A symposium held for college students who joined the company in 2022

A symposium held for college students who joined the company in 2022

The group of companies organized a symposium for college students who joined the company in 2022

In order to welcome and comfort the new college students and staff, and help them understand the company faster, change their roles and integrate into their work, the company organized a 2022 new college students’ Symposium on the afternoon of July 7. Qi Chunxiao, General Manager of  the Group of Companies, Chen Huimin, HR Manager, and 18 new college students who newly joined the company attended the meeting.

Qi Chunxiao, the general manager, put forward three expectations for new college students: first, we should establish goals, insist on demanding ourselves with “higher standards”, establish a sense of hardship, and complete the identity transformation as soon as possible; Second, we should strengthen the study of business knowledge, base ourselves on our own posts, widely study business knowledge, and consolidate the theoretical basis of business; Third, in the process of daily work, we should carefully summarize experience, grasp work rules, constantly improve our ability to find, analyze and solve problems, strive to be an expert in pentane, hexane and heptane business, and contribute to the high-quality development of the company while realizing our own aspirations.

At the exchange meeting, the new employees introduced themselves in combination with their own experience, and talked about their gains and feelings since their entry. Qi Chunxiao expressed his sincere welcome to the new college students, briefly introduced the development process and basic situation of the company, and put forward hopes and requirements for the new college students to integrate into the work as soon as possible.

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