100 Days of Safe Production Compaign in 2022 Summer

100 Days of Safe Production Compaign in 2022 Summer

The Group of Companies held the launching ceremony of the “100 Days of Safe Production Compaign in 2022 Summer”

On the morning of June 30, Junyuan Petroleum Group of Companies grandly held the launching ceremony of the 2022 summer production safety 100 day campaign with the theme of “reinforcing weaknesses, strengthening weaknesses, improving quality and ensuring safety” at the south side of the West conference room on the first floor of the new office building. More than 90 company leaders and employees, including Yu Rui, the Deputy General Manager of the Group, Wei Yu, the Deputy General Manager and Factory Director, and Qiao Huijie, the Deputy General Manager and Director of Safety and Environmental Protection, attended the event. The event was presided over by General Manager Qi Chunxiao. According to the agenda of the event, Chen Huimin, the Personnel Manager of the General Office, and Wei Fuchang, the Director of the Production and Operation Center, made a statement at the meeting. Qiao Huijie made a mobilization speech for the launch ceremony. After the event, the company’s leaders and employees signed the banner of the launch ceremony in turn. In his mobilization speech, Qiao Huijie pointed out that the company held the launching ceremony of the 2022 “100 days of Safe Production In summer”, which opened the prelude for all members of Junyuan Petroleum Group to participate in the 100 days of safe production in summer. This will play a positive and important role in improving safety awareness, improving the quality of employees, improving the construction of the company’s safety culture, and continuously promoting the stability and long-term development of the company’s safety situation.

Qiao Huijie said that this compaign has a long time span, including hot summer, Mid Autumn Festival and National Day important legal holidays. Today, with the increasingly urgent safety situation and the increasingly strict requirements of the state for work environment, we should take work safety more seriously. Although there are criticisms, controversies and unhappiness in our daily work, we will always be a family in dealing with safety issues, because our goal is to “Come to work happily and go home safely”. We all hope to live safely every day, and we hope that the whole staff will work together to pack up and achieve good results.

What products are involved in this 100 day safety production? What are the characteristics of these products?

Pentane is a fine chemical product. There are three isomers, namely n-Pentane, Isopentane and Cyclopentane, which are mainly used in polyurethane foam, EPS foaming agent, new hydrocarbon refrigerant for air conditioners and refrigerators, etc. The upstream of pentane industrial chain is the by-product of natural gas condensate, oil field light hydrocarbon, light naphtha ethylene unit cracking and the main product of C5, cyclopentadiene. The downstream is the application market, which is mainly concentrated in polyurethane foaming agent, EPS foaming agent, linear low-density polyethylene solvent and other fields.

Due to their different structures and properties, n-Pentane, Isopentane, Cyclopentane and Pentane Blend, have different application fields at present. n-Pentane can be isomerized to produce Isopentane, and can also be used as a foaming agent. It can also be used in low temperature thermometers, artificial ice, anesthetics, and the synthesis of pentanol; Isopentane is an important admixture to improve the octane number of gasoline, and it is also an important raw material for the production of isoprene. It can also be dehydrogenated, chlorinated and hydrolyzed to isoprene, isoprene and isopentanol. It is the raw material and solvent for organic synthesis; Cyclopentane is mainly used in organic synthesis and the production of intermediates of fine chemicals. At present, the market demand is low.

Luan Gaifeng / Department of Safety and Environmental Protection


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