The reasons for the rise of n-Heptane prices in January 2024

The reasons for the rise of n-Heptane prices in January 2024

The global n-Heptane prices have surged recently due to various factors, such as:

  • The increase in crude oil prices, which is the main feedstock for n-Heptane production. Crude oil prices have risen due to OPEC+ production cuts and geopolitical tensions¹².
  • The strong demand from the paints and coatings industry, which uses n-Heptane as a solvent and a thinner. The paints and coatings industry has grown due to the recovery of the automotive and construction sectors after the pandemic³⁴.
  • The limited supply of n-Heptane in some regions, such as Europe, where the production capacity is low and the imports are restricted by trade barriers and logistics issues³.

These factors have created a tight market situation for n-Heptane, leading to higher prices and margins for the producers and suppliers. However, the prices may vary depending on the region, the quality, and the availability of n-Heptane.

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