics.
If you would like to purchase n-Heptane, please send your inquiries via email to: or visit

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