Densities for Pentane, Hexane and Heptane

n-Heptane in bottle,CAS # 142-82-5 Formula C₇H₁₆. Synonyms n-heptane (normal heptane), dipropyl methane.

Densities for Pentane, Hexane and Heptane

Densities for common substances chart

Substance Density Temp.
1,1,2 trichlorotrifluoroethane 1564 kg/m³ 25 °C
1,2,4 trichlorobenzene 1454 kg/m³ 20 °C
1,4 dioxane 1033.6 kg/m³ 20 °C
2 methoxyethanol 964.6 kg/m³ 20 °C
acetic acid 1049.1 kg/m³ 25 °C
acetone 784.58 kg/m³ 25 °C
acetonitrile 782.2 kg/m³ 20 °C
alcohol, ethyl 785.06 kg/m³ 25 °C
alcohol, methyl 786.51 kg/m³ 25 °C
alcohol, propyl 799.96 kg/m³ 25 °C
ammonia 604 kg/m³ 25 °C
ammonia (aqua) 823.35 kg/m³ 25 °C
aniline 1018.93 kg/m³ 25 °C
automobile oils (average) 910 kg/m³ 15 °C
beer (average) 1010 kg/m³ 10 °C
benzene 873.81 kg/m³ 25 °C
benzil 1079.64 kg/m³ 25 °C
brine 1230 kg/m³ 15 °C
bromine 3120.4 kg/m³ 25 °C
butane 599.09 kg/m³ 25 °C
butyric acid 959 kg/m³ 20 °C
caproic acid 921.06 kg/m³ 25 °C
carbolic acid 956.3 kg/m³ 15 °C
carbon disulfide 1260.97 kg/m³ 25 °C
carbon tetrachloride 1584.39 kg/m³ 25 °C
carene 856.99 kg/m³ 25 °C
castor oil 956.14 kg/m³ 25 °C
CCL4 1584 kg/m³ 25 °C
chloride 1559.88 kg/m³ 25 °C
chlorobenzene 1105.8 kg/m³ 20 °C
chloroform 1489.2 kg/m³ 20 °C
chloroform 1464.73 kg/m³ 20 °C
citric acid 1659.51 kg/m³ 25 °C
CO2 680 kg/m³ 25 °C
coconut oil 924.27 kg/m³ 15 °C
cotton seed oil 925.87 kg/m³ 15 °C
creosote 1066.83 kg/m³ 15 °C
cresol 1023.58 kg/m³ 25 °C
crude oil, 32.6° api 862 kg/m³ 60 °F
crude oil, 35.6° api 847 kg/m³ 60 °F
crude oil, 40° api 825 kg/m³ 60 °F
crude oil, 48° api 790 kg/m³ 60 °F
crude oil, california 915 kg/m³ 60 °F
crude oil, mexican 973 kg/m³ 60 °F
crude oil, texas 873 kg/m³ 60 °F
cumene 860.19 kg/m³ 25 °C
cyclohexane 778.5 kg/m³ 20 °C
cyclopentane 745.4 kg/m³ 20 °C
decane 726.28 kg/m³ 25 °C
dichloromethane 1326 kg/m³ 20 °C
dichloromethane 1326 kg/m³ 20 °C
diesel fuel oil 20 to 60 885 kg/m³ 15 °C
diethyl ether 714 kg/m³ 20 °C
diethylene glycol 1120 kg/m³ 15 °C
dimethyl acetamide 941.5 kg/m³ 20 °C
dimethyl sulfoxide 1100.4 kg/m³ 20 °C
dodecane 754.63 kg/m³ 25 °C
ethane 570.26 kg/m³ -89 °C
ethanol 783 kg/m³ 25 °C
ether 72.72 kg/m³ 25 °C
ethyl acetate 900.6 kg/m³ 20 °C
ethyl alcohol 789.2 kg/m³ 20 °C
ethyl ether 713.3 kg/m³ 20 °C
ethylamine 680.78 kg/m³ 16 °C
ethylene dichloride 1253 kg/m³ 20 °C
ethylene glycol 1096.78 kg/m³ 25 °C
fluorine refrigerant r 12 1310.95 kg/m³ 25 °C
formaldehyde 812.14 kg/m³ 45 °C
formic acid 10% concentration 1025 kg/m³ 20 °C
formic acid 80% concentration 1221 kg/m³ 20 °C
freon 11 1490 kg/m³ 21 °C
freon 21 1370 kg/m³ 21 °C
fuel oil 890.13 kg/m³ 60 °F
furan 1416.03 kg/m³ 25 °C
furforol 1154.93 kg/m³ 25 °C
gas oils 890 kg/m³ 60 °F
gasoline 750 kg/m³ 25 °C
gasoline, natural 711.22 kg/m³ 60 °F
gasoline, vehicle 737.22 kg/m³ 60 °F
glucose 1395 kg/m³ 60 °F
glycerin 1259.37 kg/m³ 25 °C
glycerine 1260 kg/m³ 25 °C
glycerol 1126.1 kg/m³ 25 °C
glyme 869.1 kg/m³ 20 °C
heptane 679.5 kg/m³ 25 °C
hexane 654.83 kg/m³ 25 °C


Substance Density Temp.
hexanol 810.53 kg/m³ 25 °C
hexene 671.17 kg/m³ 25 °C
hydrazine 794.52 kg/m³ 25 °C
iodine 4927.28 kg/m³ 25 °C
ionene 932.27 kg/m³ 25 °C
iso octane 691.9 kg/m³ 20 °C
isobutyl alcohol 801.6 kg/m³ 20 °C
isopropyl alcohol 785.4 kg/m³ 20 °C
isopropyl myristate 853.2 kg/m³ 20 °C
kerosene 817.15 kg/m³ 60 °F
linolenic acid 898.64 kg/m³ 25 °C
linseed oil 929.07 kg/m³ 25 °C
mek 802.52 kg/m³ 25 °C
methane 464.54 kg/m³ -164 °C
methanol 791.3 kg/m³ 20 °C
methyl ethyl ketone (mek) 804.9 kg/m³ 20 °C
methyl isoamyl ketone 888 kg/m³ 20 °C
methyl isobutyl ketone 800.8 kg/m³ 20 °C
methyl n propyl ketone 808.2 kg/m³ 20 °C
methyl t butyl ether 740.5 kg/m³ 20 °C
milk 970 kg/m³ 15 °C
n butyl acetate 879.6 kg/m³ 20 °C
n butyl alcohol 809.7 kg/m³ 20 °C
n butyl chloride 886.2 kg/m³ 20 °C
n methylpyrrolidone 1030.4 kg/m³ 20 °C
n octane 692 kg/m³ 25 °C
n propyl alcohol 803.7 kg/m³ 20 °C
n,n dimethylformamide 948.7 kg/m³ 20 °C
naphtha 664.77 kg/m³ 15 °C
naphtha, wood 959.51 kg/m³ 25 °C
napthalene 820.15 kg/m³ 25 °C
o dichlorobenzene 1305.8 kg/m³ 20 °C
o xylene 880.2 kg/m³ 20 °C
ocimene 797.72 kg/m³ 25 °C
octane 917.86 kg/m³ 15 °C
oil engine 885 kg/m³ 25 °C
oil light 910 kg/m³ 25 °C
olive oil 1395 kg/m³ 20 °C
oxygen (liquid) 1140 kg/m³ -183 °C
palmitic acid 850.58 kg/m³ 25 °C
pentane 626.2 kg/m³ 20 °C
pentane 624.82 kg/m³ 20 °C
petrol, natural 711.22 kg/m³ 60 °F
petrol 737.22 kg/m³ 60 °F
petroleum ether 640 kg/m³ 20 °C
phenol 1072.28 kg/m³ 25 °C
phosgene 1377.59 kg/m³ 0 °C
phytadiene 823.35 kg/m³ 25 °C
pinene 856.99 kg/m³ 25 °C
propane 583.07 kg/m³ -40 °C
propane, R 290 493.53 kg/m³ 25 °C
propanol 804.13 kg/m³ 25 °C
propylene 514.35 kg/m³ 25 °C
propylene carbonate 1200.6 kg/m³ 20 °C
propylene glycol 965.27 kg/m³ 25 °C
pyridine 978.73 kg/m³ 25 °C
pyrrole 965.91 kg/m³ 25 °C
R 12 1310 kg/m³ 25 °C
R 134a 1206 kg/m³ 25 °C
R 22 1190 kg/m³ 25 °C
rape seed oil 920 kg/m³ 20 °C
resorcinol 1268.66 kg/m³ 25 °C
rosin oil 980 kg/m³ 15 °C
sabiname 812.14 kg/m³ 25 °C
sea water 1025.18 kg/m³ 25 °C
silane 717.63 kg/m³ 25 °C
sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) 1250 kg/m³ 15 °C
sorbaldehyde 895.43 kg/m³ 25 °C
soya bean oil 1395 kg/m³ 15 °C
stearic acid 890.63 kg/m³ 25 °C
styrene 903.44 kg/m³ 25 °C
sugar solution 68 brix 1338 kg/m³ 15 °C
sulphuric acid 95% conc. 1839 kg/m³ 20 °C
sunflower oil 920 kg/m³ 20 °C
terpinene 847.38 kg/m³ 25 °C
tetrahydrofuran 888 kg/m³ 20 °C
toluene 866.9 kg/m³ 20 °C
toluene 862.27 kg/m³ 20 °C
triethylamine 727.6 kg/m³ 20 °C
trifluoroacetic acid 1489 kg/m³ 20 °C
turpentine 868.2 kg/m³ 25 °C
water 1000 kg/m³ 25 °C
water, pure 1000 kg/m³ 4 °C
water, sea 1021.98 kg/m³ 77 °F
whale oil 925 kg/m³ 15 °C

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