The Company’s Project passed the Safety Review

The company's project passed the safety review

The Company’s Project passed the Safety Review

In accordance with the production safety law of the people’s Republic of China, the regulations on the safety management of hazardous chemicals, the measures for the safety supervision and management of hazardous chemicals construction projects (Order No. 45 of the State Administration of work safety, as amended by order No. 79), the notice on printing and distributing the implementation rules of the measures for the safety supervision and management of hazardous chemicals construction projects in Shandong Province (Lu’an Jianfa [2018] No. 17), and other relevant laws regulatory requirements.

On the afternoon of August 21, the work safety and comprehensive law enforcement bureau of the agricultural high tech zone in the Yellow River Delta organized three experts to the group company to review the safety conditions and safety facility design of the rectification unit safety improvement and transformation project.
At the meeting, the expert group listened to the report of relevant leaders of the company on the basic situation and safety condition evaluation report of the project. After reviewing the data, discussion and deliberation, the expert group reached a consensus and agreed to pass the safety condition and safety facility design review of the construction project.
The enterprise development center was responsible for the review. Qi Chunxiao, general manager of the group company, Yu Rui, Wei Yu and Qiao Huijie, deputy general managers, Zhang Laibao, deputy factory director, sun Peisheng, assistant general manager, Liu Zhongshan, general manager of Xinjiang company and heads of relevant departments attended the review meeting.

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