Pentane blends in ISO Tank

Pentane Foaming Agent

How is expandable polystyrene produced in the manufacturing process?
Expandable Polystyrene (EPS) Production and Manufacturing Process Expandable polystyrene (EPS) is produced in a suspension process by adding a blowing agent, usually pentane, which causes resin to foam during moulding. The process may be performed as a single step or a two step process.

GB/T 22053-2008

Quality Index

Item Index
Density (20 ℃), kg / m3 615~630
Sulfur content / (UG / ml) ≤ 10
Mechanical impurities and moisture
Copper strip corrosion (20 ℃, 3H) ≤ 1
Water soluble acid or alkali
Total pentane content /% ≥ 98
C6 and above recombinant fraction,% ≤ 1
Evaporation residue / (mg / 100ml) ≤ 10
Bromine index / (mg / 100g) ≤ 100

The product is used as foaming agent in the production of expandable polystyrene resin.
Packaging, marking, storage and transportation
The product shall be filled with liquefied gas tank truck according to the provisions of GB 14193. Over filling is strictly prohibited.
The products shall be transported by liquefied gas tanker, and the safety requirements and marks of the transport vehicles shall comply with the provisions of LBF [1994] No. 262.
The product shall be stored in the storage tank and comply with the provisions of Guo Fa (1999) No. 154 of the quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of the State Administration of quality and technical supervision.

Expandable polystyrene (EPS) is produced in a suspension process by adding a blowing agent, usually pentane, which causes resin to foam during moulding. The process may be performed as a single step or a two step process. The two step process passes the blowing agent though the polystyrene beads during, or after, polymerisation.

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