n-Pentane Catalytic

n-Pentane Catalytic

n-pentane catalytic cracking was studied over a series of MFI zeolites with varying SiO2/Al2O3 ratios (30, 80, 280, 500, and 1500) using a fixed-bed reactor operated at temperature 550 to 650 °C. Other MFI zeolites (SiO2/Al2O3 = 280) with various crystal morphology and size (such as large crystal and nano size) were also synthesized and tested for n-pentane cracking. The effects of MFI zeolite modification with ammonia and phosphorus on its physiochemical properties and catalytic activity were investigated. Among the parent MFI zeolites, MFI (280) demonstrated high selectivity (51%) towards light olefins (C3=/C2= = 0.7) at 650 °C with undesired C1-C4 alkanes (38%). Surface modified MFI (280) zeolites of different crystal size and morphology showed improvement towards propylene selectivity by suppressing undesired reactions.

manufacturer and supplier of n-Pentane

Phosphorous-modified MFI zeolite with a large crystal size was found to improve light olefin selectivity (52.2%) with C
3=/C2= = ∼1.3 and reduce undesired C1-C4 alkanes (8%) formation due to suppressed strong acidic sites. The characterization and evaluation results for the modified MFI (280) revealed that the incorporation of phosphorous created moderate acidic sites, which were stabilized by some non-framework aluminum species, thereby leading to suppressing the formation of undesired C1-C4 alkanes with improved light olefins selectivity.

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