The prices of Pentanes, Hexanes and Heptanes are stable today, unchanged from yesterday

On January 10, the market price of n-Pentane, Isopentane, Pentane Foaming Agent, n-Hexane, n-Heptane, n-Octane and D series solvents, the upstream raw material naphtha was mainly stable, the market price of hydrocarbons was temporarily stable, the demand for downstream EPS foaming agent and refrigerator refrigerant increased, the operating load of manufacturers increased generally, the supply of Pentane Blowing Agent market was tight, and the market transaction was OK. The profits of Pentane Foaming Agent manufacturers increased. The market price is expected to remain stable. tomorrow.
◎ Chemical Hotspots
The market weighed the tight supply situation, the weaker than expected U.S. employment data and the outlook of the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy, and the international oil price closed down after rising sharply in the session. NYMEX crude oil futures 02 contract fell by US $0.56/barrel or 0.70% at 78.90; Ice oil distribution futures 03 contract 81.75, down $0.24/barrel or 0.29%.
◎ How does the sudden tension in Kazakhstan affect the crude oil market?
Due to the strong resistance of crude oil pipeline transportation to epidemic situation, bad weather and other factors, unless the pipeline is damaged or the input end of the oil field is damaged, the transportation capacity will remain stable. Therefore, the impact of the situation in Kazakhstan on China’s import of crude oil from Kazakhstan may be slight. Previous tensions in Myanmar similar to this incident failed to have a significant impact on the transportation of China Myanmar crude oil pipeline. The tension in Kazakhstan this time, unless the deterioration of the situation affects the facilities related to crude oil production and export, the impact on the international crude oil price may be very limited, and it will not restrict China’s normal crude oil import. Junyuan Petroleum Group will continue to pay attention to the follow-up progress of this event.

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