Daily Price Changes (15-DEC-21)

According to the price news released by the marketing department today, the prices of pentane, hexane and heptane products have not changed today.

Classification of chemical raw materials chemical raw materials can be divided into organic chemical raw materials and inorganic chemical raw materials.

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Organic chemical raw materials can be classified into alkanes and their derivatives, olefins and their derivatives, alkynes and their derivatives, quinones, aldehydes, alcohols, ketones, phenols, ethers, anhydrides, esters, organic acids, carboxylates, carbohydrates, heterocycles, nitriles, halogenates, amines and others. 4、 Classification of inorganic chemical raw materials the main raw materials of inorganic chemical products are sulfur, sodium, phosphorus, potassium Calcium and other chemical minerals (see inorganic salt industry) and coal, oil, natural gas, air, water, etc. v. what are organic chemical raw materials? Organic chemical industry is the abbreviation of organic chemical industry, also known as organic synthesis industry. It is an industry that mainly produces various organic raw materials based on oil, natural gas, coal, etc. the direct raw materials of basic organic chemical industry include hydrogen, carbon monoxide, methane Ethylene, acetylene, propylene, aliphatic hydrocarbons above C4, benzene, toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene, etc. Aliphatic hydrocarbon raw materials for different purposes can be prepared from crude oil, petroleum fraction or pyrolysis gas of low-carbon alkanes, refinery gas and gas after separation and treatment; Aromatic feedstock can be separated from catalytic reforming reforming gasoline, hydrocarbon cracking cracking gasoline and coal tar of coal carbonization.

Daily Price Changes

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