n-Pentane Supplier, CAS 109-66-0

n-Pentane Supplier, CAS 109-66-0

Pharmaceutical Chemicals – Normal Pentane You Can Trust Junyuan Petroleum Group – one of renowned suppliers, manufactures, exporters distributes a complete inventory of pharmaceutical chemicals, including n-Pentane, 99%, n-Pentane, 95%, HPLC solvents, research grade active ingredients, buffer solutions, and more.

What is a n-Pentane distributor partner?
We’re a full-service manufacturer, supplier, exporter and chemical distributor partner helping our customers meet manufacturing and distribution requirements at all levels of the supply chain. As a leading n-Pentane supplier, we supply fine and specialty pentanes throuh our extensive n-Pentane distributor network of global strategy business partners.

What is Junyuan Petroleum Group?
For over 10 years, the Junyuan Petroleum Group has served as a bulk pentane manufacturer, supplier, chemical distributor, blender and re-packager of quality chemicals and ingredients, and a trusted industrial, and lab chemical supplier. Junyuan Petroleum Group has been recognized as a Distinguished Manufacturer, Supplier and Distributor by several companies including China’s big three oil giants PetroChina, Sinopec and CNOOC, a world leading pentane manufacturer, an international diversified chemicals manufacturer.

n-Pentane, CAS:109-66-0, in 130kg drums and Isotank,160 drums/40″GP, 80 drums/20″ GP, 15MT/Isotank

Pentane is an alkane with the formula C 5 H 12. As a hydrocarbon, it can undergo hydrocarbon combustion which gives off heat. Traces of pentane can be found in raw natural gas, which is a type of fossil fuel. This pentane is usually removed before being shipped to customers as an energy currency.

  • Molar mass: 72.15 grams/mole
  • Formula: C₅H₁₂
  • Boiling Point: 36oC
  • Melting Point: -130oC

N-PENTANE is incompatible with strong oxidizers. It is also incompatible with strong acids, alkalis, and oxygen. Mixtures with chlorine gas have produced explosions. It will attack some forms of plastics, rubber, and coatings. (NTP, 1992)

General pentane (hereafter, pentane) is a colorless, volatile and flammable liquid with a sweet or gasoline-like odor. Pentane consists of three isomers: n-pentane (the most important isomer), isopentane, and neopentane. n-Pentane is a constituent of crude oil and a component of the condensate from natural gas production.

Junyuan Petroleum Group is a pentane manufacturer, supplier and distributor doing business for over 10 years. Our customers depend on Junyuan for a consistent and cost-effective supply of pentanes. Junyuan Petroleum Group has a team dedicated to ensuring the quality of the oil field chemicals we supply.

Give us a call at +8617810300898, or send us a message using the form below and we’ll follow-up with you shortly.

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