Pentane Blends

Pentane as foaming agent is mainly used to foam polyurethane and styrene. In pentane foaming agent, pentane is mainly n-pentane and isopentane, and when the proportion reaches more than 99%, it can be used as styrene foaming agent, and the finished product is EPS.

In addition, n-pentane can be used for foaming of building plates. The main purpose of making polyurethane foaming agent is cyclopentane, which is mainly used for foam in the refrigerator door. When you go home, you can see the label of cyclopentane on your refrigerator. This is mainly due to the cavitation of ozone layer before foaming, but later replaced by 141b, but it is still polluted. Pentane will not be cleaned. Pentane has a low density of about 0.62, which is flammable and volatile. As a foaming agent, it uses its volatile characteristics to leave small holes in styrene or polyurethane. It should belong to physical foaming without chemical reaction. Up to now, EPS foaming with pentane has been a mature system, while polyurethane foaming with cyclopentane is still developing. Because China pays close attention to industrial safety, few manufacturers can change the foaming agent from 141b to cyclopentane for polyurethane, mainly large refrigerator factories such as Haier and Hisense.

Pentane as foaming agent is mainly used to foam polyurethane and styrene.

How does pentane work when used as a foaming agent

Pentane in pentane foaming agent is mainly n-pentane and isopentane, and when the proportion reaches more than 99%, it can be used as styrene foaming agent, finished EPS, main mechanisms such as see dragon mechanism, etc; In addition, n-pentane can be used for foaming of building plates. When making polyurethane foaming agent, it is mainly cyclopentane, which is mainly used for foam in refrigerator door body.

What are the main uses of Pentane in addition to EPS foaming agent?

n-Pentane can be used to prepare isopentane and as extractant. Polystyrene foaming agent, liquid air lubricant. It is used for low temperature thermometer, making human ice, anesthetic and synthetic pentanol.

Isopentane is an admixture to improve the octane number of “lead-free” gasoline, and it is also a raw material for the production of isoprene. Isoprene and isoprene can be prepared by dehydrogenation;

Isoamyl alcohol is prepared by chlorination and hydrolysis. It is the raw material and solvent of organic synthesis.

Chemical Reaction
Pentane burns in oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water: C5H12 + 8 O2 → 5 CO2 + 6 H2O
Similar to other alkanes, pentane can also undergo free radical chlorination: C5H12 + Cl2 → c5h11cl + HCl
These reactions are non selective, and the products are 1 -, 2 -, 3-chloropentane and mixtures of polysubstituted derivatives. Other halogens can also undergo radical substitution reaction with pentane.

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