Daily Price Changes

Daily Price Changes

2021/02/04. USD TO CNY TODAY.

Actual USD to CNY exchange rate equal to 6.4653 Chinese Yuans per 1 Dollar. Today’s range: 6.4550-6.4660. Previous day close: 6.4600. Change for today +0.0053, +0.08%.

The supply and demand of pentane market. According to the current situation, three production lines of Junyuan Petroleum Group will be put into operation in 2021-2022, and the market supply will increase. However, due to its C5 and C6 isomerization unit, the increase of market supply is limited. In 2021, the main consumers of domestic pentane market will still be the trade oil industry and pentane foaming agent industry. The main application is concentrated in the trade oil market. From the perspective of economic development, the trend of good economic operation will form a certain support for the domestic demand for refined oil, and pentane, as a gasoline blending component, will also be driven to a certain extent. In addition, due to the influence of policy, pentane fuel market is becoming more and more hot, and there may be good expectations in the later market. Overall, the market supply and demand pattern will continue to change in 2021, which will restrict the trend of C5 on the price.

You are very welcome to call or email for sales inquiry. Email: info@junyuanpetroleumgroup.com WhatsApp: +86 178 1030 0898

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