Technical Exchange Meeting

Technical Exchange Meeting

Professors from Shandong Institute of Petrochemical Technology Came to the Company for Technical Exchange Meeting

Recently, Professor Dai Xiaodong and Professor Shi Huilong of Shandong Institute of Petrochemical Technology came to our company for technical exchange. Yu Rui, deputy general manager of the group company, and Yue Xinbing, deputy director of the production dispatching center, attended the technical exchange meeting.

The two sides had in-depth discussions on in-depth learning, which played a positive role in promoting the company’s production technology level in the solvent fields such as pentane, hexane, heptane and octane.

Warmly welcome professors from Shandong Institute of petrochemical technology to our company for technical exchange

This exchange activity is mainly for in-depth discussion and exchange on the scientific research direction of utility model patents and invention patents.
After the introduction of the participants, Dai Xiaodong and his party had a certain understanding of the scientific research direction of the group company and gave reasonable suggestions, which laid an effective foundation for the smooth promotion of the group company’s scientific research work in the next step.

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