23-JAN-22: The prices of pentane, hexane and heptane products continued to remain stable

23-JAN-22: There is no change in product price today. The prices of Pentane, Hexane and Heptane products continued to remain stable. With the end of this week and the arrival of the Chinese new year, the operating rate of many manufacturers continues to decline. At present, the inventory of various manufacturers is relatively low. If customers need to increase orders, please prepare in advance.
In terms of shipping,

the increasing sea freight has soared 12 times, or set a record!

Shipping News

The shipping company made a huge profit! Global shipping profits may soar 5 times!! In the past year, the global shipping market continued to be hot, international ports were congested, containers were hard to find, and shipping prices continued to soar. For a long time, shipping has been an important part of the international trade and transportation market with its low price However, since the outbreak of the epidemic, the global shipping cost has opened a crazy price increase mode.

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