Company Registration Number on Cargox Plateform

Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company's cargox registration code

Company Registration Number on Cargox Plateform

Company Profile

When exporting to Egypt, we provide our Egyptian counterparty with our CargoX ID registration number. Please note that our company’s CargoX ID number is 36 characters long string.

CargoX Ltd is a global company specializing in document transfer solutions, based on blockchain transaction and an ownership validation platform. The core team of founders brings together more than 100 years of experience in the logistics, banking, programming, IT and blockchain industries.

Today, the company is building a network of partnerships with leading regional and global manufacturers and service providers, and team members are actively partaking in standard-forming bodies to ensure industry-wide interoperability.

Company Name:
Dongying Liangxin Petrochemical Technology Development Limited Company
 Beijing . Dongying (Shandong) . Qingdao (Shandong) . Kuitun (Xinjiang)
Business Type: Manufacturer, Exporter, Importer
Location: No. 117, Guangqing Rd., Guangrao County, Dongying  257345 China
Membership: Sinopec, PetroChina, CNOOC market member since 2006
Main Item / Product: n-Pentane, Isopentane, Cyclopentane, Pentane Blend, Blowing Agent, n-Hexane, Isohexane, n-Heptane
National Company Registration Number 91370523789262330N
Company Registration Number on Cargox Plateform:  CARGOX No. : bae1b60a-6b2b-41e6-a9c3-3269d0086927.
Main Target Region: World Wide
Safety / Quality Approvals: ISO 9001-2000
Representative / CEO’s Name: Miao Guangfa
Year Established: 2006
Employees Total: 500+

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